May 2016



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Mar. 2nd, 2016


network post: clint barton

At least the apocalypse has Facebook? Priorities.

Uh Hey. It's Clint. I was told I have people. Katie?

Feb. 28th, 2016


Holy end of the world, Batman!

But seriously. There has to be a bar.

Someone tell me there's a bar and some hot guys to ogle, and I'll be happy. For the night.

Feb. 27th, 2016


netpost: elena gilbert

So, I fell from the sky in a pod and landed on.. post-nuke Earth? Nothing like feeling like you're trapped in the plot of a really bad movie. Don't even get me started on the whole memory thing

Bonnie, Caroline? Someone told me you guys were here.

Everyone else - Hi, my name is Elena Gilbert.

Feb. 26th, 2016


Everyone did such a great job at the auditions yesterday, I'm really excited to see who gets what part. You're all going to have a blast, take it from a ~veteran~ (at least when it comes to productions here). I didn't think I'd want to get back into acting after how badly it went in Hollywood. There were a lot of pigs out there. ... So I got away, went back to flying around and kicking bad guys and didn't look back.

Anyway. It's been fun, though. I don't think I'm doing too badly this time, which is probably thanks to Isabella's help.

Dirty Dancing tomorrow night if we're done by then? I'll either want a pick-me-up for sucking or... yep, probably that.

Feb. 23rd, 2016


Everything going on lately started me thinking. How many people around here have actually jumped from one world to another before waking up here? Like intentionally crossing the barriers, I mean.

FILTER TO 505W (Rose Red, Nico Minoru):
Hey, so you both know that John went... I guess wherever people go to when they leave here. I have a friend from home named Cisco, and he's good people. Any objections to me asking if he wants to grab the other half of my room? I can bring him over if you want to meet him first.

I think you might the person to ask, so here goes: I was thinking about all the smart people we have around here and all the people who have these special abilities. I know we have a lot of stuff to focus on just to keep Mount Weather functioning, but I had this idea that I could use the Mess Hall after dinner one day to pull together a Town Hall style meeting. Maybe some of us can start taking a closer look at exactly how we all got here and... well, possibly how to get back home.

Feb. 22nd, 2016


network post: dorian pavus (to magic users)

I require your assistance. Or, rather, our dear Councillor requires your assistance.

For those of you who are unaware, Inquisitor Adaar bears a magical mark on her hand that we call the Anchor. It's more or less a key that opens and seals tears in the Veil between the waking world and the Fade, along with several other properties that have emerged or will emerge over time.

It's been quite useful in the past, necessary to the Inquisition's cause and directly leading to Adaar's rise to power — but the Anchor is ancient, dangerous magic that loses stability over time.

By our estimation, Adaar has two years before the magic begins to kill her. In our world, this was solved by neutralizing the Anchor and amputating her arm. Unfortunately, the bastard man who was able to do that isn't here with us.

Having lost her right arm to a werewolf here, Adaar isn't keen on the idea of losing her left. She's given me the task of figuring out what to do while there's still time, and though I'm arguably the best-educated of my world's mages here I confess to being out of my depth.

There's no thaumaturgical library here or collection of elven history, so my research options are limited. I thought we may put our heads together? Our worlds are different, our magics not the same, but we may stumble across something.

Feb. 21st, 2016


Network Post: Thea Queen

I'm starting to think that I'm cursed. Oliver and Felicity are both gone. He wasn't like my best friend or anything but I knew him and Constantine is gone too.

Barry and Cisco, I hope you're both still here because if you aren't, I'm going to be convinced that I'm cursed and not just wondering.

Seriously this sucks. I'm not that good at making friends, not real ones anyway, and having family here helped. Now it's just me.


network post: castiel

#thatmomentwhen You can't find the last edge piece for the puzzle you're working on.

I counted. All five thousand pieces are here. It has to be here somewhere.



oh shit.


alphonse? AL PHO NSE?

Feb. 20th, 2016


My Fight Club dreams came true last night. That's it. I've peaked. It's only downhill from here.

[ Filtered to Lady Friends (feel free to assume!) ]

Hey, I'm in need of a girls night. Let's drink fruity drinks and do each others hair and talk about skincare and boys!!

...or sit in my favorite dark corner of the Rose and practice our intimidating glowers. You know? Let's just go with that.

[ /Filter ]

Filtered Private - TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of abuse )

Feb. 19th, 2016


netpost; billy kaplan

You'd think I'd have learned my lesson about alternate universes by now. They -- never, never, never, never, never, never -- work out well. But dear Pod God, if you're up there, listening to this nerdy secular Jewish boy from the upper west side, could you send me my brother for my birthday? You've got two weeks. My mom will make you pancakes. When she gets here.

Teddy, Kate, & other friends [feel free to assume]
So, how young is too young for tavern birthday adventures? Please, please, please tell me it is cool to drink blue alcohol and quote Tolkien. I really need this right now (or like, thirteen days from now, okay). It sucks you're all weirdly older than me.

Feb. 17th, 2016


Alrighty, so that threat database that I talked about a day or so ago? We got it up and running. If you would like to add information about possible threats that might come in from your world please go HERE and fill out the handy dandy form.

Once things are uploaded to the tablet y'all can mention where you might be helpful against any of these threats. If you don't wanna say how you could help out against any of the potential threats then you sure don't gotta. All completely voluntary and I understand fully well not wanting people to know what you can do. Big old thanks to everyone who helped out with this!

Any questions?


Laura talked to me about trigger scent happening to her here. She'd appreciate if it does happen that Betsy or one of our other lovely telepaths knock her the hell out until we can get the damn scent washed away. Sound good to all of you?


network; hawke (027)

Okay, I've been sitting on this for a couple of days because I suspected I might have just gone crazy, but the more I think about it the more I swear I wasn't seeing things. Please tell me someone else saw the creepy snowmen the other day.

Feb. 16th, 2016


So when I was a kid, my dad used to do this thing where he'd have my brother and me come up with the best-worst jokes we possibly could and compete to see who could make him laugh. This was mostly a 'shut the fuck up and let me drink in peace,' mostly because he'd be passed out by the time we actually came up with something to give him, but Cam always always won. (Winning was usually decided by whoever Dad didn't throw hi grunted at least aggressively first.) I usually just spent too much time messing around and pulled something out of a stupid joke book -- Cam was the funnier one.

When I was in Paris, I heard one that I thought was pretty great in exactly the dumb way I always liked as a kid. "Two cats are competing in a race across a river. One is American, called One-Two-Three, and the other is French, called Un-Deux-Trois. Only the American one made it across, unfortunately -- Un-Deux-Trois cat sank."

I'm not sure what made me think of this, but here we are.

[ Elsa ]
Are you responsible for the very Isaac-shaped ice sculpture? Because it's most definitely the coolest I've ever looked, pun intended.

Feb. 13th, 2016


network post: peeta mellark


If you see me using a wheelchair, nothing happened. I'm fine. The leg's always been missing, it didn't just get gnawed off by a bear or something.

Feb. 12th, 2016


Okay. So, I'm used to strange. But, turning up somewhere and being told you were there before, when you don't remember any of it. Is definitely up there in the weirdest things to happen to me. Right after, meeting my long lost sisters. And, that at least turned out okay.

Speaking of which. Phoebe, Prue? Really, Prue is Prue. Are you here?

Feb. 8th, 2016


(009) Severus Snape

I had assumed - perhaps incorrectly - that the tavern here was a respectable establishment, and not attempting to recreate Muggle glam rock parties.

Feb. 7th, 2016


Tall, blue flannel, black boots. If you're planning on going outside today, you might want to rethink it, otherwise we're going to have to send out a search & rescue party for you cause you're going to get hit in the head with a chunk of ice off of the trees.

Search & Rescue, know that you're probably going to have to go rescue someone that didn't heed the warning today. Most people don't.

Alright, I'm getting desperate. Can you do a spell or something to make the water hot enough so I can have a shower?

[OOC: Feel free to claim this for your character! Either they can go out and do it anyway or they can heed the warning, it's open to whoever gets there first.]

Feb. 6th, 2016


I don't know about you, but next week, I'm getting my dancing shoes on. Metaphorically. I don't have a pair of heels magically here, but I know how to shake it with some low shoes.

Anyone else interested, I'll be hosting a night at the Rose for anyone wanting to cut loose for a few hours. Head on over after the movie next Saturday night!

Anyone with digital music they'd like to hear, send it on over to me, and I'll get it on the list.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


I wanted to apologize for the accidental dusting that I did.

I hope everyone is okay.

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