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April 28th, 2015

[info]notanazi in [info]the100

Seems like everyones viewing this like a fresh start. New world. New life.

Seems too easy but maybe I'm just fatalistic.


Look can we talk? No agendas nothing. Just seems like maybe we need to


You didn't happen to get pulled to hell on earth with a hip flask of expensive scotch did you?

Could do with a word

[info]youknowspies in [info]the100

I took a peek into the room where all the goodies are kept, and I came across a couple of boxes of board games. Anyone want to join me tonight? I definitely saw Hungry Hungry Hippos and Yahtzee, and we all know those are good for a good time.

[info]metshakespeare in [info]the100

Has anyone seen a blue police box? Or a man wearing a suit with trainers? Calls himself The Doctor?

No? Ah well, guess this one isn't his fault then.

Looks like a girl can't even get a decent night's sleep before being swept up in the next adventure.

Mickey? Jack? You here?

[info]skaikru in [info]the100

I know a bunch of you have magic and super powers and stuff, but I thought maybe I should ask what all you guys can do? I know that Carol can fly -- which I keep meaning to talk to her about -- and that one guy whose name I can't remember can summon spirits or whatever that was. I've never really seen super powers, just read about them. I kind of lived under the floorboards so my brother had to sneak me books. I only had my imagination to go by so it's kind of hard to visualize any of this.

Are you done sulking yet?

[info]marysuepoots in [info]the100

Filter: Coulson's Team
Ward wants to talk. To me, I mean, not all of us together.

[info]willingtopay in [info]the100

I still can't think of a name for the snail. Help me brainstorm?

Did you talk to that mechanic yet?

[info]hotforteacher in [info]the100

Really? From one mysterious kidnapping to another?

Yeah, this is waaaay better.

[info]willingtopay in [info]the100

WHO: Steve Rogers & Carol Danvers
WHEN: backdated to right after that Camp Jaha drama!
WHERE: Near Carol’s room to start, and then they go for a walk.
WHAT: FIRST OFFICIAL MEETING. Hugs and awkwardness.
WARNINGS: No, they are Disney in this. … Okay, Steve cusses.

'I hear I still owe you a hug.' )
