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Apr. 17th, 2016




You're probably all freaking out right now. But word of warning.

Don't cross the town line. If you do you'll forget everything that you know. Like wiped clean, don't know who you are, no memories or anything kind of forget. And you can't get them back. They're just gone forever.



Holy crap.





Posted via Journaler.



No, give it back. I want it back.


storybrooke; oswin oswald.

WHO: Oswin/Clara Oswald, John Smith/ The Doctor
WHEN: Before the spell broke
WHERE: The docks
WHAT: Oswin can't keep doing this so she tells John.

Oswin knew it was long past time to stop this. )


storybrooke: 1:30pm

Edmund? Where's Ed?

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one who just felt that?

[AJ/Nico + Anakin]
Am I going crazy or is there something weird going on? My husband's looking at me like I'm crazy. Of course, I thought he must be Edmund or Jason. Who else would I do this for?

Nico? Anakin?
Please tell me you're who I think you are.
Are you guys okay?

Have either of you seen anyone that might be a king of Narnia in disguise?


storybrooke, 1:27pm


Anybody seen Harry?

Apr. 16th, 2016


WHO: Annie Rusk (Odair) & Francis (Clint) Barton
WHAT: Annie visits her "foster brother" in jail.
WHEN: Saturday the 16th
WHERE: Storybrooke Sheriff's Department
WARNINGS: none, unless you count vague criminal stuff

... )



We've got a huge haul of lobsters, clams, and mussels that we'll be steaming at the spring fling today. I can promise some excellent corn on the cob, cornbread, and coleslaw as well. Come early to eat your fill!

Did we manage to get a sitter for tonight? Was hoping to get a few dances with my girl tonight.


storybrooke: ali, kit, +john

WHO: Ali Wesson (Alison Hendrix), Kit White (Sirius Black), and John Wolfe (Remus Lupin)
WHEN: Backdated to April 2
WHERE: The Kit/John/James household
WHAT: Ali comes over to visit her brother because her husband Dean is being a shithead. She needs to stress-bake and get fucked up.
WARNINGS: Ehh. There's gonna be pot in the brownies, oh no.

Maybe I'll end up in a big lesbian orgy. )


storybrooke: peter+katrina

WHO: Peter Rusk (Peeta Mellark) + Katrina Magby (Katniss Everdeen)
WHEN: After the previous Peter/Annie log, a few days ago
WHERE: Out at the park!
WHAT: Katrina realizes she has all kinds of uncomfortable feelings for Peter, and Peter remains wholly oblivious.

God, she needed to stop paying so much attention to him. )


storybrooke: peter + annie

WHO: Peter Rusk (Peeta Mellark) + Annie Rusk (Annie Cresta)
WHEN: Backdated by a few days
WHERE: The Upper Crust, Peter's family bakery (that's where the family owns the bakery, not a bakery that bakes families)
WHAT: Tensions are high with the Rusk family when Peter feels overburdened and being a parent brings up some complicated trauma feelings.
WARNINGS: Slight warning for allusion to abuse, but nothing major.

You sound like my mother. )


storybrooke: john, kit, + james

WHO: John Wolfe (Remus Lupin), Kit White (Sirius Black), and James Peterson (James Potter)
WHEN: Backdated to April 1
WHERE: Their house!
WHAT: Boyfriends bein' boyfriends and planning to cause some trouble on April Fools' Day, but plans keep getting derailed.

Leave it to Jamie to liven up a Friday night, mm? )


storybrooke: john+james (flashback)

WHO: John Wolfe (Remus Lupin) + James Peterson (James Potter)
WHEN: Flashback to about 7 years ago!
WHERE: Storybrooke General Hospital
WHAT: John is in recovery for a lung transplant financed by James's family. James and John are both 15.
WARNINGS: N/A, there's not much talk about his illness

Look at your face, you love me. )



[Text to Anakin]
-- So this Spring Fling thing they're doing.
-- You want to go?
-- Like together together go.
-- Not this looks like fun you want to hang go.
-- Not that I'm saying it won't be fun.
-- Just a different sort of fun.


storybrooke, neal gold

» Hey, Kat.

Apr. 15th, 2016


storybrooke: steve & henry

Who: Steve Rogers/Steve Shields & Henry Mills
When: Todaaaaay! Sometime?!
Where: Granny's
What: Henry shows Steve his book.
Warnings: lol probably none
Status: In progress.

This had been one hell of a twenty-four hours. )


So, this Spring Fling event tomorrow...anyone want to go with me? I mean, it's cool to go by myself and all, but it'd be more fun to go with a group of people. I could use a break from homework and studying!


storybrooke; anne summers.

Still plenty to do around here in Town Square, if you're feeling helpful. The carnival rides are up (but not WORKING so don't even think about it). It's mostly some setup of the booths, but there's some heavy lifting to go around for everyone.


!storybrooke; ben "the bull" irons

Hey hey, now that I'm a criminal and we've got the spring fling dance coming up, who wants to be my date?

Goes well with the eye patch, gotta keep up my string of being the bad boy, yeah? Yeah. I've got it on good authority that I'm a damn good date, and you get to ride on my pride and joy. You know you wanna.

Pretty damn sure it doesn't need to be said cause it's me, but I'm not gonna sit here and list my preferences. I like all people (except judgemental assholes) and I'm pansexual. You got a problem with that, and you can go elsewhere.

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