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Feb. 10th, 2016


[Weasleys minus Charlie]

I think Charlie has a girlfriend.

Or there's something else he's not telling us. He's been "staying out" a lot. Who wants to go snooping with me?

Feb. 8th, 2016


So, I've been filled in. And, told that my family's here. Albeit all grown up. Which I'm still not entirely sure how to believe until I see you all.

So, Weasleys. ROLL CALL!!!!

And, to everyone else. Hi, I'm Molly. Looks like I'll be working in the kitchens with some of you.

And, I'm really sorry I'm not your wife, Rory.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


My birthday's coming up rather soon. Does anyone else have February birthdays? I'll make you all gifts.

I miss Harry and Neville. I guess you don't need me reminding you about that. But I do.

We should do something together.

Hello, Draco. How are you lately?

Do you mind if I ask you some questions?

Jan. 31st, 2016


Oh, dear. Hanna's disappeared as well. No need to go looking for her - I saw it with my own eyes.

I lose so many roommates. Maybe something's the matter with me.

Jan. 27th, 2016


Filtered Network Post: Minerva McGonagall to Magic Folk


Last month, people were compelled to voice the truth and their every thought. We have just seen people reversed in time.

I would hope that no one intended such widespread results, but nevertheless, I believe we need to have an open, frank discussion about how we're using our magic given the extreme side effects we have seen, and about communicating when the unexpected happens so that we might help to correct it.

For instance, I am creating wizarding chess sets for use here. If anyone should feel a compulsion to move to E5 or capture a pawn, I expect to be informed promptly so I can cast the relevant counter-charms.

Jan. 25th, 2016


This isn't supposed to have happened. According to "Hogwarts a History", after the train there was supposed to be boats over the lake. And then we were going to be sorted into our houses.

There was nothing said about an underground bunker. Or tiny hand held computers. I didn't think they made computers this small.

Jan. 21st, 2016


[Wade Wilson]
Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh You okay, roomie?

[Filtered to Harry Potter!verse]
Has anyone seen Charlie today? He left yesterday afternoon and didn't tell me where he was going and he isn't back yet. He isn't responding to my chatties either. Can someone check the clock? Merlin. What if he's gone?

Jan. 17th, 2016


Filtered to Harry Potter verse

I'm so glad that Hagrid isn't here to see this.

Filtered to Ron, Luna and Ginny(sorry, I meant to)

Who'd have thought I'd go from fighting for House Elf rights, to dragons rights.

Jan. 14th, 2016


GUARD GROUP BRAVO: (Betsy, Fenris, Ron Weasley, Cassie Sullivan, Jessica Jones)
Hi, everyone! I've seen some of you since we got assigned and touched base, but I wanted to do a group forum for people to chat or talk about our abilities, things we're already used to, get to know each other. I've got a schedule for everyone on their patrol locations and posts, but not much is going to change from what we were doing before, but I did change a few locations and days for people so everything is covered between us and Alpha team.

But, I'll start off! I'm Kara Danvers. Back home I also go by Supergirl, but it seems kind of ridiculous to do that here, so Kara's fine. I'm from the planet Krypton. Short version of the story is that when I was 12, my planet was in the process of being destroyed, and they sent my cousin to Earth when he was a baby. I was sent after him to help protect him, but my pod got thrown off course and I ended up in stasis for 30 years. By the time my pod landed, my cousin was already doing pretty good for himself. So I was raised by a human family until I was older and took up the mantle of Supergirl to help protect the city and occasionally, the world.

As far as abilities go, I can fly, I'm incredibly strong and agile, I'm bullet and.. well, injury proof. Most things can't pierce my skin at all. I have super hearing and x-ray vision, so I usually pull double the location from my guard post, since I can cover a lot of area without breaking a sweat. Soooo yeah. I look forward to working with you guys! I figure we're all adults and we all want this compound to succeed.

Oh! And I'm also willing to answer any questions. Or take requests! I know I got kind of wordy. I babble and over-explain when I get nervous, sorry about that.

aslkfjaljfalkfja omg someone made me a military Corporal and I'm already talking too much and one of them already glares at everything please tell me what to do to not mess this up and get fired. Discharged? Can they even discharge us? Oh god.


[Harry Potter verse]

Seems we've a wave of sickness on us. Before you all start on me about being unusually helpful, don't.

What ingredients do we have around here that could serve as healing potions? Between Severus and myself, I imagine we can concoct enough for anyone here that is willing to take some.

Jan. 13th, 2016


I hurt everywhere

i'm never getting out of bed again

Jan. 9th, 2016


1 slightly crumpled box of skiving candy to the man, woman, or genderless being that explains this situation to me in a way that actually makes sense



Don't have anything else to say! Just wanted your attention!

Jan. 5th, 2016


[Filtered to Harry Potter verse]

Well, I guess we know that the clock works now.

Rose has gone.

[Filtered to Ron]

I don't know if you'll get this until you get back from Raven Rock. But, be careful. Okay?

Jan. 1st, 2016


A resolution is like a wish you can make true yourself, which makes it better than a wish, I think. I can't make resolutions for anyone else, but there's the good in each thing—— I can make wishes for other people, even if I can't make them come true. And I think wishes are best used if you scatter them like seeds, so here are a few: I hope someone will see the person they've been missing the most, I hope someone reads a book that makes them smile, and I hope someone who's been trying to whistle their whole lives will finally learn how to.


[Filtered to Harry Potter Verse]

Luna and I are working on something to keep track of everyone. We'll probably keep it simple, so it will show "In Mount Weather", "Outside the Mountain", and "No Longer Here".

We would very much like everyone's cooperation in getting it done. As we will need your presence so we can charm it properly.

And, once it's done, hopefully it will relieve the stress when we can't find someone. Or at least give us some certainty.

Dec. 29th, 2015


Has anyone seen Lily Luna? Jamie and I have looked all over for her, but no dice.

Filter to Ginny
Want to go look for her with me?


Where the bloody hell did a rat that big come from?!

I think I might have given it wings.

Ravi, I'm looking at you.

Dec. 28th, 2015


[VOICE-TO-TEXT - Unfiltered]

Day Seven of the Rat Trials, Bloodborne edt. is going well. We're at the stage where I should see progress any day now. The rats are still doing well, healthy and whole, and I hope I'm given enough time to create a cure and vaccine for Alfred.

Everyone is having truth issues, and while I'm feeling more honest than usual, there isn't anything in particular I need to hide so I'm not overly worried. Except that I miss video games. And Star Wars. I bet it was amazing, not shite like those prequels that are a travesty to the name.

But it's easier focusing on work, here. Recovery, trials, my rat friends. I still haven't even begun to progress like I'd hoped on the Zombie Rat trials. Without tainted utopium, I'm not sure of where to start. If I didn't throw myself into some sort of project I'd spend all day worrying about Liv and not being able to cure her. I've got to figure something out, for her sake. For my own sake. What am I, if not someone who give her a life back? Major does a much better job of making her feel things, and I'm already torn between wishing for the best for them and being stupidly jealous.

May the Force Be With You, Doctor Chakrabarti. You're going to need it.

Dec. 22nd, 2015


network post: carol danvers

I can't believe I

I know we're all recovering from what happened and Christmas is right around the corner — I don't want to pile too hard on anyone's plate, but I wanted to make everyone aware of where I've been.

I flew out to the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania, another nuclear bunker like this one. In the war, it housed important Pentagon employees, but as far as I can tell they didn't survive like the community at Mount Weather. Still trying to figure out exactly what happened. They might have run out of food. I didn't get too involved in searching for answers yet. There's no evidence of slaughter, at least, but I will say this: the place isn't ... abandoned. It's Creepsville. Seriously.

So: I need to put together a small team to head out there after the new year to pick through what they have and bring back any usable supplies. It's mostly salvage and scrap metal at this point, but we can always use that.

Volunteer if you:
  • Have flight or teleportation ability over long distances.

  • Have some military and/or survival training.

  • Are over age 18.

If we have a teleporter capable of taking other people alone we might consider people who can't fly, but because of weather, supplies, and the situation with the Grounders, we can't risk any kind of long-distance travel on foot.

All volunteers need to be approved by myself and the Council. We're not risking lives by taking someone out who's unprepared or lies about being qualified.

I still can't believe I missed all this. I leave for what, four days, and we get attacked? I could have helped. Christ.

[...] Look, I'm not going to tell you to stay in bed or anything but take care of yourself and don't push. There's time to recover, so just be good to yourself.

Dec. 10th, 2015


I think I saw a bloody rat! Are there rats down here?!

[Rose Weasley, Hermione Granger]
What do you say we do something as a family? Go for a walk? Eat food? Hunt for stone animals? I don't know. I need to get out of this bunker where all of the rats live.

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