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March 20th, 2016

[info]marshal in [info]the100

An ominous scare tactic.

Additionally, there's a lot to be said for a well-fitting suit.

[ Sgt. Pentaghast ]
My concern is less that the Witch managed to get access to the comm system and more that she seems to know anything at all of the people in the mountain and their desires. Assuming she's never been inside and hasn't had a great deal of contact with us that hasn't ended in stone, I worry about the implications of her knowledge and what else she may know.

We seemed to have a similar mindset before. Do we again, sergeant?

[info]withbloodshed in [info]the100

KITTY KITTY KITTY. And my faaaaaaaave corset.

What's our pet count like now?

eta: Is that Skrull writing on one of the swords?

[info]mouthymerc in [info]the100

i'm sure she's nothing but bad news and all but i can't be the only one who thinks she sounds kinda hot right

[info]ukaipo in [info]the100

I'm pretty sure that one was me.

Sorry. Should be a once only thing.

[info]doctorfun in [info]the100

Bit of a buzzkill that witch, isn't she? Fascinating though! Don't often see a promise of going home wrapped in a promise of destruction, dodgy practice, that! Suppose, if wanted, I could throw my hat into the ring of finding her. Did get a brand new toy and all, might help. Might not. Who knows? Won't be sitting around twiddling my thumbs while someone wants to hurt the lot of you, least of all when I've got my coat back.

[info]anomalia in [info]the100

So this is the first time in awhile (including pre-Mt. Weather) that I've actually had my own clothes to wear. And I actually think I may've outgrown this whole grungy rebel teen thing, considering the fact that I'm careening towards my mid-thirties.

I mean, obviously keeping most of it, but still. Maybe some of these fishnets ought to be donated to the rubbish bin, unless Kira has some crafty use for them.

[ Cosima ]
I'm pretty sure I also got a bit of that sample from Kendall. It's not much, but I'll drop it by.

[info]dosex in [info]the100

I'm happy to announce that the medical team working on Mr. Kirk's infection have successfully isolated the infection, studied it thoroughly, found weaknesses and through that, Dr. Banner and I were able to replicate an antibiotic that is showing signs of being effective against the strain, and Mr. Kirk is now on the mend.

All of my team is brilliant and deserve all of the drinks, snacks, chocolates and goodies you'd like to send their way.

It still stands that if you start exhibit symptoms of any sort of infection you should come to us right away.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to devote as much time to a beautiful, smart woman as she'll allow, as I've been horribly neglectful, and then sleep for eight days.

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]the100

So who's going to this bonfire thing tonight?

So yesterday I got the dag

[info]mamafantastic in [info]the100

[Filtered to Ravi Chakrabarti and Cisco Ramon]
Just how familiar are the two of you with the Intersect?

[info]strategery in [info]the100

Do you really think that Jadis person can send us all back home? She sounds pretty crazy to me, like the sort of person you can't trust.

Filter FAILURE to Potters and Weasleys
Guess who I just walked in on snogging his ladyfriend?! CALLED IT. Charlie has been sneaking off to snog Rose Red. Charlie's got a girlfriend! Charlie's got a girlfriend! We should celebrate, right? Too bad Mum isn't here to see this.

[info]withoutarrows in [info]the100

chatty to thea

Thea Queen
» There's a bonfire tonight.

[info]changingtide in [info]the100

... why is this cat licking my head?

[info]painlessness in [info]the100

Would you believe, Duke managed to come through for us again and he isn't even here.
