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Oct. 27th, 2015


kinda been sitting on this super important question but: who do I contact about possibly getting some of my old roommate's stuff back?

specifically the furby. i want the furby back. and before you call me an indian giver (which BTW is not PC!!!) like the computer like the OH NVM I GET IT. i'd like to say ..... i gave it to him to begin with. sooooooo it's technically mine.


i'm gonna miss that guy.

wait they wouldn't have known we gave it give it a rest

Oct. 25th, 2015


Starting to think you guys aren't even trying in capture the flag. C'mon. I don't even have powers.

Oct. 21st, 2015


Which one of you can I trust to not dissect me if I

I'm going for walk. Who's coming with me? Groot's busy messing around with leaves, and I ain't got a lifetime to wait for him to catch up.

Oct. 20th, 2015


No one's seen Violet since yesterday, and I know she could do the whole invisigirl thing, but would she do it for this long?

Hey Violet? If you're there, let us know so we know you're okay!

Oct. 19th, 2015


I KNEW Araña would be beneficial to have around! You should have seen the GIANT RAT he took down!

I also think he likes it when I sing to him. He really likes the one from Hocus Pocus. The one the witches sing! I LOVE THAT SONG. So if you see Araña and get scared, try singing to him.

Oct. 1st, 2015


UNITY DAY! I heard there was a dance? I would like to go to the dance!

Hi! How are you feeling? How did your first full moon go?

Agent Hummingbird, reporting for duty ma'am! I did some snooping, and I sense that Miss Fred does have a crush! I couldn't get a name, but he definitely has blonde hair and something to do with...GUESS WHAT? SPIDERS!

Sep. 30th, 2015


I made you something.
Fred brought down a shirt that needed mending. I've mended it, so now I'm going to get Ben to bring it back up to her.
Hey hottie. How's it going?
Let's gossip.
How are you at being nosy?

Sep. 27th, 2015


Personally, I don't think I did too bad on my very first time ever playing Capture The Flag.


Need you two to look out for each other if anything happens during the full moon. You got it? Take care of each other.

Sep. 10th, 2015




In my life, I mean. Totally not the most unfair thing ever in the ENTIRE history of unfair.

Filter: Kaine
Hi! Okay, so don't be mad. I mean you're usually mad about something, but I can't stress enough that I really don't want you to be mad at me! I wasn't even sure it was going to happen, you know? I can't believe they want me! But I think it's a good thing, only I think they want to keep everyone young. Not that you're old! You're not old! Maybe they're looking for a team of teens. Team of Teens! That's a good name, but no one would take us seriously.

Sep. 9th, 2015


Do you see them?

Sep. 8th, 2015


Someone care to explain that isn't a Muggle?


I hope everyone enjoyed my news broadcast on Sunday! It was an honor and a privilege to carry on the work of my dearly departed (from this world, that is) best friend, Cecil Palmer, even if just for one day. I think he would've been proud. And it only took me four hours of rehearsal to feel adequately prepared! A year ago I would have needed ten times that amount at least. Therapy!

Last month I celebrated my 46th birthday -- well, actually I ignored it completely, because there were more important things going on, and also because the prospect of aging terrifies me to my core. I much prefer the idea of skipping this one and chalking it up to time travel. But strangely, being here is helping with that fear. Or perhaps it's just replacing it with the much more pertinent fear of dying before I ever get the chance to age any further. Hard to say.

At any rate! All of this has reminded me, more than ever, that our time here together is fleeting. I don't want to die or disappear without having made every one of you a close personal friend. So if we haven't met yet, let's change that! I can't wait to make your acquaintance. And if we have met, let's hang out again! Let me make you a cup of herbal tea, or come join me for a run outside! You're all beautiful people with incredible souls, and I am so fortunate to be here sharing this mountain with you.


If I were in England, and this were 1824, such an announcement as this would be printed in the newspapers, or given at a ball. My own father would take care of it, or the head of my family -- or, in many cases, the bridegroom. In any case, I am overjoyed to tell you all, our friends and neighbors, that this evening Cullen asked me to give him my hand in marriage. I, naturally, said yes, because I love him.

Perhaps to some, the notion of marriage isn't as important as it is elsewhere, but I believe that it is. Pledging to love and honor another, to share your life with them formally, and to celebrate that love with one's friends and family is even more necessary here. We haven't yet set a date, but that will be coming soon.

Sep. 5th, 2015


We are a week out from the terrible fight that we fought last Saturday -- and one. Most of us are only now really beginning to process what we have seen, and what we have done. You must all remember that you are not alone in your horror and grief, and that there are people who are there to help you, in whatever way you need. Some of you may feel that you must speak to someone, a professional perhaps. So consider this your reminder that mental health services are available to you all, at any time of day or night.


Okay, so I'm still new here and apparently there's not much crime. Still, there's a lot of things going on — werewolves, Grounders, weird animals — and I kind of want to get a group together to occasionally do our own patrols. Does that make sense?

Anyway, you guys came to mind first, and if you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears. If nothing else, we can get together and keep up our skills because let's be real, not being able to swing around is going to suck. I need to keep fit somehow.

Sep. 2nd, 2015


It seems I arrived here during a very difficult time. There's so much pain, anger and fear. I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do to help, let me know!

I'm still really sore, and I have a bit of a headache, but considering what happened to me and what's happened here, I'm not really all that surprised.

Hi! I'm Aracely or Hummingbird, you can totally call me Hummingbird if you want to! It's my super hero name because I am totally a super hero now!

I know I've been here before, and I don't remember so I am SO SORRY if we met and you say hi, and I'm like, "WHO ARE YOU, STRANGER?" Good news is that we can totally get to know one another all over again!

Aug. 21st, 2015


DAY THREE. No one has shivved me yet. I think it's safe-going. I'm roommates with Black Cat (!!!) and Liv Moore (the coolest zombie ever). Not bad for a fresh out of the pod girl. I should probably come clean, since the stupid thing says my name. I am Spider-Girl, but my real name is Anya Corazon. I was registered so you know, whatever, on the secret identity thing, I guess. You may also know me as Araña.

IT DOESN'T MATTER. Because you could all see my darn name before, and I was trying so hard to be sneaky.

But none of that matters because it's Friday. Right? Yeah, Friday. What do we do for fun around here?

Aug. 19th, 2015


DAY ONE: My phone can't connect to Twitter or Facebook or even my cable company so I can pay my bill. Cell phone has no signal, but there's wifi here. The wifi is boooooooring with nothing on it but this network. What am I going to do without Twitter, world? How am I supposed to survive without being able to text absolutely no one? The fact that I can't is the worst part.

Day one saw me waking up in some kind of medical ward. I feel fine. A little groggy, but fine. Weirdest kidnapping ever. Most times I wake up, strapped to a chair with some weirdo standing over me talking about new world order. I have to get punchy then, so this was a nice chance of pace. Score one for the home (away?) team. Guess that depends on perspective.

Is there food? Because it had already been twelve hours since I ate before the weird kidnapping, and now I think my stomach might be trying to escape out into the world to devour DEVOUR DEVOUR.

Aug. 18th, 2015


Mount Weather, I feel like we haven't done something that is truly fun in a little while. I'd mentioned last month about some ice skating, and I think that this weekend will be perfect for it. Only, let's hold it outside, and maybe the kitchen staff can set up lunch outdoors for us? And it can be a little like a festival, only it's a party, outside. Who wants to help me clear a space nearby for ice skating?

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