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Oct. 20th, 2014


Who: Roxanna, Hermes, Jamie, Thomas, Lena, token appearance by Anthony
What: Please take me home
When: Backdated to Thursday, the 16th
Where: Kemp duplex, abandoned warehouse, hospital
Warnings: Kidnapping and the aftermath, violence, drugs, language, god-smashing, TBD

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Oct. 9th, 2014


Who: Roxanna & Jamie, plus a gang of thugs
What: Remember how I said 'no one plans to get kidnapped'?
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: NY street, pizza place, warehouse
Warnings: Kidnapping, violence, language

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Sep. 16th, 2014


Who: Thomas & Roxanna
What: More family of choice moments
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Kemp house
Warnings: Perhaps a bit of tooth-rotting fluff

So hey, there's news... )

Sep. 3rd, 2014


Who: Roxanna & Jamie (Could be open to Thomas or Lena, but can also stand alone)
What: Just chillin'
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Kemp house
Warnings: Wee bit of underage drinking

Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around, I'll see you when I fall asleep )

Aug. 12th, 2014


WHO: Lena and Roxanna and maybe a huggy Thomas
WHAT: Just fluff
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: Kemp House

Part of the family )

Aug. 11th, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding, David Richardson, Jayden Delacroix, Jamie Kemp, Hermes, Julia Bathory (I think that's everyone, tell me if not, Lara!)
What: Musical/dance exhibition, and afterward
When: Monday night
Where: Some performing arts center
Warnings: IDK

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Jul. 20th, 2014


Who: David Richardson & Roxanna Fielding
What: Rehearsals take forever
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Some...performing arts center, IDFK

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Jul. 13th, 2014


Who: Jamie Kemp, Lena Rainmayr, Jayden & Jesse Delacroix, Roxanna Fielding
What: Shopping trips and fun!
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Mall
Warnings: Probably not a lot, maybe language?

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Jun. 12th, 2014


WHO: Thomas, Lena, Jamie, Theseus, Roxanna
WHAT: Vienna shenanigans
WHEN: June 11th
WHERE: Vienna, Grand Hotel
WARNINGS: Likely none, but TBA


May. 31st, 2014


Who: Roxanna, Jamie, Julia, Hermes
What: Lunch, and probably some arguing
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Restaurant
Warnings: TBD

You're going to answer me, dammit )

Apr. 27th, 2014


Who: Jamie, Thomas, Serenity, Lena, Roxanna, Maddy
What: Checking in, motherly...ness, and other things
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Kemp house
Warnings: Uh...IDK

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Mar. 27th, 2014


WHO: Roxanna Fielding and Julia Bathory
WHAT: Sisters
WHEN: Wednesday evening
WHERE: Roxanna's dorm
WARNINGS: Language?

Yeah so apparently we have the same dad )

Mar. 22nd, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding & Jamie Kemp (Could be open to Thomas or Lena if you want, Lara!)
What: Let me tell you a thing
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Kemp house

We few, we happy few )

Mar. 19th, 2014


Who: Roxanna, Jamie, Lena, Thomas
What: I like you guys. And your house. Can I hang out here forever?
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Kemp house

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Mar. 13th, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding, Lena Rainmayr, & Jamie Kemp
What: I'm just having a tiny breakdown, don't mind me
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Kemp house

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Mar. 1st, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding [Narrative] {Yes, more Roxanna. It should pass...eventually. >.>}
What: This girl is a black eye, she's a bruise on your knee
When: Tuesday night-early Saturday morning
Where: Her dorm room, a sorority house
Warnings: Underage drinking, language, TBD

She's the ashes of the people that you really meant to be )

Feb. 27th, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding & Hecate
What: Oh god, not another one
When: Not too long after this
Where: Hecate's shop

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Feb. 25th, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding & Hermes
What: Hello daughter I never knew existed!
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Cafe
Warnings Language, possible thrown crockery, tbd

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Feb. 2nd, 2014


Who: Roxanna Fielding & Jared Price
What: Conversations and sugary things
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The bakery where Jared works
Warnings: Language? Probably not much more than that

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