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Mar. 3rd, 2016




Thor, if every training session is like that, I think I'm going to need a masseuse and a hot tub. It was good though. I haven't been pushed that hard in awhile.

[Daisy + Lincoln + Bobbi]
So, I think it's fair to say I haven't always been the best about sharing in the past. On a scale of totally cool to super awkward, thought on how weird it would be for me to bring my girlfriend Phoebe to one of the dinners we have so you can have a chance to get to know her.

Mar. 2nd, 2016


It is with sadness that I announce Jane Foster has been taken from us. It is unsettling to see it occur before your eyes, and it is my hope that she will be fully dressed again once she arrives at her destination.

Should any have need of me, I shall be in the tavern after a brief shower. Please do not pity me, as I have often had to leave her behind to handle important matters. I will assume she has done the same.


damn, but i was getting ready to head for my fifth papa doble. that's what i get for mixing sun, rum and government business.

so, stop me if you heard this one before ...

albert einstein and carl jung walk into a bar. it's called the relative archetype and they order an adorably post-apocalyptic landscape. mister rogers (cardigan and all) sidles up next to them and he's got some loaded potato storybook characters and liberally sprinkles it with random friends. then enter sandman and what the eff, here we are.

so stop stampeding, get me a kale smoothie (with an umbrella), and we're in business.


network post: clint barton

At least the apocalypse has Facebook? Priorities.

Uh Hey. It's Clint. I was told I have people. Katie?


I know things have been strained between us since I got here. I don't want to rehash it all and end up not getting anywhere, so that's not why I'm messaging you, in case you were worried. It's just that, in light of all the disappearances and missing people lately, I didn't want to end up leaving this on a bad note. We're all probably going to need each other sooner or later. So I wanted to say that I hope you know I don't think you're a bad person, and that I'm grateful you gave me a chance with SHIELD and let me stick around. You didn't have to do that. You could have just let them take me, you could have gotten what you needed and told me to take a hike, but you didn't. I owe you and your team my life several times over. I don't think I ever thanked you for that, so thank you.

Feb. 26th, 2016


Dearest PodGod. Lipstick. Nylons? Fencing rapiers. Please and thank you.

I haven't bothered you in a while, really. But I wanted to reach out to see how you're faring - your jobs, resources. Do you have what you need? Would you like a bit more support? Let me know.

[PRIVATE - encrypted]
  • Daniel Whitehall/Werner Reinhardt: [locked away/alive in 21st century/killed, body not recovered]
  • Wolfgang von Strucker: [Believed dead in 21st century]
  • Armin Zola: [locked away/Operation Paperclip/believed digitized consciousness in 21st century]
  • Johan Fenhoff: [locked away/fate unknown]
  • Sch gr

    List ongoing; too many possibilities and too many variables to consider when the timeline is open to us. But it's Fenhoff, I think, that worries me the most from our own universe. The other possibilities are too endless to consider in any sort of logistical way.

    However, every arrival and every departure screws my courage to the sticking place. The possibility is very real that one day, my brother could come waltzing through the door and not simply another with his face and when I think of it, I don't know what to do with myself. Howard would be easier. Howard would be ten kinds of delight - the one who never left, whose wounds never bled. But Michael, I think, would be my joy and my undoing.

    Hello, ladies. All right?

    Feb. 25th, 2016


    I just realized I haven't seen my bed in over a week. Maybe I'm working too hard.

    I'm sure you're not the happiest with me at the moment, but I've got a favor to ask. Think you might be up for it?

    Feb. 23rd, 2016


    [Lincoln + Daisy + Bobbi]

    Daisy made a good point last night. Whether it's board games or dinner, we should regroup. This place might not be home, but I still don't want to lose any of you. So let's get the cards on the table and figure out how we can do what we do best - helping and protecting people.

    Feb. 22nd, 2016


    [Lincoln, Bobbi, Coulson]
    We had a lot of losses today. Fitz, Simmons, Ward, Kara. But we also have an opportunity to re-connect. The four of us have memories of the same things that happened and while we all disagree on the outcomes, I think the truth is the setting doesn't matter. We'll disagree. But what holds us together is our desire to protect people and to make good outcomes for a world that needs us.

    What we need to take advantage of is the chance to course correct. And I'm not really sure how to do that, because I think challenging you all to a game of monopoly would ultimately piss us all off and also who has four hours to fuck around? Not me. But I know a pretty good game that we can play. Bring some coffee and come to our place if you want.


    Alright, there seems to be a lot of disappearing going on. Fitz and Simmons disappeared in front of me and Ward hasn't shown up for training.

    Humor me and let me know you're still here?

    Can you use your big brother powers to tell me if we've lost anyone else?



    We just got Paige back and now she's gone. I keep hoping that all four of us will end up here at the same time but somehow I don't think that's going to happen.


    Feel like coming over and keeping me company for a while? I know you're bummed about your friend and now my sister is gone. You said you had some media on your laptop? We could watch a really bad movie.

    Feb. 20th, 2016


    I think I still need more sparring practice.

    [Team Bus]
    There's another season of the show about us on the network today. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.

    Yes, I'm going to watch it.

    There's more of that show on the network. Thought I'd warn you.

    Something turned up on the network this morning - more of that show about me and my team. I'm going to spend today watching it

    Up for sparring sometime later?

    Feb. 18th, 2016


    Anyone considered that some of the people on that database will horribly abuse the whole second chance thing. I mean, I get that it just means we'll watch them closer but all the same. Do they get subjected to more scrutiny  than those of us who might have been considered a potential risk before this database.

    Not disputing its a good idea. Just, open to manipulation

    Original Team Bus
    Coulson, Simmons, Daisy


    You need to put HYDRA in there I get it. But be thorough. All of us them. Whitehall, Von Strucker, List, John

    If there's anyone here who doesn't know about me at this point they'll figure it out. Or someone will tell them. But you know the risk if any of the old guard come here, its not them directly but what they'll influence if they get the same second chance as the rest of us.


    Tried to talk to the team about that database. About HYDRA. Ended up just telling Coulson.

    How long does hell last?

    Feb. 16th, 2016


    Okay, so obviously the pod god has been dropping off things from home that can do some damage. Dragons, frost giants, droids, etc. Thankfully usually at least a few of us know the threats inside and out but I'm wondering what's gonna happen if the one with know how is off doing some kind of run and ain't around to help us figure out vulnerabilities from the getgo.

    Do we got any kind of database set up with potentials threats that might get dropped off? Is that something we might wanna create if we don't got one going?

    Feb. 14th, 2016



    Cut to spare your eyes. )

    And like, I get it. We have all these weird "ACTIVITIES" going on all the time. We see magic, we see radioactive things, apparently we see things which all make us love each other. SHRUG. It's all part and parcel with the world we're now sharing. So let's celebrate it and each other. Here's a poem. Because I am a poet when the muse descends.
    Lola is red
    Lincoln's face is a cherry
    Jemma likes to science
    And Fitz is legen ... DARY!

    Ravi likes rats
    and Hope is a star
    Bellamy can smile

    Some people can shift and some people can spark
    Some people have cat souls and two people are slayers!
    Some people are delightfully 'normal' while some people Avenge, or so I've been told
    I haven't even brought up Jedis ... but ...
    We're all here together and we'll make it, probably
    But the river monster has two heads
    so watch out :)

    Feb. 13th, 2016


    network post: peeta mellark


    If you see me using a wheelchair, nothing happened. I'm fine. The leg's always been missing, it didn't just get gnawed off by a bear or something.

    Feb. 11th, 2016


    Pepper's gone.

    And before anyone asks if I'm sure. I refer you to the fact that I am me.

    If anyone needs me, don't. I'll be trying to drink my own body weight in whiskey.

    Feb. 9th, 2016


    I wasn't aware something like this was actually possible: traveling to a different dimension, through time.

    Feb. 7th, 2016


    Who: Bobbi Morse & Phil Coulson
    When: Immediately after her arrival
    Where: Medbay
    Rating: Medium - There's one cuss word and light discussion of torture, character death, and a few AoS spoilers here and there.

    If you're under pressure // There's a mask above your head // Make sure yours is secure // Before you try to help your friend )

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