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Feb. 26th, 2016


log: bull+dorian

WHO: Dorian Pavus and the Iron Bull
WHEN: Flashback to Thedas, about two and a half years ago
WHERE: The Winter Palace, in the city of Halamshiral, the nation of Orlais
WHAT: This is a flashback set prior to the game. For context: Inquisitor Adaar has stopped an assassination attempt on the Empress Celene at a ball at the Winter Palace, and everyone is finally letting their guard down to celebrate and party. Bull, who has been in a (mostly secret) sexual relationship with Dorian for a short time, asks Dorian for a dance.

The real Dorian Pavus. Mage, nerd, chess fan, allergic to weeds? )

Feb. 23rd, 2016


Alright I got three of these Sera-named 'tit holders' and two more sets of frilly panties. Claim 'em before my boyfriend burns' em cause he's jealous they're prettier than his.

Sorry, Warden. For dancing on your bar. I break anything, I'll fix it. You don't shit where you eat, people.

Feb. 22nd, 2016


So, there are people here who have powers -- in some worlds known as magic -- and those so-called powers are completely unbound by any scientific force or general rule?

Am I getting that right?


network; max caulfield (005)

Still at work.

Humor me and check in, please.


network post: dorian pavus (to magic users)

I require your assistance. Or, rather, our dear Councillor requires your assistance.

For those of you who are unaware, Inquisitor Adaar bears a magical mark on her hand that we call the Anchor. It's more or less a key that opens and seals tears in the Veil between the waking world and the Fade, along with several other properties that have emerged or will emerge over time.

It's been quite useful in the past, necessary to the Inquisition's cause and directly leading to Adaar's rise to power — but the Anchor is ancient, dangerous magic that loses stability over time.

By our estimation, Adaar has two years before the magic begins to kill her. In our world, this was solved by neutralizing the Anchor and amputating her arm. Unfortunately, the bastard man who was able to do that isn't here with us.

Having lost her right arm to a werewolf here, Adaar isn't keen on the idea of losing her left. She's given me the task of figuring out what to do while there's still time, and though I'm arguably the best-educated of my world's mages here I confess to being out of my depth.

There's no thaumaturgical library here or collection of elven history, so my research options are limited. I thought we may put our heads together? Our worlds are different, our magics not the same, but we may stumble across something.

Feb. 17th, 2016


WHO: Dorian & The Iron Bull
WHEN: Valentine’s Day!
WHERE: 506.I2
WHAT: Fluff that turns to angst very briefly and there are sad, pouty Bull faces until it (spoiler alert) turns out okay. Bull is just way too excited about Valentine’s Day, ok?
WARNING: Pure disney. Seriously.

'Your culottes aren't terrible, either.' )


Lately, I've been trying to sort out what to do here. Back home, I was someone. I had a purpose. It may not have been the greatest purpose in the world, but I had something to do. I could call myself a Slytherin, a pureblood, the heir to the Malfoy line.

Here? I'm just some wizard. I don't know what else I can be here. Has anyone else felt like this?


Still around, Severus?

Feb. 16th, 2016


'Pod God', hmmm? Pithy. A being capable of tearing a person from his or her realm and depositing them in another and we give them a title reminiscent of a nursery rhyme. 'She of the Unknowable Journey', maybe? 'Ruler of The Wind'? Or do we call it a 'Pod God' because we've no answers, and mocking what's happened to us is easier than respecting it?

Magic's a fickle creature, to be sure. But I'll keep to my "please" and "thank you"'s, if it's all the same to you and yours.

Elias Kilmartin, of Fallen London. And since that apparently won't mean anything, it is - was - the year of 1891. Queen Victoria sold off London ages ago, and down it sunk into the dark bliss of the Neath with the devils and the shades. Doesn't that sound nice? I've never seen the sun and I don't care to. Big ball of fire in the sky that cooks you slowly? Who thought that was a good idea?

Feb. 14th, 2016


A mysterious stranger sent me a poe I have an admirer! Perhaps this holiday is not entirely useless, as it seems to foster morale. A poem I wish everyone a Happy Valentines Day. Ugh... get a hold of yoursel

Feb. 11th, 2016


network post: dorian (to krem)

Very well I apologize for what I said. I've written Fenris as well, and I doubt that we'll speak after this.

However, for Bull's sake, I'm asking that we at least keep up a polite relationship. I'm not asking him to choose between us.


letter: dorian → fenris

A handwritten letter, left affixed to Fenris's door. )

Feb. 8th, 2016


Chatty Chatty

[Chatty to Cassandra]
>> so
>> Mage-on-mage fistfight in the library, apparently
>> any idea what it was about?
>> I asked the woman who keeps the books, and she said Hawke just went fist first at Dorian's face without so much as a word.

[chatty to Dorian]
>> Are you all right?

Feb. 7th, 2016


The Magisterium's power hasn't come to this world or it did and that's the reason for war so I don't have anything left to lose when I tell you I've seen more than my fair share of different places. There have been worlds within worlds - beautiful places that would require books to describe, and stark places that made me want to shrivel from loneliness put together with places who hold those so dear that someones it took all of my willpower not to break my own oaths and let myself die jus ... stop, it's too

So, we've (some of us) made friends in Medical. We listen, we patch you up and make sure you're comfortable. It's made me curious about you, really.

Where are you from? What is your world like?


network post: dorian pavus (to tevinter; bull)

I think it's about time that we three countrymen gathered together, yes?

Drinks and creative swearing in our mother tongue?

Officially: yes. You don't truly need my permission, but you have my blessing, and it means a great deal that you thought to ask.

(cw: in the comments there's a rather ugly fight regarding privilege, class, and slavery, for anyone who doesn't need that in their day)

Feb. 6th, 2016


log: bull+dorian

WHO: The Iron Bull + Dorian Pavus
WHEN: Friday night!
WHERE: Their room, mostly on top of their "bed", which is really just a few mattresses on the floor because they broke their bed on their first night together and the bedframe's too small for Bull anyway.
WHAT: Dorian and Bull have been taking it slow with their usual sexual behavior ever since the de-aging plot, which rattled them both. Dorian's pretty damn restless about it, but Bull isn't going to let things go back to normal until they check in with each other.
WARNINGS: TBH, this is tame, but there's (light) discussion of BDSM, etc.

I trust you. Do you trust you? )


Since it has recently been a question, I thought it pertinent to make an announcement:

The Rose, our local Mount Weather tavern, is not for children. That said, we judge whether you're a child or not based more or less on how you look and how you behave. If you show up being fifteen and not looking eleven and ask politely for a drink and don't cause any trouble, I don't particularly care.

Regardless of your age, we will boot you out if you can't behave yourself - and please, please do not get any notion that because I'm small or because I'm an elf I'm not capable of ousting you - but as long as you appear to know how to conduct yourself, you'll be fine. And if you have questions on how to conduct yourself, feel free to ask. I've got a good barkeep's love of giving advice.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Network Post: Minerva McGonagall

I want to remind anyone who interested in trying wizard's chess, and who isn't too shellshocked from the educational seminar, that tonight's Chess Club meeting will be the first public trial. I would appreciate any feedback you give on how it performs.

Those from my world: you know what to expect from wizard's chess, so please alert me to any deviations in how the chess pieces behave for you or if you notice them in how they behave for any of your opponents.

Those not from my world: the chess pieces should obey your commands to move to the directed space. You will name which piece is to move and the space to which it will go. The correct piece should relocate itself as directed by sliding to that space. In a fully developed wizard's chess set, the pieces would capture the opponent's piece; we will not be testing that behavior just yet, so you will need to manually remove captured pieces from the board. If you are a non-magical person-- a "Muggle"-- I would like to know if the pieces fail to respond to your commands or if they give you any grief. If you're of magical stock, please watch for any irregularities in how they react.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you tonight. You may leave your feedback on this post after the meeting.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


[...] Shit. Somebody find that little pipsqueak running around the halls and bring him to me. I'm either gonna make him a Charger or wring his neck, if he's the reason why I'm missing my sending crystal.


paying in blood

Fair's fair, Seeker. You played a mean hand of Wicked Grace and this dwarf honors his losses. Just don't expect these too often, I've got better things to do than sit around writing this stuff. Since I don't expect to make any profit here, I'll just share it with anyone who might be interested while I'm at it.

[attached] Swords & Shields: Into the Wilds

OOC Info )

Feb. 2nd, 2016


network; alana (001)

Randomly showing up here is the luckiest I've been in a while. If the catch to a free place to live with my kid and no one trying to kill me is just living in this hill, then fine, I'll take it. Medical, if a man with horns shows up, come find me. That one's probably mine. He can't be that far behind me

And look, I'll pull my weight around here, but no way in hell am I leaving Hazel with strangers during the day. If anyone has an issue with her in the kitchens while I'm there, you can suck it.

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