May 2016



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Jan. 13th, 2016


Chatty to Caroline

Elena's gone.

Chatty to Ward

Elena disappeared. Right in front of me. I swear this place wants to torture me.


Jan. 12th, 2016


[Filtered to Squad Bravo: Susan Pevensie, Damon Salvatore, Bruce Wayne, Sarah Walker, Logan Howlett, Cassandra Pentaghast]

Good afternoon.

For those of you who do not know me, I am Cullen Rutherford, and going forward, I will be your sergeant. I am not particular about matters of address; call me Sergeant, Cullen, or Rutherford as you like.

To provide some general information on myself: I have been here at Mount Weather since the month they call May here. Before that I was Commander of the Army of the Inquisition in Thedas, and prior to that, Knight-Captain of the Templars at Kirkwall. I have been in some form of military service since I was thirteen years old. My background is primarily in melee combat and battle strategy. My weapons of choice are sword and shield, I am reasonably competent with daggers and bows, and I've become a decent shot with a rifle since my arrival here.

I would appreciate it if each of you would respond here to give me some idea of your skills and aspirations, that I may determine how we can best work together to become an effective unit. Seeker, I know you and your skills already, of course, but the others would probably like an introduction.

Thank you. I look forward to serving with you all.


Jan. 9th, 2016


I found myself thinking of my old friend Oghren as I was boiling a new mash this morning. It's a good thing he's not here, you know - he'd already have drunk every drop of alcohol we've managed to make as fast as we could brew it. Even for a dwarf, he was prodigiously good at drinking. Dwarves in general seem to have a high tolerance for liquor, but Oghren was special. Heart of a stout oak and a stomach of steel. A third or so of the people who take the Grey Wardens' Joining die in the process, and the ones who survive it usually pass out cold. Oghren, on the other hand, quaffed the whole chalice of darkspawn blood, belched so loud they probably heard it in Antiva City, and declared it "not bad."

He was a vulgar fellow, Oghren was. I don't think he ever met a female person without making at least one horrendous sexual comment. I tried not to take him in public any more than necessary. He told stories that could keep you laughing for hours, though, and sometimes his utter lack of politeness could be just delightful. Rudeness isn't nearly so bad when it's directed at people who deserve it. Oh, and you never saw anyone wield a battleaxe like that dwarf! I once saw him take it and just spin and take out a half dozen darkspawn in one huge swing. He wasn't charming, but Maker was he effective.

I can't say I miss Oghren, exactly. He was a massive pain in my arse a great deal of the time we spent together. I find, though, that I like to think of him now. Things turned out badly for so many of my old friends. Thinking of Oghren never makes me sad.

See, this is what happens when there's nothing to do with the whiskey but wait and it's morning in the tavern. Nobody around to blather at in person means I'm going to blather at all of you instead.

Oh yes! That's the news! We're working on whiskey, and I was any of you magical or mutant types have skills that could speed up time in one very small area? Say, the inside of a barrel? The blacksmiths have managed to double as coopers for us (thank you!), and we've got the whiskey sitting, but if we could make the time go along faster we'd potentially have good whiskey much sooner.

Jan. 7th, 2016



You know I could legally kill you now. No one would convict me. No one.


Jan. 3rd, 2016


Okay I gotta ask because it seriously keeps happening but does anyone have tips for how to deal with people showing up who look like your friends but are not actually your friends?

Jan. 2nd, 2016


Backdated to the 31st. Because I forgot
[Filtered to Command and Vampires]

Right, so animals are being frozen. And, I don't know about anyone else, but animals are getting harder to find. Since, they're fucking hibernating.

Which leaves us a problem. We have, at last I counted seven vampires here, from three different worlds. With slightly different needs. But, we at least need some form of blood to keep us, you know. Functioning. So, if you want to not let us dessicate starve to death, or whatever. We kinda need a solution.

And, yes. I know. Some of you don't particularly like me. I don't care. This isn't about me. It's about all seven of us. And, our whole community ethics crap.

Dec. 29th, 2015


Fine. I'm sorry. Okay?

I'm sorry about leaving you to potentially burn to deaf on a roof, Lexi. And, I'm sorry that I killed you. And, not just because it hurt Stefan. But, because in some weird perverted way. I actually missed you and your Mother Teresa complex. And, I never completely hated you, even though I wanted to.

And, Caroline. I'm sorry that I compelled you to continue dating me, even though I kept feeding on you and hurting you. And, basically being a complete dick. You're not a waste of space. You weren't then, either. Although, you're slightly less irritating as a vampire than a human.

And, while I'm apologising. Elena, I'm sorry I killed Jeremy. And Matt, and Ric. And I'm sorry I didn't always respect your choices. Although, I'm trying to be better about that now. But, I will still never be sorry about loving you. And how much I love you. And want to be a better person for you. Life here without you sucked. Like, completely sucked.

And, honestly I hate this honesty crap.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Everyon We The fight was brutal, but everyone did their part. I'll leave the stirring speeches to Cap people who are better at them than I am.

I can't apologize enough for my part in what happened. From what we can tell, when someone supernatural dies, I-- do that. The walking-around-on-fire thing. I'm so glad no one was hurt; Lydia is right when she says that it's best to just leave me alone until it's over.

If anyone knew the woman who was killed, I'd be happy to take you to her resting place. I think I can find i

[ Filtered to Will Graham ]

Hey, man. Can't thank you enough. I would've gotten hypothermia best case scenario if you hadn't have shown up when you did.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Law Enforcement + Command ]

In the light of all this, I fully understand if you would feel more comfortable reassigning me to a different position.

[ /Filter ]

Dec. 18th, 2015


We were going to save it for the upcoming holiday, but given the night we just had, the rest of the brewers and I have made an executive decision: our first actual good alcohol is debuting tonight. We're calling it Iceshine, and it's more than drinkable. What's more, there's lots of it.

So, if any of you are the sort to drown your sorrows, come on down to the tavern. No reflective surfaces allowed, and while you're welcome to get as bolloxed as you like, we reserve the right to boot you out on your arse and let the guard take you to cool off if you forget how to act.


netpost; adrian ivashkov

So, I haven't been here long enough to tell if the last day is the norm or not.

I'm Adrian Ivashkov and I'm and I'm not really going to complain about living underground. Call it my sunlight phobia.

Dec. 14th, 2015


The wind whips devilish through the tents at Bagram Airbase and at night, if it's quiet, and when there isn't enough heat to keep the patients warm, we seal up the seams beneath the door with our coats to huddle in the middle theatre together.

I'm glad to see this place is relatively airtight.

Hi. I'm Will.

- bloody hospital scrubs, all the better for shredding
- one pencil and a notebook of observations, all unfit for this new world
- one calendar, ticking off the weeks to midsummer's day
- this tablet

- kirjava (oh god)
- my pen

Is this the work of Æsahættr? Has it been found, forged, what have I done. Careless. Lacking in wariness. In foresight. I haven't been challenged. Someone must pay. I am sorry, mother. I am sorry, Lyra. Give me the strength to fix this alone.

Dec. 12th, 2015


Hi everyone.

I'm Elena. I just got here and Damon said I should say hi so here I am, saying hi.

So... this is fun. If the definition of 'fun' is waking up in a post-apocalyptic future world place thing.

(Filtered to Caroline)

Caroline, Damon said you're here. Please be here...


who: Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore
when: Elena's arrival
where: Their apartment
what: Reunion
warnings: None as of right now

She had expected to wake up to a new world but this was altogether something else. )

Dec. 5th, 2015


Funny what grief'll do to people.

It's funny, no one blames the guy but legalities and all. Just looks so damn broken. Same situation, most of us might do the same.


As first days go? Not the easiest.


So, Kara's here.

Dec. 3rd, 2015


Someone here's got to hate Vosch as much as I do. Tell me where he is and I'll put a bullet in his head.

Nov. 30th, 2015


We may be in a different century, but the self-righteous hypocrites remain the same, as always.

Nov. 25th, 2015


Hey, Mount Weather! Listen up! Tomorrow's the last Thursday in November which means it's Thanksgiving. The day where you spend time with family eat turkey, give thanks, and, more importantly, watch football!

There's no football to watch here but we can fix that. Who's up for a scrimmage?

Nov. 13th, 2015



So, in a sad realisation. You two are my only real friends here.

Melinda May has arrived. Otherwise known as the bitch that set Kara up to die and got away with it. She wants to kill me and honestly I want to let her try. Because if she does, I want to see what the justice system here is actually worth or if the fact that they like her more than me plays into this.

Honestly, she's deranged. To a level they don't see themselves. But that's beside the point.

Hand to hand, she's marginally better than me. Maybe. But its a risk I don't want to take. I'd like you guys on side in case this gets messy.

Most of the people from home, they have a right to hate me. May, is just as bad if not worse, and she lost any moral high ground she had with me last year.

Nov. 12th, 2015


So I heard about movie night, but aside from that what do people do here to pass the time, when not working, eating, or sleeping?


I need to punch things. Hard. I need to punch lots of things.

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