May 2016



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Mar. 2nd, 2016


network post: clint barton

At least the apocalypse has Facebook? Priorities.

Uh Hey. It's Clint. I was told I have people. Katie?

Feb. 22nd, 2016


network; asala adaar (035)

We're hearing reports of a number of disappearances today, so I'm going to ask you all to stay where you are for right now while Law Enforcement does a headcount. Yes, even if you've already posted on the network to say that you're still here, even if you reply to this entry. For safety's sake, I want every single person accounted for face-to-face. I've asked them to check the job sites and residences first and then the recreational areas. We'll send the all clear to your devices once we're finished, but it will be much easier and faster if everyone stays put until they're finished.

Thank you.

Feb. 18th, 2016


I am so sick and tired of this universe jumping crap and everything going to shit.

You know what? Avengers Assemble. So you can all kiss my ass.

Feb. 15th, 2016


Who: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
When: Today!
Where: Medical!
What: Bucky's waking up and realizing some bad things happened.
Warning: They love each other a lot, and this all makes Steve's heart hurt a lot, so you know, be prepared for BFF feels.

Everything felt so cold. )

Feb. 11th, 2016


network post: erik lehnsherr (to asala+steve)

When you have a moment, I'd like a word.

Feb. 10th, 2016


Surveillance spotted three disturbances just outside our perimeter. To the north, our intel indicates the presence of four frost giants. East south east, roughly 100 robots. West, orcs.

We're taking volunteers from our military ranks to form three separate teams to handle this. These teams will investigate the disturbances, and defend our home. From what I've been told about what's out there, you should expect hostility. The remaining military will then be assigned to the second and third lines of defense, as well as guard posts, to ensure all of the civilians within our walls are safe. You'll provide back-up, if necessary. Listen to your commanders' orders.

It should go without saying, but until we tell you otherwise, this information is strictly classified. There is no need to incite panic among the rest of the population if we can take care of this at a distance, and I have faith that we can. If these threats make it past our front line, we'll handle it. For now, we're concentrating on making sure they don't get close enough to breach our walls in the first place.

[ooc: remember, only the volunteers designated on this post will be on the first teams out; everyone else will be assigned other jobs!]

Feb. 5th, 2016


Bucky's back. He's His arm He's not in great shape, so I'm going to be over in medical for a while.

Feb. 4th, 2016


DARCY, thank you so much for loading up my phone with Hamilton songs. I think I might have be a puddle of crying if I couldn't listen to my favorite rapping presidents.

Jan. 27th, 2016


It looks like we're all back to the way we were before. I know it wasn't easy for all of us, but hopefully we have a little more insight into one another now. You all got a front seat to what my life was like before I was Captain America, and since I wasn't much use then, if anyone has any questions about it now, I can try to answer.

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for lending a hand over the last few days, whether it was covering extra shifts or taking care of people who were suddenly children. We needed that kindness, and you delivered. It's that kind of answer to an uncomfortable situation that I like to see: our community coming together to help each other out.

I love you. I know I said that this morning, but I already went a few days without saying it, so I don't think you'll complain if I repeat myself now. And thank you, for being so good to me.

Jan. 25th, 2016


Carol explained what's going on here, as best as she can. I know a lot of you know me already, but I don't know any of you, so I thought I'd introduce myself here.

I'm Steve Rogers. I grew up in Brooklyn, New York, United States of America. The year was 1943 yesterday, and I didn't think we were capable of time travel yet. Mr. Stark says he has a flying car, but I think that's a bust. If you knew me, please let me know. I'm sorry you were expecting someone different. I know I ain't much to look at.


Who: Steve Rogers & Carol Danvers
When: This morning!
Where: Their room
What: Steve wakes up younger and skinnier. And naked.
Warnings: Well, there is brief nudity, but otherwise this is very tame. Carol cusses once.

His breath left him all at once. What was going on? Who was she? )

Jan. 7th, 2016


network post: carol danvers

Uh, so. First of all, hey!

We're back from our trip out to Raven Rock. We've got supplies and samples, and we managed to figure out what happened to the people who were holed up there.

... Which means Martha thinks it's best if we're all quarantined until further notice, just until we all get totally clean bills of health. The disease that got Raven Rock shouldn't still be viable, but we're not taking any chances.

So we're all here, we just can't have welcome-back hugs just yet. And you can't hug the stuff we brought back, either. Give it a couple days and we'll be all good.

Jan. 5th, 2016


Bruce Banner is gone too, if anyone's been looking for him.

How about we do something, just the two of us? I can spare a few hours. Maybe half a day.

Jan. 2nd, 2016


[Command, Military, Surrvailance, Medical]

Blast Doors. There's something out there. People, and they're not attacking. I am entirely sure of that. But they need help.

We need those doors open and I'm going to go ahead and very much assume we need Medical down here as soon as possible.

I can't see them but I can hear them... They're here for sanctuary. I've heard desperation like that before.


Backdated to the 31st. Because I forgot
[Filtered to Command and Vampires]

Right, so animals are being frozen. And, I don't know about anyone else, but animals are getting harder to find. Since, they're fucking hibernating.

Which leaves us a problem. We have, at last I counted seven vampires here, from three different worlds. With slightly different needs. But, we at least need some form of blood to keep us, you know. Functioning. So, if you want to not let us dessicate starve to death, or whatever. We kinda need a solution.

And, yes. I know. Some of you don't particularly like me. I don't care. This isn't about me. It's about all seven of us. And, our whole community ethics crap.

Dec. 31st, 2015


-- It's hard, being away from home sometimes. It's hard missing New York. But I'm glad I'm here with you tonight. Make sure you find me before midnight.

Dec. 29th, 2015


Filtered to Steve Rogers

You know, I thought about if I'd fucked up enough for one night. And I have a woman waiting in my room who loves me completely and actually, I think I might love her back. So really I should get back there.

But first, I want to talk to you. Honestly. While we have the chance to do that.

Mostly Cap, I want to know what it was that made you despise me? Was it just the Hydra history?

Or was I really just that unlikeable from day one?

Dec. 22nd, 2015


network post: carol danvers

I can't believe I

I know we're all recovering from what happened and Christmas is right around the corner — I don't want to pile too hard on anyone's plate, but I wanted to make everyone aware of where I've been.

I flew out to the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania, another nuclear bunker like this one. In the war, it housed important Pentagon employees, but as far as I can tell they didn't survive like the community at Mount Weather. Still trying to figure out exactly what happened. They might have run out of food. I didn't get too involved in searching for answers yet. There's no evidence of slaughter, at least, but I will say this: the place isn't ... abandoned. It's Creepsville. Seriously.

So: I need to put together a small team to head out there after the new year to pick through what they have and bring back any usable supplies. It's mostly salvage and scrap metal at this point, but we can always use that.

Volunteer if you:
  • Have flight or teleportation ability over long distances.

  • Have some military and/or survival training.

  • Are over age 18.

If we have a teleporter capable of taking other people alone we might consider people who can't fly, but because of weather, supplies, and the situation with the Grounders, we can't risk any kind of long-distance travel on foot.

All volunteers need to be approved by myself and the Council. We're not risking lives by taking someone out who's unprepared or lies about being qualified.

I still can't believe I missed all this. I leave for what, four days, and we get attacked? I could have helped. Christ.

[...] Look, I'm not going to tell you to stay in bed or anything but take care of yourself and don't push. There's time to recover, so just be good to yourself.

Dec. 18th, 2015


Yesterday was difficult for all of us. I know many of us were afraid - including myself - and I know many of us are frustrated to continue facing threats within our own home. I can't blame you for that. That someone, or something, would violate the safety of our walls to bring us pain and suffering is something that even I have trouble comprehending sometimes, and I know it isn't easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel after days like yesterday. We will endure, however, just as the Sky People have since they came down to the ground, and just as we all have since we arrived in this world: together. I'm incredibly grateful that we continue to come together as a community in times of need. Snow was right when she said you were all brave, and that gives me hope for our future here. Thank you for standing up for one another. Thank you for helping get each other to safety. Thank you for treating the injured, and for being patient as our medical staff works. Thank you for joining in the clean-up efforts and lending a hand. We're stronger together.

I've been told not to get out of bed, so I'm sorry I can't do more to help out right now. In the meantime, I'm running out of things I can do from here. Could someone bring my art supplies to me?

Dec. 15th, 2015


network post: carol danvers

I'm heading out on recon. I'm sending you my plans and my timeline and should be back by Saturday. If I'm not back by Saturday night, put together a travel-ready team that can come find me, because something's gone wrong.

I'll bring back whatever I can.

So here's the deal: I've been approved for long-distance recon to check out some abandoned military bunkers that should exist in this world. I'm leaving in a couple of hours and will be back Saturday. I'll be way, way out of range of the network.

Don't have too much fun without me, kiddos.

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