May 2016



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Apr. 1st, 2016


Storybrooke; Anakin Smith

Someone give me something to do Tuesday so I don't spend my whole day off in some sort of weird marathon ritualistic watch every Star Wars movie in order with popcorn and beer with my Dad because they finally released the new film on blu-ray? Please?

Alternately, if someone wants to be the good, interested-in-star-wars son he never had, just let me know and I'll send you the details.

[Filter: Angelo]
I'm looking at you. Do you need an extra person to cut tulips on Tuesday or something? I promise I'll only marginally mess them up.



I am convinced that Spring Break is actually a form of long-term torture disguised as a week of bliss. A week of laziness capped by a return to class -- and my senioritis is acting up something fierce.

I know the degree is worth it, but at what cost? I'm going to go sleep for a million years or until Catherine makes me wake up, whichever comes first.


storybrooke network; dean wesson (035)

Not coming in today. My kid caught some kind of bug and Ali needed to go into work, so I'm spending half the damn day at the doctor's office.

Sorry I bailed on last night.

Yes, he's still alive. Stop texting me.

Mar. 29th, 2016


netpost; han solo

I hate to go all mushy just before a siege breaks, but maybe home's not a place. I didn't grow up in a romantic holovid life, so call it the smuggler in me...the one that grew up smuggling alongside pirates,and saved a wookie from Kessel and married the princess...

Yea, alright. It got a little mushy at the end. What I'm saying is: home isn't just a place. It's so much more than that. Let's remember that when we're all stuck in this damn rock together.

Mar. 27th, 2016


[Friends of his and Reyna - minus Reyna] (ooc: pretend this was earlier in the day)
I know there's a lot of stress going on, but who wants to help me find everything purple and gold in this mountain to decorate Reyna's room with before she gets back for the night?

Mar. 26th, 2016


Network Post: Jaina Solo

Have you ever felt like something was bothering you but you couldn't quite put a finger on it? I guess everybody as at some point. Well, that's how I feel now. I'm restless, I do know that much, I miss flying, I miss the stars, but I know thinking about it won't do any good. I'm not going anywhere unless the Pod God or whoever decides I need to leave.

I'm lonely being ridiculous sick of wanting someone to notice me glad most of my family is here because that helps.

Private )

Mar. 23rd, 2016


Who: Jainakin
When: After Anakin gets back from his trip with Nico and Reyna, not long after Jaina's arrival.
Where: Jaina's apartment
What: Reunion, talking, the usual Solo/Skywalker angst
Rating: PG for some talk of the Dark Side and the usual things

It's almost like home )

Mar. 22nd, 2016


I don't need help until Saturday but who wants to sign up to fill a whole bunch of eggs with candy?

Mar. 19th, 2016


[Filter to Friends]
Uh... I think I just got a pet... at least until Percy shows up again...

Mar. 18th, 2016


I wanted to take a moment to thank the Frye's for organizing Fight Club and Commander Shepherd for the training camp that's been so useful to a lot of us in practicing our skills and acquiring new ones. In that line, I was wondering if there'd be any interest in a sort of fight club but with weapons - swords, axes, staves - whatever your close combat weapon of choice is.

We could practice on a semi-regular basis and do a tournament of matches once a month if folks want.

What am I doing?

ooc: signups here

Mar. 17th, 2016


network post: shepherd book

Awhile back, Dela offered some of us a chance to participate in her rituals for the dead and I wonder if a monthly service of remembrance drawing on various traditions represented in this place.

I tend to view most of my work more as what some would call simply being there, rather than preaching or leading service, though I did both of those things during my time at the monastery. However, with Easter fast approaching, I would be happy to lead a service for those who celebrate it.

Lily Potter
I believe you are the one in charge of the life support meetings and while I meet the criteria, I was uncertain if it would be helpful or distracting for me to attend since I'm also part of the mental health staff.

Mar. 15th, 2016


(024) Anakin Solo

My sister just got here and it's already her birthday, so prettttttyyyyy much we should all congratulate her on being older but also remind her that just cause she's older than me doesn't mean she gets to boss me (Just Sayin').

[Filter: Jaina]
I have one more candy pop thing from the pod drop that Henry shared with me. And it's yours if you want it. Happy Birthday.


netpost; han solo

If this White Queen situation isn't resolved, us scouts are going to be pulling extra shifts for awhile. Chewie, you got things covered on the home front? Anakin, I'll see what junk I come across out there. And Jaina? Happy birthday. We've still got a few hours left to celebrate.

Your luck just improved Mount Weather. Looks like I won't be around for sabaac lessons tomorrow. And Cisco? I didn't forget I owe you a drink.

Mar. 13th, 2016


(023) Anakin Solo

I'm beginning to think I'm just bad luck for Capture the Flag. On the other hand, at least the snow waited until today.

[Filter: Nico di Angelo]
I don't think I'll blame you if you put me on the other team next month.

More pirates tonight?

Mar. 12th, 2016


Whoever said that candy is not good for sports doesn't know what they're talking about. I ate like fourteen chocolate frogs after lunch AND managed to get the first flag!

If anyone doesn't want their cards from the frogs I will take them!!!

Mar. 11th, 2016


Listen up. Bravo Team is out for at least the weekend. We'll be taking Bravo's duties for the duration of their quarantine, which means we'll have little downtime this weekend. Get with me for your assignments. We'll be accompanying the hunters, gatherers, and fishers.
Han and I are going to be on double-duty this weekend. Hold down the fort.

Mar. 10th, 2016


1. Annabeth Chase

Hello Mt. Weather, I'm Annabeth Chase. They told me that I'd been here a couple of times before but I don't remember any of that. I can't say that I'm surprised that Earth nearly blew itself up but I can't help but wonder if the gods didn't give them a little help.

I'm going to be a mapmaker which is cool, I love that sort of thing. Nico, they said you were here and you're one of my roommates. I'm in the apartment now but no one else is here. So come home when you can.


Chocolate frogs beat out cake pops any day of the week.

Who wants to help me try out every flavor of these beans?

I do not care if they're the disgusting ones I want to try all of them.

Mar. 5th, 2016


Alright, who is actually responsible for movies? I need to know which names to take down so that when I summon some spirits I'm telling the right ones all the mistakes they made. Did they even read a book of basic Greek mythology?

1. The Underworld does not look like that.
2. Hades' palace does not look like that.
3. The Underworld is not Hell and Hades is not the devil.
4. I don't even like her, but how could they do that to Persephone?
5. Hellhounds don't just roam around the palace. They stay on the Fields of Punishment with a few exceptions. Also, give them to the souls? What good would that even do?

Please tell me this movie was a joke and not what someone actually thought Percy Jackson's world is like.

Mar. 3rd, 2016


Billy -

So I spent a lot of time thinking about what I was going to do today. If we were at home, this would be easy. I know exactly what we'd do in New York, I know exactly what I'd get you (I'm not going to spoil that for future birthdays), and I know exactly who'd be there. Here, it's hard. I can't just go buy your favorite dessert or something new to put on your nerd shelf. I can't bring Tommy here. I'm not good at making things, and I can't whisk you off to some far-away beach. (Well, I could, but it'd take hours to get there, with my wings.) I don't have magic to just ... wish whatever you want into existence. All you get is me. So here I am.

By the way, everyone, it's Billy's birthday. Now I'm going to embarrass him.

I never really believed in true love and fate and all that stuff until I met you. I didn't even think you'd like me when I first met you. I was nursing the biggest crush I'd ever had, and I really wanted to be cool and to impress you, because you were amazing, you know? I knew right away that you were special. Way more amazing than some kid who didn't even know what he was and had no idea what he was doing. I'd spent a lot of time trying to be someone I wasn't so that people would like me, and I thought I'd left that behind, but I'd look in the mirror and see this big doofus and I couldn't imagine how you'd ever like me. But you did. You did, and you accepted me just as I am. You loved me just as I am, because that's just who you are. You're one of the kindest, most accepting people I've ever met, and the way you care about everyone makes me a better person just by being around you.

And so ... happy birthday to the best dimension-hopping, bad-guy-fighting, superhero husband a guy could ask for. Thank you for never giving up on us no matter what's standing in the way. I love you.

Okay, that's it, everyone. I'll save the rest of the gross schmoopy stuff for just Billy. You're welcome in advance.

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