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Feb. 13th, 2016


netpost; wedge antilles

This place has more holidays than I can count. What's this one again? Pin the tail on the rancor? Arrow! Pin the arrow on the rancor (don't, not recommended).

Feb. 5th, 2016


(021) Anakin Solo

Think of it this way: You didn't need coffee to wake up this morning.

[Filter: Friends]
I have a droid to take apart and play with. This is basically the most brilliant.

[Filter: Nico (di Angelo)]
You should come over and we could tear it apart together.

[Filter: Dr. Ravi]

Jan. 29th, 2016


Those Order of the PodSayers are really praying hard out there. I think they've got a frozen squirrel.

Jan. 27th, 2016


Who: Luke Skywalker and Anakin Solo
When: 23 January (slightly backdated to before the age stuff)
Where: Working on stuff somewhere in Mount Weather.
What: Uncle & Nephew conversations about life, Jedi, and the oddness of Mount Weather.
Rating: Lowish.

Maybe if he kept telling himself that long enough - he'd believe it eventually. )


I'm really not sure what to say about the last couple of days. Thankfully the beautiful woman I woke up with turned out to be my wife and she was amazing as always.

Although I'm pretty sure she's not ever going to let me live this down.


Who:Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade Skywalker
When: Monday January 25
Where: Their bedroom
What: Luke’s 19, there's a hot woman in his bed and where did that kid come from?
Rating: Oh PG-13 for implied naked shenanigans the night before

Is that our baby? )

Jan. 25th, 2016


How did I end up inside a mountain? I don't remember being anywhere near a mountain last night.

Jan. 19th, 2016


Not where I thought I'd end up this morning, but I've been assured this is a safe zone — despite the beast that was felled today. I would like to offer my services for assistance in any way that I can.

Senator Amidala, I've been told that you are here? How is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi?

Jan. 16th, 2016


(007) Mara Jade Skywalker

[Filter: Scouts Bravo (Jaina Solo, Buffy Summers, James Kirk, Samirah al-Abbas, Jessika Pava, Raven Darkholme / Mystique (616)]
Bravo group, I'm your Sergeant, Mara Jade Skywalker. Some of you I know quite well, others I know a bit from here, and some of you I don't know very well at all.

Since we'll be working together I thought it might be a good idea to get to know each other a bit better. Can you all tell me something about the world you're from, your experience at home, and what you think you'll bring to the team.

I'll go ahead and start by saying that I'm from the galaxy that probably some of you will know as Star Wars it seems. I grew up primarily on Coruscant, which was the center of the galactic empire at the time. I was trained to work as an undercover agent and did so until the Empire's collapse, at which point I worked for several smuggling groups and then the Republic, and I have most recently worked with the Jedi. I have tracking and stealth skills, as well as being a trained Jedi Master which are probably the most relevant skills here. I've worked with and led teams before and am looking forward to doing so again here.

[Filter: Luke Skywalker]
Is it just me or is Ben more fussy than normal?


Is there a group for those who like to knit? Because while I don't mind knitting alone, it is more fun to do it with others and share stories. I'm happy to teach anyone who wants to learn as well.

Also, my roommate and I are in search of paints of pigments. We might be able ot make our own, but I thought I would check to see if anyone had any they were willing to share first.

[Star Wars]
Favorite colors? Though I can't guarantee that we'll have them here.

It seems you have many talents child. And I would hear of the rest of your adventures if you're willing.


[Star Wars]
Sabbacc games Tuesday and Thursdays after dinner in the tavern for anyone who wants in.

Nice job in the fight club. If you've got time some night, I'd love to hear your stories about flying the Falcon sometime.

Are we taking any time off from morning runs because of fight club. Or push through the soreness and the sick?

Jan. 14th, 2016


Meditation classes, are due to begin Saturday morning at 10am in the common area for anyone who wishes to join me.

Star Wars
I see that a number of you have recently arrived. I'm aware that I don't know the majority of you, therefore I would like to get to know all of you. I'm Qui-Gon Jinn and come from what has been termed as the Old Republic where I was one of the Jedi Knights. I currently work as a teacher here and shall be running meditation sessions which you are welcome to join in if you wish to do so.

New Republic Jedi & Obi-Wan
I know that you do not have the Jedi Code of Conduct like we did. I find myself curious though, was it successful? It is one of the areas that I often clashed with the council over.

Lily Potter
Ms Potter, I have come to learn of the support group that you run. Is anyone allowed to join, provided they meet the requirements of it?

Jan. 9th, 2016


I thought I knew too well already what war could do to a planet. I've been taken away from my duties in the middle of one myself, and my homeworld has seen more than its share of conflict in the last ten years. But the war that ravaged this planet is a kind of tragedy I've hardly dared to so much as consider possible in the past. To those of you who are native here, I'm sorry this has happened to your world. I can't imagine the loss, but to have suffered it only makes your perseverance that much more admirable.

But all this when I only meant to introduce myself.

Since my names and titles don't carry any weight here, I won't bore anyone with too many of them: I'm Padmé.

Obi-Wan has explained a little of our situation to me. I'd like to know more about each of you. With so few of us here, friendship will be invaluable. And please do let me know if we know one another already—some of you, I understand, are from far in my future.

Jan. 7th, 2016


Network Post: Luke Skywalker

Would anyone like to explain the giant pillow of Nien Nunb that I found in my shower this morning? Although i have a feeling I know how it got there.

Jan. 6th, 2016


(006) Mara Jade Skywalker

[Filter: Leia]
I was thinking about leaving Ben with Luke and doing some scouting this weekend. Would you like to come with me?

[Filter: Farmboy]
I've been trying to decide if there's any rhyme or reason to the pod activity... Because there certainly has been a good deal of it from our galaxy or, well, a galaxy like ours, recently.


Backdated to after this
Filtered to Skywalker/Solo Clan

I didn't want you guys thinking we'd disappeared. But, we're heading off to explore warmer climes with Reyna, Nico and Max. All three of us.

Probably just for a few days. We'll see you when we get back.

Jan. 5th, 2016


network post: jessika pava

Dameron, this is all your fault. Somehow.

Um, well, that was one hell of a ride. I'd say it could be worse, but I'm missing my x-wing and my astromech droid, so yeah. Though at least I'm not on droid duty. They said I'd know people here - General Organa? I'm Blue Three, also known as Jessika Pava and I miss my x-wing.

Is there really nothing to fly around here?

Jan. 4th, 2016


Network Post: Rey

I'm Rey, and I have so many questions.

Can I have the "pods" that Poe, BB-8, and I landed in? Perhaps others that aren't wanted? Where would I find a workbench and more tools? The ones that I have with me are just what I carry.

How did we end up in those things in the first place? Why were we brought together when we weren't even on the same planet? I've been told that nobody knows how or why we're here, but surely there are theories.

Who are these people I'll be living with? I didn't come into the quarters last night; there was a lot to take in.

It was suggested that I be a "Gatherer". What sorts of scavenging grounds are here? Do we really find food just growing out there, free for the taking?

What about Luke Is it true that Luke Skywalker is here? That wasn't some cruel joke?


Jan. 3rd, 2016


netpost; wedge antilles

I don't know what to say except I overshot my destination by about twelve parsecs and now I'm in a whole other galaxy. The Admiral will have a field day when hears that report if he. I'm Wedge, and they said people here might have heard of me?

Dec. 23rd, 2015


(013) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Nico]


Mythomagic's kinda fun.

[Filter: Uncle Luke]
Could we talk sometime?

[Filter: Jacen]
I'm sorry.

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