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Mar. 10th, 2016


network post: lustiel

I don't know why everyone's saying it was me.

It was (you're welcome), but Gabriel helped.

Mar. 8th, 2016


Who: Gabriel and Lucifer
When: March 6
Where: A beach somewhere hot
What: R&R after cage work
Status: It's a fade to black
Rating: TW because possibly incest(?) between AU siblings.

Caves didn't agree with him )

Mar. 6th, 2016



Mar. 5th, 2016


Alright, who is actually responsible for movies? I need to know which names to take down so that when I summon some spirits I'm telling the right ones all the mistakes they made. Did they even read a book of basic Greek mythology?

1. The Underworld does not look like that.
2. Hades' palace does not look like that.
3. The Underworld is not Hell and Hades is not the devil.
4. I don't even like her, but how could they do that to Persephone?
5. Hellhounds don't just roam around the palace. They stay on the Fields of Punishment with a few exceptions. Also, give them to the souls? What good would that even do?

Please tell me this movie was a joke and not what someone actually thought Percy Jackson's world is like.

Feb. 29th, 2016



network post: lucifer

Quick question: Is there anyone here who feels unusually healthy and really can't stand being in control of their own body anymore?

Can someone please explain to me what we actually DO down here?

Feb. 24th, 2016


The world may have gotten more crowded than usual, but I never signed up for going to another.

Hey, name's Faith. I'm a guard in - alpha? - and living with some folks named Kira and Tamsin, apparently. Which will take getting used t


I'd tell you why I'm writing, but if you're as smart as you think you are, you probably already know.


Cas, huh?

Since I haven't gotten any porn from you, I'm guessing you're still alive out there somewhere.

Feb. 23rd, 2016


network post: lucifer (to lucifer)

Morningstar, come out to play.


Now that was a party. Is this a weekly occurrence?

I was wondering if I could get your opinion on something.


[ Filtered to Lucifer ]

Howdy doody, Satan. I've got some questions for you, if you've got a minute out of your whole eternity to spend on little ol' me.

(And yes, I'm one of the ones who is side-eyeing your entire schtick, but curiosity killed the cat anyway, so here we are.)

[ /Filter ]

Feb. 20th, 2016


You answer one yes or no question for me honestly, I'll answer one for you.


My name is Audrey Parker, and I'm head of Law Enforcement here at Mount Weather with my partner, Nathan Wuornos. I've got a few questions for you, if you've got a moment.


I really wish I'd paid attention when folks tried to tell me about mutated animals out there. There's nothing like being spooked by something you didn't expect.

Getting used to any of this yet?

Feb. 17th, 2016


Who: Lucifer & Wanda Maximoff
When: February 16, after this
Where: The hallways near 505-N.
What: Lucifer and Wanda go for a walk and talk about vengeance, justice, and mercy. Oh yeah, and there's some demonstration of powers as well.

I don't recommend hiding one's light under a bushel as it were )


network post: donna noble

Singles' Night was fun, but I wouldn't say it got the job done. Too much happening at once, and then we all drank too much and danced too long. I've been sore since Saturday.

RIGHT. SO. Take this, then:

Name: Donna Noble
Age: Old enough to know what I want
Orientation: Men only, please!
Looking For: Long-term relationship (negotiable)

Things About Me: From Chiswick, able to type 100+ words/minute, love taste-testing new flavours of snack foods, love trash mags, love travel, and maybe-just-maybe saved the universe that one time. Also known as 'most important woman in the universe', so consider that.

Things About You: Single, on the bigger side, taller than me, age 25-50, not working with an ancient race of spider aliens, won't talk over me, won't talk down to me, likes to give gifts, likes adventure, likes me more than adventure, gives good foot rubs. **ADDENDUM: NOT THE DEVIL.

All inquiries can be directed to me, Donna Noble, online and in person.


I am curious to know - where in America are we?


One of the worst things about having a sister is that she blames you for every weird stain that shows up on her clothes, when it was always totally her fault.


Who: Lucifer & Gabriel
When:February 16 after this
Where:The Rose
What: An Angelic Family reunion of sorts.
Status: In-progress

He felt him the moment he walked in. )

Feb. 16th, 2016


Network Post: River Tam

Someone said that the devil is here? Is that true?

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