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Oct. 21st, 2015


[Filtered to those involved in un-demonifying Dean]

We're good to go on consecrated ground.

Now it's just a matter of getting him there. Suggestions?


Two weeks and I'll have been here for two months now. It feels a lot longer than that if I'm being honest. At least I can safely say that I'm glad my mum isn't here. This place would drive her mad, I think.

Hey. How are you doing?

Oct. 18th, 2015


network post; jean grey

I kind of liked not hearing what everyone thinks about their dinner / impending doom / whatever crazy's on this week's agenda.

[Rachel & Betsy]
I need to practice.


Two things. First: I'm really, really sorry to everyone who was affected by me, Dean, or Crowley in the last few days, including those of you who had to watch your loved ones being possessed. The real reason Dean ended up possessing anyone at all is because I, temporarily a demon myself, exorcised him from his body and wouldn't let him back into it.

I did the same thing to Crowley, and I don't yet know if he managed to hurt any of you, but that goes for him as well. I didn't become a demon by choice, but once I was one, I definitely intended to cause trouble. I'm just really glad I didn't try to kill anyo If there's anything I can do to make up for it, please let me know.

Second: I've been wanting to do this since the moment he became a demon, but we are going to cure Dean and find a way to prevent him from changing into a demon again. To do that, we have to find consecrated ground. It's been difficult to find around here because everything is so grown over, but Dean is in custody and we've been given the go ahead to put an official team together to find it. So, I know it's probably too much to ask for anyone's help, but we're looking for volunteers amongst the soldiers and scouts to join us. Anyone who has a special sense for ground that has been made holy would also be useful, to help us cover more ground.

Angel, I hope you're still on board to help us with that. And since it's easier for you to travel in the dark, we can leave tonight and cover as much ground as we can before sunrise. We need to find it quickly so we can put this right.

Oct. 15th, 2015


You know, I knew I wasn't a morning person, but I guess I didn't realize that I literally wasn't myself in the mornings.

Oct. 1st, 2015


You should go to this dance thing tonight, and you should go with me.
How are you doing, kiddo?
Stop hiding.

Sep. 28th, 2015


Guess who has two thumbs and got a job as a squire?

Sep. 27th, 2015


I have to say that doing Capture the Flag so soon after arriving here is definitely a good way to make this place seem at least a little bit like home, especially when I'm on the winning team.



Does it really count if a full year hasn't passed since my last one? I skipped a few months when I got here.

Sep. 26th, 2015


Elsa's gone.

I don't kn

(ooc: edited in later)
[Filtered to Alison Hendrix. Also visible to Foggy Nelson]

I hate to ask this of you. There's a diplomatic mission leaving in just a few days, for a week and a half. Any chance Charlie could stay with you while I'm gone?

I know the timing is t No pressure. I can ask someone else if this is too much.


I'm just going to take a moment to thank Amadeus Cho for creating a menu option to TURN OFF the Tetris music. I've had that stupid song stuck in my head for the last week.

Aug. 21st, 2015


DAY THREE. No one has shivved me yet. I think it's safe-going. I'm roommates with Black Cat (!!!) and Liv Moore (the coolest zombie ever). Not bad for a fresh out of the pod girl. I should probably come clean, since the stupid thing says my name. I am Spider-Girl, but my real name is Anya Corazon. I was registered so you know, whatever, on the secret identity thing, I guess. You may also know me as Araña.

IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because you could all see my darn name before, and I was trying so hard to be sneaky.

But none of that matters because it's Friday. Right? Yeah, Friday. What do we do for fun around here?

Aug. 5th, 2015


You didn't tell your dad about being a superhero! I totally failboated on that, and might have mentioned that supervillains didn't like you.

Where's Damage Control when you need them?
Wanna go for a run?

Aug. 3rd, 2015


Hi. I'm Scott. It's been a really interesting week, so I'm just going to cut to the chase and ask one thing.

Has anyone else tried to hold down a conversation with a tree, or should I head back to medical for another check-up?

Aug. 2nd, 2015


My dad's here!

Jul. 31st, 2015


I'll be damned. It's all true. All those theories about other universes and time being a fourth dimension that could be manipulated.

Dad was right.

Let's just pretend I never said that.

Jul. 29th, 2015


A pod landed outside our doors today. It was full of... random objects, unlike previous pods. Several bags full of various items. A laptop. I found something that once belonged to me before, so I wonder if these other objects belong to other people here. I am going to start separating everything very carefully, if someone else from rescue & recovery would like to help to expedite this process. That would make it easier for everyone to look through, to see if anything belongs to them.

It feels as though something was reading my mind. I had been worrying about how much of what I know should be introduced here. Advanced knowledge given freely without having been earned, without a proper understanding of the consequences, can be a dangerous thing. It can be a dangerous thing even when you understand the drawbacks. But it can do good, too. There has to be a compromise somewhere.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


Okay, so I'm out in the field right now, but I wanted to hit you up about something.

Sam's asked me to move in with him, and I'm just wondering your thoughts on it. I don't wanna leave you in a lurch or anything.

Jul. 17th, 2015



(Do people do that? Celebrate a day? That's super weird.)
I'm really trying not to be nervous -- I'm not even one of the main roles -- but oh my god, I am nervous.
Break a leg, girlie.

Jun. 30th, 2015


SOME people I know are in BIG trouble and I'm taking guesses on who and why!

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