Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019





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Just as you approach the darkest point in your life, you mysteriously receive a one way ticket with the promise of a better life. However, once you've redeemed your ticket, there is no turning back. Some find comfort in their new home, while others are desperate to leave. A revolution is in the works, what side will you take?

May 2019




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Posts Tagged: 'castiel'

Mar. 22nd, 2019



[Angel Radio]

Just like to confirm that I'm definitely feeling the absence of Lucifer and all subsequent impending doom?



I am ME as you are he as you are me and we are all together!!! \o/

ALright, I took some artistic license there, BUT I'M YOUNG AGAIN! Or me again? I don't really remember much, but older!Jan really is wiser 'cause she left me a diary of everything that happened while I wasn't me or couldn't remember being me!

Does anyone else not remember being themselves?

Aaron )

Mar. 9th, 2019



Good Morning Preya!

Look at how intact this place still is. Look at how alive you all are. The last time I saw some of you, you were just piles of ash. Gotta say, I'm torn on which was the better look for you, Pompeii-chic is just so in right now. Or it will be. Some of you should definitely stop by if you want to get on the trend before everybody else.

You should have seen the look on big brother's face when he realized I was real. I don't think he'll be able to sleep for a week, not that he sleeps. But don't worry about him, Mikey will be fine. As much of a dump as his place is, he's got nice big closets. I threw him into the nicest one while he rides out his little fit in peace. I even introduced him to a few new show tunes and got him a bib to catch some of that drool. I'm taking great care of him, he should be fine in a few days.

I'm still tickled that he's playing cops and robbers, by the way. A+ to the RPD for putting a badge on the biggest, bluntest tool in the shed. Like using a nuke instead of a hammer, but I guess when you're driving nails into your own coffin it doesn't really matter, does it?

Also, you wouldn't believe what is in Mikey's phone. He's been consorting with demons! Dead ones. Can you believe that? For shame! Next thing you know he'll be wearing flannel and start trying to talk like he's gargling rocks to make his voice deeper. But don't worry, I know exactly how to help shield my poor, impressionable big bro from such negative influences.

Mar. 8th, 2019



What's that you say? Preya's doing weird things? I can't believe everyone is so surprised anymore! (Unless you're new here, then sorryyyyy. But believe me, after living here for 10+ years, it's better to rip the band-aid off then it is to nurse it)

I mean...I can't really remember anything and it seems like I've traveled back in time, so cool! I guess I can enjoy a younger Preya. How many shops do I have here? And what was the last party I threw?

For those that don't know me, I'm Janet Van Dyne, hostess extraordinaire!

You know you wanna follow me! )

Mar. 2nd, 2019




Do you... regret?

What we did, opening Purgatory. Do you regret it?

Do you regret anything at all?


Have you ever used a hot tub before?

Feb. 28th, 2019



Private Angel Radio

Castiel. I need you to answer a question for me. I have heard things recently, things about you that concern me, so I want to hear it from you.

Did you absorb the souls in purgatory, briefly make yourself the new god and then murder Raphael?

Feb. 27th, 2019



I took a walk today and I found a new companion in Summerbridge. I couldn't resist. Here's a photo of him.

I'm taking name suggestions. Though maybe I'll call him Vanguard. He does have personality that reminds me if a certain someone.

Feb. 23rd, 2019



This place is really starting to get annoying.



Gosh, it's getting cold fast, isn't it?

Just as a general announcement Rockbell Automail has officially moved to the Fairy Tail Guild Hall (location details here). To my customers and anyone else who might be interested in mechanical body parts, the new location isn't too far from where my shop used to be, but it's a lot more spacious now. Light, when you get a chance and when all this blizzard stuff is over, could you come over and help me set up all the electronic things again? And if you don't have somewhere to stay for the blizzard, please come over. We have plenty of space here.

That said, if anyone is finding themselves without a warm place to stay around the Summerbridge/Ravenmoore border, please feel free to come over to my shop at the Guild Hall. We've got food and water but most importantly heat. Natsu, Happy and I will make sure you're safe and out of the cold. Be safe, everyone!

[Private to Natsu]
I don't know how many people will actually come, but do you think we're ready? There are people back home who live in these types of conditions all the time, and they seem to be just fine. Then again, they're military so that might explain it. Anything I can do to help you prepare? I must not really be built for the cold since I can't seem to get warm no matter how many coats I put on. How am I supposed to help people when I can't even get warm myself?

Feb. 22nd, 2019



Well, the party’s still on for Sunday, blizzard or not! But please, please, please, PLEASE don’t try and come if it gets too crazy out there! For anyone that’s able to make it, extra beds will be made up and we’ll be fully stocked on food and drinks!

Plus, if it’s really as bad as people are saying it’ll be, work and/or school will probably be closed the next couple days! It’ll be a SNOW PARTY!!

Feb. 16th, 2019



[Dean, Sam, Jo, Krissy, and Isabel]

I spoke with Michael. He told me that he will keep his distance if we keep ours.

Also, I need some very old and expensive scotch. Recommendations would be appreciated.



You're looking for a sale on Valentines candy, you say? Forgot to give your loved ones something actually worth their while on the Holiday? Didn't find true love on Valentine's Day proper?

Why, I know just the place to find all of those things and more.

Feb. 14th, 2019



Not that I am speaking in my official capacity here but I would like to remind the general population that while the 14th may be a day of love for most of you, that does not mean laws regarding public exposure and public indecency will be waived. Please show some respect for yourself, your partner(s) and your fellow citizens by celebrating the holiday without engaging in any inappropriate conduct while in public.

Feb. 4th, 2019



I understand it is a role that one asks someone else to fulfill for them, but... what exactly does a valentine do?

Feb. 3rd, 2019



Wizard's Chess, anyone?

Oh! And before I forget, there is a most exquisite tailor in Everdale just near the school that I highly recommend. Fast and reliable and not terribly expensive either. Indeed, I shall be styling my new purple robes come Monday morning's class!

Jan. 29th, 2019




Y'know when you start watching a video on youtube and then the sidebar suggests some other stuff to watch and then all the sudden you look up and hours have gone by?

Well, I just did that with pretty much all of modern television. Let's just get it out there before anyone asks: Game of Thrones is overrated and that new reboot of She-Ra had me thinking that maybe furries were okay.

The world is a different place than how I left it. More confusing. More colorful. More winter, I guess?

Whatever. Not the point. The POINT is, the time of the season for loving is upon us. C'mon down to Just Desserts for some heavenly specials. Tell me who your daddy is, and you'll get something special. ;)

Jan. 24th, 2019



Well, the Royal Rumble's coming up. Yes, I'm a demon and I enjoy wrestling. I've watched it since they used to wrestle each other (and occasionally lions) naked. Good times. But I digress. If I weren't here I'd take advantage of the all-access passes to the event, but since I'm not...

Anyone fancy having a night in to watch the show? I'll provide refreshments, hell we can probably get a bit of a wager going on who you think will win. If Finn Balor doesn't walk out champion, I'm going to set something on fire. But I've got a brilliant television and sound set up, it'll almost feel like you're actually there.

Any takers? Leave the rock salt at the door, thanks.


Had a wonderful conversation with your brother today. You know, about yea high, daddy issues, Archangel?

You can stop having heart palpitations, I didn't ring Lucifer, I rang Gabriel.

Jan. 23rd, 2019




Asking this for a friend because I don’t condone murder. I’m Canadian.

Who would you need to kill to get a ticket out of this place?

Annnnnd, before I forget to ask…

Is it at all possible to rent a unicorn? How about a unicorn with wings?

Jan. 22nd, 2019



I sympathize with birds. They get so grumpy when their feathers fall off. I mean it's like waking up and having a bad day, only its a bad few months. I wonder if they get all itchy and tired... Using up all that energy in only a few months. Molting sucks.

Private to Azrael )

Dec. 27th, 2018



hello? how do I talk to people again?

Hi! So, what's a girl gotta do to find some good ale around here?