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Nov. 24th, 2015


[Filtered to Command, Law Enforcement and Medical]

So, that body that was found the other day. I performed the autopsy. He definitely died of asphyxiation. But, theres's no obvious cause. No, signs of strangulation. Nothing blocking his nose, or throat. My full report will be sent to you all. But, currently I'm saying that cause of death is inconclusive.

I wish Sherlock was here. He'd figure this out

Nov. 17th, 2015


[ Filter: Nathan Wuornos ]

Playing hooky, boss man? You know that's not the example to set for an impressionable young worker bee such as myself.

Seriously, where are you? Parker's looked worried all day and I felt bad about grilling her because she's my ultimate hair goal, so I'm grilling you instead.

[ /Filter ]


moody got wordy )


How are you doing?


Pending approval, we're going dementor tracking.


Stay vigilant and start practicing patronus charms with each other as often as possible. Per Tonk's post, Potter was volunteered for teaching, and that Vance, McGonagall, Lupin and myself are all available for instruction as well. We're lucky there are so many of us here, but that won't mean anything if we're not prepared.


I want to know what happened to my memories. Where I went when I left here. I want to know why I keep hitting a bloody barrier when I try a bit of bilocation back home. I want to know who's got that much and that strong a magic that they can keep even me out.

I need willing guinea pigs. No harm should will come to you. I need to track your essence, your soul. The longer you've been here the better.

Nov. 16th, 2015


This is what I get for leaving Ariadne's thread at home, I guess.

I'm Zed. They already told me that I can't blame John for all of this, but I'm tempted anyway.


Maine had some pretty harsh winters, but it was never anything like this. Makes me almost homesick.

Don't suppose you could make me immune to the cold too?


network post: carol danvers

Guess who's 37 years old and still awesome? Me.

Honestly, I'd completely forgotten about my birthday until Steve reminded me yesterday, so ... thanks. It means a lot. I've been through a hell of a lot recently with my head being what it is and I think I've just kind of thrown myself into the housing projects to keep from going stir-crazy. I haven't really kicked back and had a good time with friends in a while.

Have I been a stick in the mud? Crap, I probably have been.

Not gonna talk your ear off about this, but now that we've got some kind of BS treaty with the Grounders I want to seriously propose a recon mission that goes out way past our borders. I know I've brought it up, but you guys have your hands full with the day-to-day here. So, I drew up some plans (surprise, Steve) and I'm sending them to your phones now.

More and more people keep showing up, resources are going to get thinner, and we can't keep relying on random drops from the Pod God.

Included in the plans are locations of military bunkers that I know to exist in my world (which is comparable except for the superpower stuff) — like Raven Rock in Pennsylvania (practically next door), Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado, the Burlington Bunker in the UK, and the Shanghai Complex in China. If Mount Weather managed to sustain a population for a century, these places might have, too. Even if I don't find a surviving population, I could find resources.

We don't know anything past our pocket of the world, but the planet's a big one. I'm just proposing we try to learn more about it. Right now the Grounders are controlling the surrounding area on the ground and keeping us boxed in on their terms, but I can fly over them.

So, that's for your round table meeting today.

Nov. 12th, 2015


network; elena fisher (001)

This is insane. This is concrete proof of the multiverse theory and time travel and... God. It's amazing. Completely amazing.

I am so sorry for anything Nathan Drake has broken already and anyone he may have accidentally kissed. He'll probably fix it. This isn't me telling you I'm going to keep an eye on him (haha), just that I acknowledge I have some semblance of responsibility for him and I feel bad that I don't intend to do anything about it. (Hi, honey.)

Nov. 10th, 2015


So when I said to myself, "Self, you need yourself a mental break", I didn't actually mean a full-on mental break. I was thinking more liiiiiike a weekend of shopping? Bad TV watching? Cheetos may have featured heavily in this picture. But no, I just had to go and lose my mind instead.

It was almost in the cards. The last thing I said back home? "Well, if I don't make it to the library tonight, it's not the end of the world."

BOOM. Here we are.

Hello, friendly hallucinations. My name's Veronica Mars.

Nov. 7th, 2015


I guess even people from other worlds can freeze their asses off in the first snowfall.

Surveillance caught Mara on camera, thought it was me until I showed up there. She's in custody, but god knows what she wants. I've advise people not to let her touch them at all. And not to let her talk.

Nov. 4th, 2015


Coats, gloves, scarves, hats and blankets are in good supply. With the temperature dropping in the thirties overnight, it's simply ridiculous to go cold. Speak your need.

Howard bloody Stark strikes again. That pod had a little gift for me, darling, and I'd much rather not share the contents with anyone besides us. Unless you think there's more good done in knowing? I don't necessarily think so. But I'll probably tell his son, hoping there's some kind of way to effectively render the contents inert.

Might not be. Either way, Midnight Oil shouldn't escape into the populace. It'll be a bad deal all around.


[Filtered to Audrey, Nathan, Anastasia, Emma and Rumpelstiltskin]

There was a heart in a box in the pod. Pretty sure it's mine. Does anyone know how to check?

And, before Ana insists on trying to shove it back in me chest. Or getting someone else to do it. Or whatever. Nathan, Audrey I wanted to know what the likelihood of it making my trouble worse was? If I can feel, will I stop sucking everyone elses feelings away?

Nov. 3rd, 2015


network post: nathan drake

What the hell

So, the woman I picked up and hugged and then kissed in the hall was not my wife.

If anyone happens to see her twin, could you let her know and send her my way? Also, older guy. Big mustache. Cigar that stinks to all hell. Send him my way, too, so I can kick his ass.

Oct. 30th, 2015


(backdated to yesterday)
More bad news. Duke's gone.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


Hello, everyone. My name's Jordan Parrish, and I'm one of the recent arrivals, I guess? I'm one of the people from Beacon Hills, so I've got a lot of experience with supernatural, but I've definitely never encountered anything like this before. I was a deputy back home, ex-Army. Usually pretty adjacent to the drama, but not much shocks me these days, so if you ever need an ear, I promise I don't judge. I like long walks on the beach, greasy cheeseburgers and my XBox 360, all of which are kinda not happening here so I guess I'm going to have to find new hobbies.

Anyway, nice to meet you.

[ Filtered to Command & Law Enforcement + Lydia ]

Waking up here's a blur, and I'm not sure what was said or who knows what, but there's something that probably should be common knowledge for when in case it comes up.

I'm a hellhound. Just found out the terminology, and I'm not sure what it means for this world, but all you need to know about it is that back home if someone with ties to the supernatural world died, I go aggro, retrieve their body, and dispose of it in some... magical place thing. I have zero control over it and I really don't understand it, but when I'm hellhounding I'm dangerous. Not in terms of going after people, but past history has indicated that pretty much nothing prevents me from stealing the body. Not people, not magic, not bars. I'm pretty much a flaming disaster.

I'm working with Lydia Martin who's on this filter to figure this out, but in the meantime, I'm not sure how much the average citizen here needs to know. I'll defer to whatever you decide, I mean, my only concern is keeping people safe.

I wish I could tell you more, but that's all I got.

[ /Filter ]


Never a dull moment here, is there? It seems like if it's not werewolves, it's people switching bodies, or demons, or God knows what else. I thought I was going to get a vacation. I really wanted a God, I hope this isn't my life at home too. Life doesn't pay well enough for weird shit.

Any luck on the hobbies front? Don't tell Dr. Crusher, I've been reading medical texts from the library instead of books for fun.

Oct. 18th, 2015


[Filtered to Nathan, Duke and Audrey]

Right. So, troubles then. What the bloody hell are they?

Oct. 17th, 2015


I need help, right now, in the mess hall. They've all gone

they're all crazy, please help me, we were just trying to have practice


I'm all right, just a little sock to my chin. But there are a lot of people here who need taken care of until they recover. Which I'm told they will.

Oct. 16th, 2015


How many Troubles we got going around now?
  • Cullen Rutherford - morphine in his blood, can infect other people through saliva and other bodily fluids.
  • Donna Noble - Reliving time periods or being in two places at once. Could potentially be splitting. This one is hard to pinpoint.
  • Will Scarlet - Literally heartless and feels nothing because of it, spreads that to those around him.
  • Chris Traeger - "Infects" other people with his emotions.
At least there's no one exploding this time around.

Oct. 13th, 2015


Hey. Just wanted to check in with you. How're you feeling?

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