Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019





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Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019




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Posts Tagged: 'arcturus+black'

Jan. 9th, 2018



YEAH I ain't doin' this kid bullshit. you lot have fun. fuck this.



I have to say, my TARDIS is looking awfully odd today! Can anyone tell me where I am? I'm the Doctor. Please, won't someone be a dear and reply?

Jan. 8th, 2018




My Father will hear of this.

[Voice post]

[a young girl speaks, clearly confused and distressed]

...what does it mean press here to speak? Can someone hear me? Mother?

[much louder than necessary]

I don't know where I am. Is anyone there?

[faint sniffling]



Что это, испытание?

Здравствуйте, может кто подскажет, где я нахожусь?

Bonjour, quelqu'un peut me dire où je suis?

Ciao, qualcuno può dirmi dove mi trovo?

Hola, alguien puede decirme dónde estoy?

Hallo, kann mir jemand sagen wo ich bin?

مرحبا، يمكن أن تقولوا لي أين أنا؟


Hello, can someone tell me where I am?

[What is this, a test?

Hello, can someone tell me where I am? In Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Arabic, and Japanese]



backdated one (1) day

I'm curious - how many of you arrived here with physical alterations that you weren't expecting?

Jan. 5th, 2018



One thing I miss about the holidays are the Weasley Christmas sweaters. Gran would knit one for everyone and while they'd be hideous, a bit ill-fitting, and label everyone with the first letter of their first name, it was a cozy tradition. I didn't get one of those this year.

Meanwhile, I'm thinking about quitting my job. No idea what I'd do instead, but these hours are killing me. I'm far too young to feel like I'm eighty-bloody-years-old. Merlin's pants...

Jan. 3rd, 2018



Am I the only one excited for Valentine's Day? Or moreso for the day after? Half-priced chocolates are always nice, especially if they're Lindt's.

I'd wonder at this point if I should invest in chocolate fondue, but they can be germ magnets.

[Private to Loki]
Did you enjoy Christmas? Did your mother? I hope she did.

Is everything okay? I wanted to ask when you came, but I felt like you didn't want to say so around her. If something's wrong, you can tell me. Or you can always come to visit. You can think of it as a home away from home.

I really love the gift, by the way. I wear it every day.

Jan. 2nd, 2018



I have some questions. Both wizards and muggles can answer, if they like.

Would you consider a Television a dangerous muggle machine? Do you think that someone who is forbidden to behave like a muggle should avoid looking at Televisions altogether because they would get into terrible trouble if they did? If your answer is no, then are there any long photographs you would recommend that are suitable for young people. That is, ones that do not feature muggles in states of undress, or profanities, or other sorts of immorality?

Jan. 1st, 2018



I have

some several regrets.

Dec. 31st, 2017



Letter for Albus Dumbledore )

Dec. 28th, 2017



I hope everyone had a merry holiday! I woke to the greatest gift - a memory from Narnia. On Christmas morning, I found my cordial wrapped and tied with a bow. I haven't seen it in years and thought it was lost forever. It is almost like Aslan had a hand in that but I doubt it.

Does everyone have a resolution for the new year? I haven't decided whether or not I should even make one.

[Private to Richard]
Do you have plans for New Year's Eve, kind sir?



photo )

I think he's been enjoying the bed and my owl visitor more than I have been. Jamie! Look at him! Can he come play someday? I think he'd enjoy it.

It's been so cold, I hope everyone's staying warm. I'm looking forward to visiting the beach again once the weather permits.

Dec. 26th, 2017



Christmas Day was splendid. I thought it would trouble me that I'm not at home, but someone here reminded me of the people I know who are almost never with their families for Christmas, because it is too far to travel. I am fortunate because I do have relatives here, even if they are that bit more distant.

Also, the most peculiar thing happened. An elf came to my door, and she was the very same elf who used to mind me when I was an infant in the nursery back home. It is nice to see her again, even if she really ought to be looking after baby Phinny. That is my nephew Phineas, but I don't suppose any of you know him either.

The best news of all is that I have a dog! He is a Labrador, just as I always wanted, and his name is Mitra. We went for a walk in the forest this morning.

[Arcturus doesn't know how to attach pictures, but for the knowledge of people who might see him in person - Mitra is adorable]

Dec. 25th, 2017



My ship is here! The Muntjac is here! Somehow they brought it here. Merry Christmas, all.

Dec. 23rd, 2017



Does magic exist here? I haven't tried it yet. Maybe I should just... try it.

Dec. 22nd, 2017




I'm not kidding. )

Dec. 18th, 2017



I do not understand this Christmas thing. What is the point of cutting down a tree, killing it, then decorating it in your house? Do you also do this with other forms of corpses in some strange form of celebration?

I like the red and white striped candies, though.

Dec. 16th, 2017



Some muggle children are very greedy. The 'Christmas stockings' I saw for sale in Summerbridge looked as if they would comfortably fit a giant's feet. If this Father Christmas chap were real, I doubt he'd leave them anything.


I'm still here, Mr Cassian. My cousin returned home quite unexpectedly, and then - well, very many things happened, but the important thing to tell you is that I am going to stop trying to devise plans for now.

Perhaps I'll see you in the tavern soon? If you aren't still irate about


You needn't worry about me any longer. Cassiopeia is quite remarkable sometimes. She found someone to talk to that wasn't a horrid muggle, a Miss Emerton, and I'm to meet her, and she has given her word that my family at home won't think I'm dead or lost, and that if I am patient I can go home someday.

It is the best news I've had in months.

Dec. 14th, 2017



Private to the (HP) Wizarding Crowd

As I have been here several weeks now, I suppose it's time I find a permanent place to call home. The Reagan Inn has been very hospitable, but one can't live in a hotel forever. However, I am still acclimating to life here in Preya, and find I could use some assistance in procuring an appropriate property.