May 2016



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Feb. 24th, 2016


We'll be putting together a tablet documentation and video recap of the sexual education seminar, for anyone that arrived after or wasn't able to attend. Should be available at the end of the week, just let me or Claire know which copy you'd like.

Also, please feel free to give any feedback before we do the taping. Anything you think we should have touched on? Did you take any of the advice and it either worked or didn't? Anymore questions? Generous praise? Use protection!

iZombie filter. Cut because Ravi over thinks and it's way long. )

Feb. 23rd, 2016


Yesterday was kind of exhausting, right? Glad it seems to have stopped. I'll miss Elsa. She was nice. They all leave eventu

The rest of you are here, right? And by the rest of you, I mean those people I've gotten to know and who are awesome.

So I don't know that I really can completely qualify for your AA thing, because of the werewolf thing, but I'd like to come if I could. Is that okay?

Feb. 16th, 2016


Okay, so obviously the pod god has been dropping off things from home that can do some damage. Dragons, frost giants, droids, etc. Thankfully usually at least a few of us know the threats inside and out but I'm wondering what's gonna happen if the one with know how is off doing some kind of run and ain't around to help us figure out vulnerabilities from the getgo.

Do we got any kind of database set up with potentials threats that might get dropped off? Is that something we might wanna create if we don't got one going?

Feb. 15th, 2016


Does anyone want to bring us some food? It would be in the service of true love (me and not having to get dressed my bed).

I really miss delivery.

Feb. 13th, 2016


unValentines cards

Delivered anonymously to: Zed, Logan, Max G, Stacker, Peter Q, Audrey )

Delivered to Ravi, August, Lincoln (not Campbell), and pinned up somewhere Catherine's likely to see it )

Feb. 12th, 2016


Chatty to Catherine

>> Since you have your new drone, I should warn you
>> I have this thing about robots.
>> It's all good, just... make sure I can hear you coming.

>> If you're curious... this is where I used to work:
>> (file directory for canon content)/DoctorWho/10/Season02/ArmyofGhosts.mp4
>> (file directory for canon content)/DoctorWho/10/Season02/Doomsday.mp4

Feb. 8th, 2016


There's considerably less over the top romantic marketing for Valentine's Day here, but there's also less chocolate ice cream. I think I'm going to call that one a draw.


Feb. 7th, 2016


Catherine, I have a surprise for you. :D

Thank you for your help, Isaac! And everyone that went out on little salvaging runs with me, especially in this weather. I managed extra materials for the communication devices, though I still want to look into something more.. um. Reliable. Better? I might start seeing about replicating omni-tools, but I don't know if it's something I can do without all of my gear. And I miss eezo.


Feb. 5th, 2016


From my time, I remember stories about the resilient people who lived here in these parts a thousand years ago. I just read Christy, really And I always liked hearing about how they banded together to survive. They had all these remedies and instincts they used, scratching life out of land that was sometimes beautiful and sometimes inhospitable.

I feel kind of close to that thought when I'm out in the woods.

Today, I'm going to try tapping some of the maples and birches. I know it's still cold but I figure if I just wait til the middle of the day, I can catch the sap running.


I hate this time of yea Sorry to hear about the cold water. I'm sure everyone's doing what they can to make sure it's fixed in a prompt manner. Going without a shower for a day or two won't kill you; in fact most scientists agree that showering every day will irritate dry skin and cause your body to produce excessive amounts of sebum in the scalp, which results in oily hair and dandruff. You're much better off showering every three days or every other day, if you must, unless your work produces a lot of sweat.

But then again, I can't smell you anyway, so I don't really care.

Jan. 27th, 2016


Thank goodness that's over with! No offense to the rest of you but bleh; I never needed to relive any of that. Is everyone back to normal? Anyone experiencing any side effects? All systems are ago over here.

Ianto, thank you again for the place to retreat from the teeming masses.

Jan. 25th, 2016


Hello, this is low-priority so by all means, take care of the small children having hysterics first, but if anyone has a spare room that's quiet, I'd really like that, thank you. For some reason I don't have a room assigned to my older self.

There's a lot of people and a good percentage of them are upset, and it's really overwhelming, and I'd like to get away from it to absorb being here if at all possible.

My name is Catherine Chun.

Jan. 26th, 2016


Does someone know ASL? Trish showed me how this works but I'm not very good at reading.

My name is Maya. I'm looking for Wilson Fisk.

Jan. 22nd, 2016


I been real quiet lately, I know that.

But that's okay, cause I guess I've been throwing myself pretty hard in my job. I found a place where freshwater clams like to hide out. I also found watercress and forest elder. I even fell in the water but that wasn't a big deal. Just a pretty red nose and a hard run back to the mountain.

But all those things. That's got to be some kind of soup, right?

Jan. 21st, 2016


Hey, but seriously, if you smash the security cameras (even on accident, hunter folk), I can't watch things or keep us safe OH MY GOD WHO AM I so ... maybe don't do that anymore. Thanks a bunch. Also, if you could not eat dragon around your electronics, that would also be super cool.

Gonna go die now. Kthxbai.


So. I'm Isaac. This isn't exactly the way I pictured the end of the world going. I mean, I guess this is better than work would've been. And at least I wasn't awake inside of that pod thing. Little victories?

Sorry, I'm shit at introductions. I'll tell you anything you want to know, though. Apparently, I know some people here already?

Jan. 19th, 2016


I'm dead. And

I've spent the last five years running around like a complete child, figuring I could pack it in when I hit my thirties, try a real job and real relationships and maybe get a cat or something, I don't know. And then six months out I let Moon Knight talk me into teaming up with him because it's the kind of crazy shit that makes for a good story, and sometime in the next few days from where I got pulled here from we're going to try to fight some asshole with eye lasers and I'm going to die. Which means this stupid bunker is my entire life now and it's all more unstable than I could possibly have managed to make things for myself back home. I've spent my entire life working hard as hell to get past all the complete shit the universe has thrown at me only to end up in a radiation soaked dystopia where even if you manage not to die from hypothermia or wild animals or glass women that come out of mirrors you might just disappear at any time for no apparent reason and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

I don't... do well with things that far out of my control. Not when even the most basic things like going to school are things I've had to fight tooth and nail for. I don't even trust other people, how can I trust some inexplicable force that seems to get off on toying with us?

Jan. 18th, 2016



I have had an interesting conversation with Amadeus Cho. Darcy Lewis, you should meet this man. He reminds me of you; I cannot decipher half of what he says, either. It seems in Midgard of old, or of current should you hail from an alternate timeline, there were situations where people of note would spend time answering questions from the public. Ask Anything, it was called.

In an effort to get to know as many of you as I am able, by way of you getting to know me, I would like to resurrect this idea here. Please, ask me anything. I will endeavor to answer every question as honestly as possible.


I know everyone's going to the bar to try the whiskey, so it's probably to the public good that I warn you that I'm going there to get drunk on the cheap stuff and find someone for an ill-advised one night stand. If you're not helping with either of those you probably just shouldn't talk to me.

Jan. 15th, 2016


I knew it! I knew that many-worlds was a possibility! I never dreamed I'd get to be here in another dimension like this. Asgard and Svartalfheim were just the beginning, and now I need my equipment. This is the worst time to be without it. I need to run a spectrum analysis, take samples of the soil and water, and study weather patterns. I need to study everything.

I guess I should say hi. I'm Jane Foster, and this is one of the coolest things to happen to me. Just one of, though.

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