May 2016



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Jan. 26th, 2016


So, hey, funny question. Anyone have a map of this place on here? Y'know, like a first day hand-out sort of thing. All the colleges have them, so this place should too, right? Although preferably a nice architecturey map and not just those colorful 'you are here' things

Jan. 22nd, 2016


Being cooped up is starting to get me. Who wants a snowball war? I'm thinking: we build forts, plan strategies, and then we have to besiege the other forts.

Who's in?

Jan. 12th, 2016


[Captain America]
This is awkward. Your thoughts on the arrangement, sir? Any advice?
[Alpha Team: Flash Thompson (TRN123), Steve Rogers, Rocket, Illya, Ringer]
I'm heading out soon to try and track down this dragon or whatever it turns out to be, but we'll meet when I get back. The top brass decided to restructure so here we are. You'll still be doing all the same things you have been in addition to working more as a team. Some of us know each other already, others only in passing. Let's take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and let the team know what skills you have.

I'll start us off. My name's Eugene Thompson but my friends all call my Flash. I was a Corporal in the armed services back home. I did two tours, one in southeast Asia, the other in Iraq. I was wounded in combat, later received the Medal of Honor, then was chosen to participate in a special government program. I'm currently bonded to an alien symbiote that does double duty as a super suit/body armor/whatever I need it to. I'm familiar with weapons and have a background with boxing and wrestling. I'm used to working on my own and leading small squads.

I come from a military background but I'm not going to make any of you stand on ceremony. You can call me Flash or Thompson or Sergeant. Anything as long as it's not "Sarge". Keep your head in the game, pull your weight, and our team will be in good shape.
Guess who made Sergeant? Never thought I'd see the day.

*OOC: Feel free to assume.

Jan. 11th, 2016


Just so we're clear, I'm not gonna drink the kool-aid or whatever the fuck you do with teenage girls in your weird mountain bunker. I'm not sorry about doctor guy's nuts either.

But as long as nobody fucks with me, I'll play along for now.

Mindy. Mindy Macready. Tbh, I always figured if the world went to shit, I'd be kicking zombie ass, so this is a little bit of a let down.


Fight Club on Friday; same time and place as last time. Let Evie and I know if you're interested. Let's skip having a battle beforehand, yeah? That was ill-advised.

The rules for those of you who are new drop-ins: no props, no weapons, no powers save those you can't help. All levels of experience welcome. First one to go down and stay down loses; the winner goes on to the next round until everyone's had a go. The matches are random so no whinging at me if you don't fancy your partner. First time you cheat, you're out and that's that. Last month's winner was that Russian bloke whose name I can't be arsed to look up to spell properly, but he gets first dibs on his partner. Congrats again, mate.

Thinking of something else, too; see if it drudges up any interest. Anyone without much background in fighting or self-defense - do you want lessons? I could use a project. I'm only human but I learned young, and have practical knowledge of how to get a bruiser off your back. Don't believe in following specific artsy-fartsy styles of fighting much, but I do believe in being able to defend yourself. Drop me a line if this might be something you fancy.

[ OOC - Please check the 01/15/16 sign up list here to determine a) if your characters you want included are included, and b) if there are any dropped or disinterested characters on that list that need to be taken off. Then, comment on this entry with any updates that need to be made. Sign ups close 01/13/16 at 12:00PM EST! ]

Jan. 8th, 2016


I think I want to go and collect some samples outside. Maybe grab some pinecones and then maybe make a snow Angel. (The brow would be hilarious).

What I really want to do is have a long, hot bubble bath, but since there's no bathtubs and no bubbles, that's not going to happen. A hot tub would be nice too. I just can't quite get warm.

Rocket, I know you and Groot can't at the moment, so sorry. I just wanted to include you cause I can.

Does someone want to take over on Illyria duty while I'm there?

Jan. 7th, 2016


network post: carol danvers

Uh, so. First of all, hey!

We're back from our trip out to Raven Rock. We've got supplies and samples, and we managed to figure out what happened to the people who were holed up there.

... Which means Martha thinks it's best if we're all quarantined until further notice, just until we all get totally clean bills of health. The disease that got Raven Rock shouldn't still be viable, but we're not taking any chances.

So we're all here, we just can't have welcome-back hugs just yet. And you can't hug the stuff we brought back, either. Give it a couple days and we'll be all good.


I like breakfast. Simple pleasures in life, right? Food and warmth when you're tired and cranky, no matter how burned or watery the coffee is. Usually a win/win situation.

Know what I don't like at breakfast? Hepped up chode-raging morons who can't share a goddamn public space for five seconds before they arrive at the conclusion that 'I have all this penis, and by golly, the world should know, so I'd better start asserting myself pronto'.

Here's a note for anyone else looking to beat the January doldrums by attacking someone else over a muffin: don't. I don't care what you are. Floukru, Trigdakru, Sky People, Pod People, get over yourselves. We already put one kid in the hospital over this stupidity, and we are not going to keep at it. None of us are better than the others. We all have the same right to life; I don't care what your backstory is or who owns the land or who died here ten months ago because this is survival and it's messy and it's brutal and if we start to go at each other, really go at each other, surprise! Starvation and radiation won't have to kill us because we can't even share a frickin' mountain.

Get over yourself and think about it before you pick a fight with someone you don't like or understand. We may not be better than that but I'd appreciate it if you can fake it for a few more months, okay? Okay.

My coffee is cold.

[ ooc - As per the calendar: "The Floukru and Trigdakru do not seem to get along very well, but maybe that's just tensions running wild. ONE VOLUNTEER breaks up what looks like it will be a fight between the two group leaders." Veronica attempted to calm them down using 'hey now, enough of that', and when that didn't work, she shoved her 5'1 body between them and Mom Voice'd them until they backed down. Feel free to have seen or heard about it! ]

Dec. 30th, 2015


Nothing I said leaves that room.

Dec. 23rd, 2015


I need to take another day-trip outside of the mountain to scavenge for more metal and junk to build tech for Carol's mission. Anybody want to come with me? We'll be back before nightfall.

If you can carry a lot and you don't annoy me to the point of wanting to shoot you, that's an added bonus!

Dec. 22nd, 2015


network post: carol danvers

I can't believe I

I know we're all recovering from what happened and Christmas is right around the corner — I don't want to pile too hard on anyone's plate, but I wanted to make everyone aware of where I've been.

I flew out to the Raven Rock Mountain Complex in Pennsylvania, another nuclear bunker like this one. In the war, it housed important Pentagon employees, but as far as I can tell they didn't survive like the community at Mount Weather. Still trying to figure out exactly what happened. They might have run out of food. I didn't get too involved in searching for answers yet. There's no evidence of slaughter, at least, but I will say this: the place isn't ... abandoned. It's Creepsville. Seriously.

So: I need to put together a small team to head out there after the new year to pick through what they have and bring back any usable supplies. It's mostly salvage and scrap metal at this point, but we can always use that.

Volunteer if you:
  • Have flight or teleportation ability over long distances.

  • Have some military and/or survival training.

  • Are over age 18.

If we have a teleporter capable of taking other people alone we might consider people who can't fly, but because of weather, supplies, and the situation with the Grounders, we can't risk any kind of long-distance travel on foot.

All volunteers need to be approved by myself and the Council. We're not risking lives by taking someone out who's unprepared or lies about being qualified.

I still can't believe I missed all this. I leave for what, four days, and we get attacked? I could have helped. Christ.

[...] Look, I'm not going to tell you to stay in bed or anything but take care of yourself and don't push. There's time to recover, so just be good to yourself.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Everyon We The fight was brutal, but everyone did their part. I'll leave the stirring speeches to Cap people who are better at them than I am.

I can't apologize enough for my part in what happened. From what we can tell, when someone supernatural dies, I-- do that. The walking-around-on-fire thing. I'm so glad no one was hurt; Lydia is right when she says that it's best to just leave me alone until it's over.

If anyone knew the woman who was killed, I'd be happy to take you to her resting place. I think I can find i

[ Filtered to Will Graham ]

Hey, man. Can't thank you enough. I would've gotten hypothermia best case scenario if you hadn't have shown up when you did.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Law Enforcement + Command ]

In the light of all this, I fully understand if you would feel more comfortable reassigning me to a different position.

[ /Filter ]

Dec. 16th, 2015


What's Krissmiss and should I care about it?

Dec. 7th, 2015


I'm too goddamn old to be jumping worlds. Makes my bones hurt.

Logan. Bets gave me the basics, don't know if I trust anything yet, but point me in the direction of the asshole growing tobacco and hops so I can make some friends and I'm happy.

Nov. 17th, 2015


I want to know what happened to my memories. Where I went when I left here. I want to know why I keep hitting a bloody barrier when I try a bit of bilocation back home. I want to know who's got that much and that strong a magic that they can keep even me out.

I need willing guinea pigs. No harm should will come to you. I need to track your essence, your soul. The longer you've been here the better.

Nov. 16th, 2015


I need someone to distract Groot. I'm good with the medical wing visit and it's time to go.

Please and thank you and all that crap.

Nov. 9th, 2015


The hell's a bloke gotta do to get a drink around here?

Nov. 7th, 2015


So what am I doing? Writing a will or is this not as bad as you thought and I can get back to my life?

Nov. 3rd, 2015


I'm overdue in thanking those that were helpful to me during the transitional arrival period. It's still - frankly - bizarre to lack a secret identity, but I appreciate the part where none of you tried to arrest or kill me. So, thanks. We touched something real, guys. Never forget that.

I understand that there's some apprehension regarding our new trading rules with the Grounders. It's a given, of course, that they'll take advantage, or we'll take advantage, and something will go downright medieval in its implosion. Little's perfect. The good news is that we're well-protected and we have active, involved leadership to help us keep the problems contained and dealt-with on a case-by-case basis. If there's an issue, bring it up. We'll solve it together.

Because I'm going to know if you don't.

Shame we don't have The Police albums here, because this would be the perfect sign-off with "Every Breath You Take". Oh well. Cheers!

Nov. 2nd, 2015


That fair... I tell you, they always tell you the supernatural sit out on Halloween and all, but that doesn't seem to be so true where I come from. I kept waiting for something creepy crawly to come out of the woodwork and try killing folks.

Glad it was just weird-tasting bobbin' apples.

Rocket, this is day two. I need you here so we can make sure those wounds are healing. It's already been too long, and you should let me look at them.

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