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Jan. 3rd, 2016


[ Tony (MCU) + Barnes (MCU) ]
How's the new arm prototype coming along, Tony? I was talking to Barnes and if it'll help, he's willing to let you take a look at his arm. I know we're limited for parts and tech here, but if there's anyone who can make something good and functional out of a box of scraps, it's you.

Dec. 28th, 2015


[Chatty to Trish Walker]
Are you okay? I'm a little worried.

[Chatty to Tony Stark]
We don't have any secrets, do we? We're not about to go all confession-mode on the network, right?

[Chatty to Phil]
If you need someone to talk, please talk to me. I would rather your secrets stay secret. Stay off the public forums.

Dec. 26th, 2015


I've got an important question for you.

Dec. 18th, 2015


Yesterday was difficult for all of us. I know many of us were afraid - including myself - and I know many of us are frustrated to continue facing threats within our own home. I can't blame you for that. That someone, or something, would violate the safety of our walls to bring us pain and suffering is something that even I have trouble comprehending sometimes, and I know it isn't easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel after days like yesterday. We will endure, however, just as the Sky People have since they came down to the ground, and just as we all have since we arrived in this world: together. I'm incredibly grateful that we continue to come together as a community in times of need. Snow was right when she said you were all brave, and that gives me hope for our future here. Thank you for standing up for one another. Thank you for helping get each other to safety. Thank you for treating the injured, and for being patient as our medical staff works. Thank you for joining in the clean-up efforts and lending a hand. We're stronger together.

I've been told not to get out of bed, so I'm sorry I can't do more to help out right now. In the meantime, I'm running out of things I can do from here. Could someone bring my art supplies to me?

Dec. 17th, 2015


Posted at Noon

[Radio Call Directly from Tony's Suit to Pepper's Tablet]

Pepper. You there?


Where are you? I'm going to come get you somewhere safe.

Dec. 10th, 2015


Well, that was interesting and unpleasant. Waking up with new memories isn't something I'd recommend.

Also, Cap, you make jumping out of a plane look much easier than it is in reality.

[Team Bus]
I think I understand where Daisy & Lincoln are from a bit better now.

Would it be a conflict of interest or me to ask for your services?

Can we talk?


****Potential Spoilers for AOS 3x10 in comments*****

Dec. 9th, 2015


Voice Post; from static to clear sound

-EY CAN'T BE DEAD; they were going to last for thousands of years! I REFUSE to give up h

Oh. Later timestamp. Did I short-circuit again? Where am I? What is this? Hello? My name is Dr. Catherine Chun. What's going on? Is this-- Earth?

Dec. 6th, 2015


They said that I should introduce myself and people may or may not know me. I'm Henry Mills.

Does anyone have paper and a pen? Because I heard the Avengers are around and I need autographs. Pictures would be good too but I'll settle for autographs.

Dec. 4th, 2015


I'm headed to the tavern to get very, very drunk with Phil. You should probably drop by later and carry me back to my brand new room that we don't share together. It'll be great!

I don't know about you guys, but I could use a drink after today. Is this what this trial is going to be like? Should we be scared for our lives or the lives of others?


network post: phil coulson

She's gone. Maybe this is hell. Or at least purgatory.

For those who knew her, Melinda May is gone. Yes, I know for certain. I was with her when it happened.

You can breathe easy now.

I don't think I'll be needing that upgrade after all.

I think I'm going to need something stronger than cocoa.

Sorry about the mess in the common area. I'll clean it up later.

Nov. 25th, 2015


This is going to sound like first world problems over here, but I really miss my shoe collection.

[Phil Coulson]
There was a pod delivery yesterday of hot cocoa. It's not coffee, but it should work in a pinch. What do you say?

Nov. 22nd, 2015


Why does the weird shit always happen to me?

So...hi. I'm new - my name is Mercy and it looks like I'll be in engineering, which I guess is the closest thing here to working on Volkswagons.

Nov. 19th, 2015



Oh, hello postapocalypticlandia. The name is Daisy. Sup? Good to know we survive past the end of the timeline, and like. We're not doing too bad! Right? Right. Totally. So, I get the feeling we're all going to be super awesome friends. And when I say super awesome friends, I mean if this were MySpace (#TBT HOLLA) you'd all be in my Top 10.

Because, basically. I'd have no other choice. Unless I ki But it's a good thing we'd all pretty much break Myspace with the collective power of our Type A awesomeness. And I'm rambling So I have a job, I have a room and I guess we'll all have to get used to each other really quick. You guys are used to this. I am not used to this.

But I will be soon. Promise.

Nov. 16th, 2015


Private - Notebook Entry 1. )
Greetings, I am not sure if I've previously spoken to any of you, but I am Evie Frye. My brother and I arrived this week, and with us came our assorted weaponry. A few of our items are one-time-use sorts, and I was curious if anyone would like to take a look to see if they could be replicated in this world, and would perhaps be useful to others in general in return.

Should you be interested, we have various bombs created (and improved) by Alexander Graham Bell, one being a smoke bomb and the other is called a "voltaic bomb", which stuns enemies for a short period of time. We also have hallucinogenic darts, which causes a person to lose control and attack those around them. They are very strictly monitored and I wouldn't allow just anyone to use them, of course, since the last thing any of us would want is for innocent people to be hurt. But they are useful in certain situations.


network post: carol danvers

Guess who's 37 years old and still awesome? Me.

Honestly, I'd completely forgotten about my birthday until Steve reminded me yesterday, so ... thanks. It means a lot. I've been through a hell of a lot recently with my head being what it is and I think I've just kind of thrown myself into the housing projects to keep from going stir-crazy. I haven't really kicked back and had a good time with friends in a while.

Have I been a stick in the mud? Crap, I probably have been.

Not gonna talk your ear off about this, but now that we've got some kind of BS treaty with the Grounders I want to seriously propose a recon mission that goes out way past our borders. I know I've brought it up, but you guys have your hands full with the day-to-day here. So, I drew up some plans (surprise, Steve) and I'm sending them to your phones now.

More and more people keep showing up, resources are going to get thinner, and we can't keep relying on random drops from the Pod God.

Included in the plans are locations of military bunkers that I know to exist in my world (which is comparable except for the superpower stuff) — like Raven Rock in Pennsylvania (practically next door), Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, the Burlington Bunker in the UK, and the Shanghai Complex in China. If Mount Weather managed to sustain a population for a century, these places might have, too. Even if I don't find a surviving population, I could find resources.

We don't know anything past our pocket of the world, but the planet's a big one. I'm just proposing we try to learn more about it. Right now the Grounders are controlling the surrounding area on the ground and keeping us boxed in on their terms, but I can fly over them.

So, that's for your round table meeting today.

Nov. 13th, 2015


The outdoor test housing is almost done.

We just need one more big push to get it complete. I know it's harder with the snow. But, the snow's only going to get worse. So, I want to get it finished off in the next couple of days.

Anyone else want to spend the next coupole of days helping?

Nov. 11th, 2015


[Filtered to friends]

Me and Pepper are moving into the same room. Which I'm sure is a shock to you all.

We'll be in 506-H now.

Solo's, it's been a pleasure. But, I think I'll miss Artoo most of all.

Nov. 10th, 2015


I heard a rumor that the radiation here sometimes messes with people in a strange way. It causes magical abilities or maybe latent abilities to resurface? Is that confirmed?

We need to figure out this whole housing situation because I'm sorry, but last time I checked we were living together.

Nov. 7th, 2015


This kind of thing would happen to me and I blame Tony Stark entirely. Stay calm, Pepper. Do not freak out. Everything will be okay. We can fix this.

Hi, I'm Pepper. Nice to meet everyone?

Nov. 4th, 2015


network post: phil coulson

While I'm very grateful for my set of vintage cap cards, the Captain America comics actually aren't mine, though I wouldn't mind adding these to my collection. Anybody missing some of theirs?

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