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Nov. 10th, 2015


So when I said to myself, "Self, you need yourself a mental break", I didn't actually mean a full-on mental break. I was thinking more liiiiiike a weekend of shopping? Bad TV watching? Cheetos may have featured heavily in this picture. But no, I just had to go and lose my mind instead.

It was almost in the cards. The last thing I said back home? "Well, if I don't make it to the library tonight, it's not the end of the world."

BOOM. Here we are.

Hello, friendly hallucinations. My name's Veronica Mars.

Nov. 9th, 2015


Well, this is certainly different. And while the explanation was very concise, I have a couple more questions.

1. Where's the library?
2. Harry Potter. Where the bloody hell are you?
3. And that goes for the rest of you too.

Oh, and last but not least.


Nov. 7th, 2015


This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Things were finally starting to get normal back home. Hermione was going to say yes. She was, right? Right. Yeah. Of course she was.

Uhhhh. Hi? They said I should introduce myself on this muggle contraption. I'm Ron. Ron Weasley. You've probably never heard of Is Harry Potter around here somewhere?

Nov. 6th, 2015


Ha. You lot will like this. I got my remembrall in that pod that landed a few days ago. And it's gone missing. Already.

Also, I've made a new friend in the greenhouse. I've named it Trevor II. Be kind to him.

I had someone tell me the other day that I'm starting to look like a lumberjack. Thanks?

Nov. 3rd, 2015


I feel like a kid at Christmas. Professor McGonagall, I promise my Firebolt doesn't have any sort of curses, hexes, or otherwise on it.

Oct. 27th, 2015


I don't know if it's just the fact that it was Christmas before I was brought here or just that the surroundings are so different and I'm still getting used to them, but I can hardly believe that we're coming up on Halloween in just a few days. I was already well into winter, so it feels cruel to be teased with a flash of fall before having to worry about it all over again. I'll live, though. Probably.

I would like to schedule a playdate with my niece, please.
Hi. Would you guys like me to see about changing my housing? I should have probably offered that sooner, but I didn't really know I still don't really know if I'm the worst.

Oct. 26th, 2015


It's like I fall straight on my face when I try to run because I'm dead fucking clumsy.

Oct. 24th, 2015


I may slowly be adjusting to this world; it would help that there are many from home here, too, and I can still use magic.

All I hear is people whining about something asinine around here.

Oct. 21st, 2015


Strange medical wards with doctors wandering around = not exactly my favorite thing in the world these days. So, sorry. About the face, to the cute guy.

They told me I was here before, so I can skip the "get to know me" questionnaire? Lydia Martin. I don't suppose anyone's built a Starbucks and a Nordstrom yet?

I have a Were-Coyote for sale, if anyone's interested. She won't stop hovering.

Oct. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Minerva McGonagall

Let's get on with the introductions, then. I'm Professor Minerva McGonagall. I shall be teaching, although what I'm to teach, I don't yet know.

I appreciate that the medical staff wished to have a familiar face facilitate my arrival, but I've spent enough time in a hospital bed of late. I understand that over a dozen of my current and former students may be able to assist me. If you were intending to come and see me, I seem to be in a Muggle laundry room at the moment.

Oct. 7th, 2015


network post: ginny potter (several filters!)

I miss baby you. You got so big and I've had no time to adjust.

I feel like I don't know you. And that's awful. And I told you that your parents split up. I'm the worst mum.

Oi, you. So.

Here's the thing. And I'm not saying it in person because this texting thing is grand. I can get everything out and not worry about you looking at my face, and I can edit what I have to instead of just vomiting up words and hoping they come out all right.

You should move back in with me. For real. For good. I know I've been leading you on a bit, and I wasn't trying to lead you anywhere, but I wasn't saying yes or no and now I'm saying yes. Yes, okay, let's give this another go, you and me. If you want me, I'm here. And I want you.

I don't want it to go back to how it was, because how it was was broken. I want it to be better than it was, because we're better, and sometimes I just look at your face and I hate how much I want to kiss it.

I miss you, is what I'm saying.

I may be drunk? A little drunk.

Sep. 28th, 2015


Just in case any of you were considering becoming a werewolf, don't. The pay's shit, and the transformation's lousy, and the company didn't say a fucking word all evening.

Filter to Simon Tam & Beverly Crusher
I have a question, and bear with me for how ridiculous it sounds. Was Donna Noble there all day? She spent the afternoon with me -- said that Dr. Crusher gave her permission to take the afternoon off. But she's telling me that she was in medical all day.

Sep. 27th, 2015


Private to HP folks

Clarke has asked for some people to go with to a Grounder city for a few days, and I've volunteered to go.

Just, you know. So you all know where I am.

Sep. 18th, 2015


network post: ginny potter (to harry, albus, and lily luna)

So. Er.

Family meeting.


Where do I return these chickens? I have a few of them here, thanks magic, but I don't fancy babysitting them all day.

Filter: HPverse
Right, so I don't know if this has been done but humour me? I know there's a lot of us here, and I'm curious.

I'm Emmeline Vance, some of you know me, hello! It was November of 1983 before I arrived here. I was working as an Auror, but here I'm as a Soldier. I'm going to leave it at that because I doubt you lot care about shit like my favourite food and colour.

Sep. 15th, 2015


So this has been a weird day.

And, from what I can gather, I'm probably not the first person to go through said weird day. I'd say that's comforting, but really I just want a drink. Or a nap. Or a drink, then a nap? I'm willing to negotiate and compromise on this one.

Actually, I've thought about it and I just want the nap. Because then I might wake up and find that this is all just one really weird eggnog induced dream. Happy Christmas to all.

Sep. 14th, 2015



It seems the lot of you already know of me, but I don't know a whole lot about any of you. I know we've quite a few Aurors here, though, which is a good start for what I'm about to ask. You all might be aware that we're in the process of constructing a containment center for the new werewolves we've got here. A number of enchantments have been requested, both for protection and comfort, to be placed on the facility. I need to know how many you already know how to do the following:

-- Advanced shield charms. The tricky part is we'll have to overlay them over the entire area and reverse them so they're actually rebounding toward the facility instead of keeping things from getting in.
-- Expansion charms, on rooms specifically. If any of you have ever gone camping or been out in the field extensively, standard issue tents have a low level expansion charm on them, as an example of what the goal is here. It's creating more space in a room than there appears to be. Anyone that knows how to achieve this would be extremely useful.
-- Sealing charms. Common for doors, making them only capable of being opened by whatever the spell designates. Obviously, this spell can only hold against so much force, which is where the shields will come in if it really comes to that.

For those of you who don't know how to do any of this, I'm willing to give instruction. I'd like as many of us from the same world to know how to perform and repair these spells at the ready in case of emergency. We have a large population here, so it's best if we're on the same page.


Mad-Eye Moody.


network; veronica santangelo (009)

AS YOUR BRAND NEW SECOND-IN-COMMAND OF INFRASTRUCTURE, I'D LIKE TO ANNOUNCE... I don't know, something with light bulbs. Free light bulbs.

I made you light bulbs. I was going to announce it tomorrow but then I came to the party? And I got really excited? I made you light bulbs with my hands. They're slightly radioactive but don't worry you'll be fine there's a barrier.

I wish I had a dress for this party.

Sep. 9th, 2015


Chatty to Ginny
» Malfoy, eh?
» I managed to forget what a little shite he was as a teenager.
» How are you and Harry doing?

Sep. 8th, 2015


Someone care to explain that isn't a Muggle?

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