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March 2nd, 2016

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]the100

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Sant Hapus.

Also the first day of Spring.

[info]deathdetector in [info]the100

That whole sudden jolt of new memories? They're not messing around.

Half of which included my being tested on and had holes drilled in my head while I was half-catatonic. Who wants to play Operation! with the Banshee?

Mostly I just need something for the migraine. And probably an exam because - ow-.

[OOC: Spoilers for the latest two eps of Teen Wolf in comments!]

[info]cdrcullen in [info]the100

If you are a musician capable of playing something other than piano and would be interested in providing music for Little Shop of Horrors, please contact me. Thank you.

[Filtered to Pixie]
Task for you: find out what instruments dropped yesterday. The Lady Director would like to see if we can assemble an orchestra.

[Filtered to Veronica]
1 - Have you heard of a theater rule that says one should never say the name of a certain play inside a theater?
2 - If the name of that play is said, does it actually lay a curse upon the theater? Lady Alison is concerned, her sister claims it is foolish superstition.

[info]virtualvirgil in [info]the100

Is there still no news about Marie?

[info]seventhsmartest in [info]the100

"Won't somebody please think of the children?"

Whelp, this is why we can't have nice things. ¬_¬ btw, Mario's addicted to magic mushrooms and Pac-Man does nothing but pop pills.

[info]havefun in [info]the100

Just popping in to announce that I've got roller boots and you don't.

Aleck outfitted my boots with wheels yesterday after hauling around some of the musical instruments inside the Mountain and I've decided that walking is for lesser mortals, so from now on - roller boots. They're brill; I never did manage to make it over to the rink they built over in the Strand for this sort of thing, so might as well have it all happening now.

Oh, and quick word of warning - still not sure how to stop. Outside of collision and crashing, which seems to do the job nicely.

[info]littlehex in [info]the100

Jam session, anyone?

[Mutants (+Daisy/Lincoln)]
So we have no idea whether Marie disappeared or got kidnapped?

[info]the100npcs in [info]the100

Mount Weather is currently operating under Emergency Status A.

[info]electrodynamic in [info]the100

I know things have been strained between us since I got here. I don't want to rehash it all and end up not getting anywhere, so that's not why I'm messaging you, in case you were worried. It's just that, in light of all the disappearances and missing people lately, I didn't want to end up leaving this on a bad note. We're all probably going to need each other sooner or later. So I wanted to say that I hope you know I don't think you're a bad person, and that I'm grateful you gave me a chance with SHIELD and let me stick around. You didn't have to do that. You could have just let them take me, you could have gotten what you needed and told me to take a hike, but you didn't. I owe you and your team my life several times over. I don't think I ever thanked you for that, so thank you.

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]the100

Betsy's gone.

[info]bymjolnir in [info]the100

It is with sadness that I announce Jane Foster has been taken from us. It is unsettling to see it occur before your eyes, and it is my hope that she will be fully dressed again once she arrives at her destination.

Should any have need of me, I shall be in the tavern after a brief shower. Please do not pity me, as I have often had to leave her behind to handle important matters. I will assume she has done the same.

[info]alwayshopes in [info]the100

pretend this was posted earlier

Bonnie & Caroline
Care, I know you have rehearsals, but you're both coming with me to learn to play sabacc from HAN SOLO.

[...] I swear I'm going to stop fangirling people eventually. In the meantime, it's your job to come keep me from embarrassing myself.

[info]terribleidea in [info]the100

network post: clint barton

At least the apocalypse has Facebook? Priorities.

Uh Hey. It's Clint. I was told I have people. Katie?

[info]fades in [info]the100

damn, but i was getting ready to head for my fifth papa doble. that's what i get for mixing sun, rum and government business.

so, stop me if you heard this one before ...

albert einstein and carl jung walk into a bar. it's called the relative archetype and they order an adorably post-apocalyptic landscape. mister rogers (cardigan and all) sidles up next to them and he's got some loaded potato storybook characters and liberally sprinkles it with random friends. then enter sandman and what the eff, here we are.

so stop stampeding, get me a kale smoothie (with an umbrella), and we're in business.

[info]taserqueen in [info]the100

» So my BFF got sent back.
» But Tony's here and he gave me a buttload of Twinkies.
» Would you like to commiserate with me, bump uglies, drink blue vodka and eat twinkies?
