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October 17th, 2015

[info]liedetector in [info]the100

WHO: Loki, the ghost of Verity Willis
WHEN: Last night, immediately after the reversion of species!
WHERE: Loki's (Snow White's) office
WHAT: Verity shows up and Loki is super happy.
WARNINGS: Some talk about body trading, but it's pretty harmless, especially since Verity is like !!!! over it

''And your timing couldn’t be better. I had an interim BFF, but she vanished.'' )

[info]goawayanna in [info]the100

There's so many different kinds of magic here.

I mean, mine, and the magic of Misthaven. That was all I knew, but here, it's talked so easily about raising the dead, about souls and few seem to comment on it.

Is it normal? Or at least normal here to speak so openly of it.

[info]liedetector in [info]the100

1 recently deceased body. Female with pink hair, glasses, tattoos, pjs.
No need for alarm, though there was a lot of ghostly dry heaving for a while there. Loki filled me in on what's been happening, and then bothered the shit out of me until I posted here. So here I am. Verity Willis.

Let's get a few things straight though, before you go and try to talk to me. I'm mostly a recluse by necessity and a little bit by choice. People lie and they lie a lot, and sometimes it's about the stupid shit. I'm basically a human lie detector. I can tell when you believe something, and I can decipher if it's actually true (depending on if it's emotion-based or not). I can see through illusions — shitty ones or God-like ones. I can't enjoy sarcasm or most fiction for this same reason. I see every kind of lie. My sense just sort of pings all over the place. LIE. LIE. LIE.

So. Recluse.

At least until Loki came along. Go ahead. Make the joke, but know that if you put him in that box of evil, I'll rip you a new asshole for it. He's spent a long time and went through a lot of trials to accept himself and he fought against his own future evil self and won. So the Loki any of you might have known is no longer. I believe in him.

That's not to say that he's not a little shit-stirrer. He wouldn't be the God of Stories without a few pranks up his sleeves. Nobody's perfect.

Oh, and medical, I'm really sorry about the dead body coming in only to get reawakened on your shift. I'm pretty sure that was pretty fucked up for a lot of you. Here's hoping that it doesn't happen again any time soon. Kaidan and Shepard, I think that dead body smell will go away after a few hours. It's really gross.

[info]cword in [info]the100

network post: alison hendrix

I need help now

[info]thecat in [info]the100

chatty; felicia hardy (014)

chatty to castiel:

[info]shutupenglish in [info]the100

I need help, right now, in the mess hall. They've all gone

they're all crazy, please help me, we were just trying to have practice


I'm all right, just a little sock to my chin. But there are a lot of people here who need taken care of until they recover. Which I'm told they will.

[info]bornunder in [info]the100

(backdated to last night after everyone turned back into themselves again)
-- Where are you? Are you okay?
-- This is the real Sam asking. Not the demonic one.
