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Jan. 2nd, 2016


Nothing quite like the headache of everyone deciding to lie about EVERYTHING after a truth spell. You realize you don't have to lie about stupid stuff all the time, right?

Dec. 28th, 2015


[VOICE-TO-TEXT - Unfiltered]

Day Seven of the Rat Trials, Bloodborne edt. is going well. We're at the stage where I should see progress any day now. The rats are still doing well, healthy and whole, and I hope I'm given enough time to create a cure and vaccine for Alfred.

Everyone is having truth issues, and while I'm feeling more honest than usual, there isn't anything in particular I need to hide so I'm not overly worried. Except that I miss video games. And Star Wars. I bet it was amazing, not shite like those prequels that are a travesty to the name.

But it's easier focusing on work, here. Recovery, trials, my rat friends. I still haven't even begun to progress like I'd hoped on the Zombie Rat trials. Without tainted utopium, I'm not sure of where to start. If I didn't throw myself into some sort of project I'd spend all day worrying about Liv and not being able to cure her. I've got to figure something out, for her sake. For my own sake. What am I, if not someone who give her a life back? Major does a much better job of making her feel things, and I'm already torn between wishing for the best for them and being stupidly jealous.

May the Force Be With You, Doctor Chakrabarti. You're going to need it.


So Lincoln's basically adorable when he wakes up in the morning and even though the bedhead is so cute there's this moment, right? There's this moment where the morning breath could be worse. But then I realize it's probably actually my morning breath so I try to stay cool before I sprint into the bathroom and yeah, basically it's me. I rock so hard.

And then, like. Here I am and the surveillance feeds are pretty quiet so the outside of Mount Weather is almost pretty and I always wanted to know why Rosemary Clooney insisted on washing her hair with snow in White Christmas. That is such a really weird reaction to being desperate for a little snow.


Dec. 20th, 2015


So, like. We won? We won!

Go us! Damn now you all know what I can d Let me extend my congratulations and send out a collective fist bump of awesomeness. We're a ... really big team.

Dec. 16th, 2015


Days like this are a little sad, aren't they? Happiest of birthdays to my favourite prankster, Jane Austen. It's a shame I can't see you again.

Dec. 13th, 2015


Just so you're all a little more prepared than I was, someone new arrived and she looks like you, Daisy.

Dec. 11th, 2015


Who: Lincoln Campbell & Daisy Johnson
When: Wednesday night, I think.
Where: their roooooom.
What: Daisy gets new memories!
Rating: G???
Notes: ... there are spoilers for Agents of SHIELD, episode 3x10 here.

'Now what?' )

Dec. 12th, 2015


Well this place is certainly never dull.

I think it's been a couple of hours since I last told you this so, Grant, I love you.

[Betsy, Coulson, Daisy]
Which one of you said something to him? I know one of you did.

[Cassie & Ringer] (Can either be one message to both or separate if she's training them separately)
I need to postpone our training for a few days.

Dec. 10th, 2015


Well, that was interesting and unpleasant. Waking up with new memories isn't something I'd recommend.

Also, Cap, you make jumping out of a plane look much easier than it is in reality.

[Team Bus]
I think I understand where Daisy & Lincoln are from a bit better now.

Would it be a conflict of interest or me to ask for your services?

Can we talk?


****Potential Spoilers for AOS 3x10 in comments*****

Dec. 5th, 2015


Funny what grief'll do to people.

It's funny, no one blames the guy but legalities and all. Just looks so damn broken. Same situation, most of us might do the same.


As first days go? Not the easiest.


So, Kara's here.

Nov. 21st, 2015


I know that some of you guys are adorably not well-versed in the ways of the internet or how we got to know each other online like, 200 years ago. There were quizzes but one of my favourite things (HELLO HARRY POTTER PEOPLE) was called the "Veritaserum Meme" ... I know, sounds CRAZY right? Well, it's definitely something like crazy. It's like a "Truth or Dare" game without the dare.

Because I don't know you guys yet, but apparently you used to be pals with an old version of me, I figured we could start off all shiny and brand new. I get to find out more about you, you get to find out more about me. So we are going to play the VERITASERUM MEME.

And Mount Weather, you're going to be totally cool about it. We're blizzard buddies. We're going to learn things about each other. No secrets among friends!!
OH NO. You have been given a dose of Veritaserum (basically, this is a thing that makes you tell the truth no matter what). Comment below with your name so that people can ask you questions which you must answer honestly. Feel free to take advantage of other people in a similarly dosed state, too.

Nov. 19th, 2015



Oh, hello postapocalypticlandia. The name is Daisy. Sup? Good to know we survive past the end of the timeline, and like. We're not doing too bad! Right? Right. Totally. So, I get the feeling we're all going to be super awesome friends. And when I say super awesome friends, I mean if this were MySpace (#TBT HOLLA) you'd all be in my Top 10.

Because, basically. I'd have no other choice. Unless I ki But it's a good thing we'd all pretty much break Myspace with the collective power of our Type A awesomeness. And I'm rambling So I have a job, I have a room and I guess we'll all have to get used to each other really quick. You guys are used to this. I am not used to this.

But I will be soon. Promise.

Oct. 16th, 2015


You smell like rotten meat.

Is this the way you live? Is this what you smell, what you see?

When I suggest to the populace that the strange new sensation of easing into a hunter's skin isn't so much alien as it is a homecoming, they'll lock me up. I've killed before and now, I think, I could do it so neatly.

What structures are here to keep us from succumbing to these natural instincts?

Oct. 15th, 2015


Filter: Team Bus

Filter: Grant Ward
Did you talk to him yet? Because if you didn't, my bodyguarding is going to be put on hold.

Oct. 13th, 2015


[Team Bus + Betsy]

So, Barnes. Do I tell him who I worked for or not? Probably better him hearing it from me than finding out on his own. Means I could explain rather than wait and see if I wind up decapitated with that arm. I think it might be safer.

Sep. 27th, 2015


Nothing like dropping temperatures and trees starting to get bare to remind you that you actually do miss seeing the words "Pumpkin Spice" before everything in any coffee shop or grocery store.

On the bright side, at least there won't be the agony of finding Halloween costumes you want to wear that are horribly sexualized just because they're for women. Who the hell thought "Sexy Spongebob" was a good idea?

Sep. 23rd, 2015


We'll be taking volunteers to sign up for guard duty around the werewolf shelter, please let me know. I will be taking those who are immune to werewolf bites and scratches first. Then everyone else will be on a case by case basis.

We're going to need an ambassador to treat with the Grounders. We need them to understand that we don't wish to break the terms of the truce, but we need the ability to go outside of the perimeter for supplies. Would you be willing?
Are you quite sure you're interested in staying in childcare?
Our final test run for the accommodations is this week. I'll need all hands on deck at the location for this run. If you are unable to be gone for a few days, please let me know immediately.
Stop hovering.

Sep. 12th, 2015






Sep. 7th, 2015


Turns out I missed teaching people to shoot. Who knew? On the upside no one said bang while firing.


How are things since Fitz went? How's Simmons.

And any chance I could steal you again later. It was nice talking before. No one shot or betrayed anyone. It was almost progress


I've been spending time with her. But then you knew that. And who I mean.

Am I completely insane?

Sep. 5th, 2015


This was not something I was expecting. Who'd have thought time travel was actually real.

Hi, I'm Dr. Horrible Billy. Ugh, how am I supposed to keep a secret identity when I arrive dressed like

So, this is what the world turns out like, huh?

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