May 2016



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May. 11th, 2016


I'm heading up the eastern settlement committee. Maya and I already did our initial run through of the area to get a better lay of the land and try to map out where exactly we wanna try setting it up at. I know military is already being divided up for where to go initially once the ground breaking happens and I'm sure all the rest of the job areas are gonna be sorted out too but I reckon that putting out some feelers can't hurt.

I'm looking to see who wants to specifically help out with this one though. I figure we'll all help out with all of them as best we can, but you tend to put in the extra effort and finesse when you're building a place that you're gonna end up calling home. Also figure those that plan on calling it home should get a some say in what the end product is gonna be.

I think this one is gonna be near where your village is, yeah? I was wondering if I could pick your brain for some insight into the land around there and any customs we're gonna want to know to make sure we don't get off on the wrong foot with anyone.

When the hell did I become leader material? My X-Man team don't count. That was the most haphazard team we ever had.

[ooc: Annnd the sign-up info stuff is over here so everyone can have an idea of who will be where]


[Filter to Team Demigod] (ooc: y'know, demigods of all types and friends, feel free to assume)
There's been lots of talk of settlements and Magnus was wondering about the possibility of just sleeping outside. Continuing on all that, I don't know who is thinking of going where with these settlements. I don't really have a problem with the mountain, but hey, that'd be me being weird.

That being said, I wanted to test the waters of maybe starting up a camp here. There's plenty of space here, even with the settlements expanding out. We all know we can handle ourselves and any possible danger on our own. And, I don't know, maybe if we're really homesick, we can expand on growing strawberries or other food. Do we know if the seeds in the Cornucopia's food are bad too?

Anyways, thoughts? I know there's going to be a ton of paperwork to go through to probably do this, so I figured getting the yays and nays first would save us all some time.


oh boy, group work is so awesome. it makes me delightfully happy. why didn't i engage in full-on group work before. i've been missing out basically my whole life.

(now can i have a gold star, mom? can i?)

hi boss. funny story. i was out scavenging for what i think will be not exactly primitive settlements and i happened upon some decommissioned missiles - interesting, sure. let's not think about how they got there.

i took apart one of the warheads and found palladium! some parts that i could use to build a self-sustaining power supply for at least one settlement. maybe more. depends on what you've got.

May. 5th, 2016


network; mystique (021)

Is anyone else getting the feeling that someone went "oh, you thought the Emma Swan debacle was a witch hunt? We'll show you a witch hunt"?

If you were wondering what life felt like just before the Sentinel program started, this was it.

May. 4th, 2016


Network Post: Illyana Rasputina

I am Illyana Nikolievna Rasputina, or Magik. I understand that "I" was here before. I'm not that girl any more, and don't remember this part of that life.

I also understand that the people I know aren't necessarily from the same point of linear time. That isn't a new difficulty for me. Since sharing our details probably won't break the timelines more than simply being here, let's place each other in time. I'm not one of Sam's team any more. I'm no longer a prisoner in Utopia. I'm also no longer one of the Five. I'm currently affiliated with the New Charles Xavier School for Mutants.

Apparently I know just enough about farming to become a farmer here. Is there even any equipment to use besides hand tools?

May. 5th, 2016


Today is Pixie's birthday. She is 16 now, which is almost a real grown up person.

I found some berries for you.

May. 1st, 2016


Thanks to everyone for coming out to weapons club. It was a great first tournament and I'm looking forward to next month.

[Remy LeBeau]
Up for sparring some time? I feel I could use more practice against you and your staff if you're up for it?

[Anakin & Nico]
Took you two long enough. Are we all done with the brooding and avoiding now?

[Team Demigod, etc]
What say you all to a group dinner? Or group training?

Apr. 28th, 2016


All right, everybody. Good news. I ran on a big patch of wild garlic and onion. That, plus the cattail, is gonna help our case fiercely. But the best news?

I found a big collection of wild blackberry and mulberry brambles. When they get ripe in a couple months, I think we'll be in good shape to try a cobbler.

Apr. 26th, 2016


Mutant Filter *

I’m sure y’all were happy to not have me trying to get us doing things together for awhile there. But I’m back. Instead of some kind of traditional team building sport or dinner/breakfast since enough of us are doing that daily anyway, I was wondering who wants to get away from the Mountain for a day? Maybe Saturday?

And I’m not suggesting we just head outdoors around here, but get our favorite teleporter to whisk us away somewhere else. Maybe a beach? Rain forest? We could see what Australia is like. Though I’m kinda wondering what the radiation will have done to the animals down there.

Unless y’all are really wanting to go up north somewhere and freeze again.

So hells yes, Rogue? Or have you lost your goddamn mind, Rogue? Maybe somewhere in the middle?

(* includes all the usuals: X-Men of all universes, Daisy, Lincoln, Claire, plus Billy and Teddy)

Apr. 25th, 2016


Now that we've put some distance between ourselves and what happened in Storybrooke, I wanted to see how you're all managing. I haven't had a damn clue what to say or think about the whole thing. I know it's going to take some time, and you don't need to take me up on this, but if any of you need to talk it out, my door's always open for you. Whatever you need. This goes for what happened back here, or anything else. We're in this together.
I was thinking we should probably talk.
Here I thought kaiju were the strangest things we'd ever see.


[Friends (just assume, it's a fairly loose filter)]
I'm using Howlett now.

If we agreed could we go to their villages sometimes?

Apr. 23rd, 2016


I can't claim to know Peter half as well as his close friends but I did like his music and he made rather idiotic choices with women but at least he was aware of being an idiot, which often goes a long way because most people just stay idiots until they die.

Does anyone else not miss Storybrooke but maybe the idea of having ... normality? WHatever that is. But living a life. Being married. Having kids. Jobs. Not worrying about death and darkspawn and maker knows what else because you're set on a path where you can never be content with anything and you're destined for more. I'm not supposed to be the destined one. Garrett is. He's a good brother, you know, even if it's easy to get overshadowd by him but that isn't his fault, hes just larger than life and doesn't realize it sometimes. being a warden helped me step out of that shadow, but it always feels like there's some other shadow. the darkspawn. the calling.

maybe I'm not meant to be content unless it's done by magical spell and stripping me of all else i know

drinking alone was probably a mistake.


chatty to hope summers

» I don't
» I'm sorry you

» are you up for a walk with me?

Apr. 21st, 2016


Okay. Whoa. Big doings.

But let's get one thing clear -- I would make a super cute bobble head. :(

Group hug? I would like to group hug.

Apr. 20th, 2016


I remember the tea party I had for my seventh birthday but not what date it was.

It wasn't even real anyway. I was getting radiated then.

My hands were so much lighter without all the metal in them.

Can I use your name? Instead of Kinney?

Apr. 17th, 2016


IS IT EVERYONE?! Did they all come back?! It's like a Christmas miracle! But in April.

Apr. 10th, 2016


storybrooke; marie springer

A big happy birthday to my little sister, Hope.

I'm sad it was on the weekend this year. It meant I couldn't do the time honored tradition of showing up at school with balloons and cake. Plus Nate wouldn't have bee Waking her up with balloons and a cupcake was just not as amusing.

Apr. 6th, 2016


storybrooke: network post david lightwood

Two for one ice cream? Sounds like an excellent use of my afternoon.

Apr. 5th, 2016


sb: laura collins

It's Monday. In school. You know what that means.

Who wants a daisy chain crown?

Apr. 3rd, 2016


storybrooke; thom henderson

[Ben Irons]
You and your crew up to anything tonight? It's been one of those days and I could use a drink and maybe even shooting some pool. Unless you guys are off rescuing kittens from trees today.

I missed out on the bake sale yesterday. Work held me up, so I guess it's more storebought for me. Please read this as a subtle request for anyone to offer up anything they picked up and are willing to share. Picture me sitting alone in a kitchen with a ham sandwich, longing for some apple turnover or cherry pie.

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