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January 4th, 2016

[info]breadandcircus in [info]the100

log: everlark

WHO: Peeta and Katniss Mellark
WHEN: Backdated to like ... a while ago. Around the time when Finnick and Annie were showing off their ultrasound
WHERE: Their room!
WHAT: Katniss is freaking out about the possibility of ever having children, and tells Peeta that she never wants to have kids — which is the exact opposite of what Peeta wants.

We made the world a better place. Why can't we feel good about living in it? )

[info]breadandcircus in [info]the100

network post: peeta mellark (to panem)

I should probably mention to Effie and Haymitch that [...] Katniss and I got married.

In secret.

A while ago.

I should also mention that this time I'm not making it up. Surprise?

[info]godofstories in [info]the100

I was told to work on my communication skills as a new year resolution. Now, perhaps I didn't make that resolution myself, but I'm the best of sports. I'll try most anything once, provided that I feel like it and I'm bored enough.

Now, then...!

Crowley, I've moved out. Actually, that happened two days ago.

Nelson & Murdock, we're neighbors! This, also, happened two days ago.

[info]stupidinspades in [info]the100

Anyone seen that bastard Oliver Queen around?

[info]poedontdoit in [info]the100

You know, Intake said it's not Hoth out there, but I've heard enough stories that I'm still not completely sure about that.

But BB-8 is completely convinced this isn't a First Order conspiracy and keeps threatening to zap me if I use a pseudonym. Poe Dameron, pilot. Though, I guess now I'm just a mechanic with Infrastructure. If a former Stormtrooper shows up, can you

[info]reyofhope in [info]the100

Network Post: Rey

I'm Rey, and I have so many questions.

Can I have the "pods" that Poe, BB-8, and I landed in? Perhaps others that aren't wanted? Where would I find a workbench and more tools? The ones that I have with me are just what I carry.

How did we end up in those things in the first place? Why were we brought together when we weren't even on the same planet? I've been told that nobody knows how or why we're here, but surely there are theories.

Who are these people I'll be living with? I didn't come into the quarters last night; there was a lot to take in.

It was suggested that I be a "Gatherer". What sorts of scavenging grounds are here? Do we really find food just growing out there, free for the taking?

What about Luke Is it true that Luke Skywalker is here? That wasn't some cruel joke?


[info]youngestsolo in [info]the100

(015) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Jacen, Jaina, Nico, Reyna]
I want out of this mountain.

This entire world can't be like this, right?

[info]tohopeagain in [info]the100

Filter to Erik

[info]anotherhope in [info]the100

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers )

[info]skaikru in [info]the100

Anything you want broached at the meeting today? Are there any supplies or resources that we need?

[info]boywhobelieves in [info]the100

Has anyone seen Aracely? She was going to visit me like an hour ago.

[info]deathdetector in [info]the100

Not to ruffle any feathers, but have we actually confirmed that our dragon isn't the one causing mayhem?

He can do that, right? Turn from hottie Khal Drogo into a dragon?

Have you been brushing up on your dragon slaying?

[info]sonofdurin in [info]the100

My brother is gone.

[info]angryeyebrows in [info]the100

Netpost; twelve

Rose Tyler has gone back.

I thought you all ought to know.

[info]shutupenglish in [info]the100

I'm real glad that I was able to spend my holidays with you folks. You're good people, and I'm happy to know you. Sort of wish we could have kept the decorations up a while longer, though. They helped make the place more homey, and everything just seemed warmer.

Filter to Peggy
You know what I want? I really want a bottle of schnapps and pie. Any pie. I wonder if there's any pie, and if we can get even half a bottle of that Iceshine they made in the brewery.

[info]notarealspy in [info]the100

Backdated to yesterday
[Filtered to Carol Danvers]

Captain Danvers,
Sarah said I needed to contact you to express my interest in coming on the mission tommorrow. I'm familiar with the layout, and helped her to draw the maps. If that helps.
