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Nov. 28th, 2015


Network Post: Thea Queen

So if I were looking for some things to kind of spruce up my side of the room a little, where should I look? Normally I'd go shopping but that's not happening here but there has to be something I can do? I'm open to suggestions.


Well that's [...] something.

I now understand when someone says they need a good drink.


Oh no.

Filter: Whoverse
Have you noticed? Don't.

Filter: Donna Noble
What do you think, can you manage a walk?

Filter: Audrey
Any complications?

Nov. 22nd, 2015


Wish I could say this is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me. My name is Sara Lance and it looks like I'm going to be a new scout. Sorry if I'm a bit anti-social, I've had a rough few weeks.

Nov. 21st, 2015


I know that some of you guys are adorably not well-versed in the ways of the internet or how we got to know each other online like, 200 years ago. There were quizzes but one of my favourite things (HELLO HARRY POTTER PEOPLE) was called the "Veritaserum Meme" ... I know, sounds CRAZY right? Well, it's definitely something like crazy. It's like a "Truth or Dare" game without the dare.

Because I don't know you guys yet, but apparently you used to be pals with an old version of me, I figured we could start off all shiny and brand new. I get to find out more about you, you get to find out more about me. So we are going to play the VERITASERUM MEME.

And Mount Weather, you're going to be totally cool about it. We're blizzard buddies. We're going to learn things about each other. No secrets among friends!!
OH NO. You have been given a dose of Veritaserum (basically, this is a thing that makes you tell the truth no matter what). Comment below with your name so that people can ask you questions which you must answer honestly. Feel free to take advantage of other people in a similarly dosed state, too.

Nov. 18th, 2015


This is going to be a total new guy post, but did I just see Captain America walk by?


network post: donna noble

Let's not have any of that happen again, yeah?


[...] I need some time, so if I could take an extended little holiday from medical, that'd be great.

Nov. 16th, 2015


Whoverse/Friends of Donna Noble
Donna is resting now. She's better. Best not to have any visitors yet, she's got to build up her energy. Won't find her in her room anyway.

Thank you. All of you. This wasn't easy and I'm sorry for that. It won't happen again.

Donna is under my care now. There's only one left. I suspect, however, you'd feel better having some record of her diagnostics. When one of you has time, do feel free to come by my flat and have a go.

Hello again.

Nov. 15th, 2015




(ooc: posted before he's gone to find donna 2)


I've lost --

I've lost another one. Donna the first, she's gone. Because she's -- there's a body. I'm sorry. Someone was trying to help her, and she... Well, she's with the others in medical now. If you see Donna, you can't tell her. You absolutely cannot tell her. Under no circumstances can she know. If you tell her, you will answer to me, and I am trying to be very calm about this right now as I've an idea as to where Donna the second is, but if I'm wrong and one of you beats me to finding her: Do. Not. Tell. Her. Whatever perceptions you have of me, ignore them. This isn't about me. This is about protecting Donna.

Just keep her calm, keep her busy, and more importantly: call me. I can save her. I can. I've just got to... I've just got to get to her.

I'm not losing all of her.

Nov. 14th, 2015


On one hand it feels like it's been a long week, but on the other I can hardly believe it's Saturday.

How are we?

Nov. 13th, 2015


Filter to Who-Verse minus the Donnas
I know you all must be busy with... well... Donna... and Donna and...

Uh, anyways, I was wondering what- I mean, I came across one of the less stable Donnas and... I don't want to upset the remaining Donnas, so I figured you guys are the best to ask about what should be done with the remains of the other Donnas...

Filter to Pete
Just FYI, next time I see you, you're getting a big hug, so don't make it awkward.

Filter to Loki
So, you've always been a dog person. Good to know.


network post: donna noble (7)

one two three four five six eight


I'm good with numbers.

Nov. 11th, 2015


netpost; doctor (12)

Clara Oswald
I may have misplaced my card on "sorry my younger self did X and now you're upset about Y, how about we do Z?" Diplomacy! That's your thing, isn't it?

Has the future always been such a mess?

Best not answer that last one.

Turns out that cold spots are a perplexing problem. Not sure what it is. Fix one, and another pops up somewhere else. Could be anything, really. Well, hopefully, it's not Davros. Think he still might be looking for me somewhere.

Nov. 10th, 2015


network post: donna noble (2)

I can't find Eddie. I've been messaging him, looking everywhere, and all that I've found is me.


[...] Six of me.


My first thought was that I got this. It couldn't be worse than getting stranded overnight in Star City because you missed the last flight back home!'s worse, isn't it?

Nov. 9th, 2015


The hell's a bloke gotta do to get a drink around here?


network post: donna noble (1)

Where are you?

Are you with Eddie? I can't find him, I can't find you and I've got to tell you something.

I can't bloody believe him.

No, yes — I can. I can believe him. That's what he does, but everyone else? I feel like I've been walking around with parsley in my teeth and no one was nice enough to say anything.

He wiped my memories of him. Of us, together, of everything I saw or did. And he says he had to, I know that, but I

I want to talk to your face. I'll grab Two and come find you if she's not with you, because she doesn't know yet. I've got to break it to her.

How many of you knew about this? You just never bothered to tell me?

That's just wizard, all of you.

Nov. 8th, 2015


The Muppet Movie, brilliant choice! Oh, that was great fun! Haven't seen that in ages! Do apologise if I clapped a bit too enthusiastically at the end. Culturally accepted in some places and all. What's next on the film agenda?

Temperature is a bit off in places, don't know if anyone else has noticed. Think I'll see to remedying that if there's no objections! Got to stay busy!

Nov. 6th, 2015


network post: carol danvers

I know the snowfall out there looks pretty and it's going to be fun to play in, but we were hoping to have the outdoor test houses done before the winter weather started.

Once the snow stops I'm going to need a team to help clear the snow from the site so we can keep building, and then it's all hands on deck to get all this done before winter gets worse. If you've been helping, we need your help even more. If you haven't helped out with the housing, you can sure as hell volunteer.

We'll make sure it's almost as fun as building snowmen, promise!

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