Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019





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Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019




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Posts Tagged: 'jesse+mccree'

Mar. 22nd, 2019



We gettin' back to some kind of normal 'round here? Normal as it gets anyway. Not jealous at all it skipped over me this time. Always feels a bit like the calm before another storm when we have these quiet times between. Leaves ya wonderin' when and what's comin' next. That may just be how they want it...

[Free! Kids]

Y'all doin' alright? Not sure how many of ya were caught up in this last mess, but thought I'd check in on ya.

Feb. 23rd, 2019



This place is really starting to get annoying.

Jan. 21st, 2019



Has anyone seen Genji Shimada?

I haven't seen or heard from him in a long while. I know Hanzo was looking for him, but I was hoping maybe he was hiding from him.

...He wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, right?

Genji... Please don't tell me I was too late. I'm sorry...

Jan. 15th, 2019



I find there is nothing more serene than watching a cat rest. Seeing them curl up in a ball, paws over their face, as their tail swishes about, is peace at its finest.

It's always a shame when the sounds of spurs jingling disturb that peace.

A few of them have gotten use to the noise, but not all of them yet.

[Private to Jesse]

If that wasn't much of a clue, then please stop wearing spurs in the bedroom. Some of the kittens think it's time to play then.

By the way, have you seen or heard from Genji? He's been quiet for some time.

Dec. 9th, 2018





What do I do, Ang? I know I done messed up bad, but I'm a wreck without that grump of mine...

Dec. 5th, 2018



[Private to Jesse, Genji, and Quinlan]

Well, since all you guys are out, it's about damn time.

Shimada, your brother should have worked harder. You three should have been out sooner.

But it's time - McCree, Shimada, meet Quinlan Vos. He's going to be joining Blackwatch with you two. Vos, it's time you met the boys (and if you want, you're free to teach them a thing or two). Jesse McCree I picked up from a gang and got him back on his feet. Best sharpshooter I have. Taught him almost everything I know. Genji Shimada was picked up after a fight with his brother (if you want to call it that) and he's a ninja. He's best at stealth.

Also... we may need to let Jack in on a bit more things nowadays. Or it will be something that we need to discuss.

Oct. 31st, 2018



Early morning, around 3am

Puhuhu... well isn't this an innnnnnteresting turn of events?

Gooooood morning, all you lovely, hope filled suckers! It's a beauuuuutiful day!

To spread some despair.

Notably this is added in later, long enough that someone probably noticed Nagisa missing. Feel free to respond to them separately

Anyone recognize this kid? He's not lookin' so hot! And that's not just a penguin pun. Someone might wanna come get him before something unfortunate happens to him.

[Insert address to a random, unoccupied house in the Brightford area]

Oct. 29th, 2018



Maybe a touch out of the season with everyone talkin' candy and costumes, but where 'round here do ya'll get pizza? I'm talkin' your legit pizzeria here, not those to-go places. I want me a deep dish with everythin' on it.

Han! Come out with me an' the kids tonight to hit a haunted house or two. Morrison and Reyes, ya grandpas are more than welcome to join us too, provided half of ya ain't in some crisis again.

Oct. 24th, 2018



So, by any chance, does anyone know how to get a pumpkin off of someone's head.

Nothing sharp can be involved and no bodily harm to me. Also don't scratch the pumpkin or anything or I'll hurt you.

Asking for me my husband.

Oct. 18th, 2018



Okay, okay. Help a guy out, here. I know somewhere here, someone has got to already have Christmas shit out. It's like the law of the universe that certain kinds of stores will bring out Christmas stuff in like July, practically. Anyone seen any yet? I'm gonna need some candy canes, stat.

Oct. 11th, 2018



Are there any haunted houses in Preya?