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November 21st, 2015

[info]quitethehero in [info]the100

Will you all come tonight? To the revue?

[info]red_five in [info]the100

Log: Luke, Mara and Ben

Who: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker and BB Ben (NPC)
When:Tuesday November 3
Where:Their apartment
What:Luke meets his son for the first time
Rating: P for Precious
Status: Complete

He looks like you )

[info]amonginsects in [info]the100

log: magneto+mystique

WHO: Erik Lehnsherr + Raven Darkholme
WHEN: Backdated by a few days
WHERE: Their apartment
WHAT: Raven has been freezing Erik out because he left without telling her after Charles's disappearance. Erik's been waiting for her to calm down about it before trying to smooth things over.
WARNINGS: N/A, but their relationship's not necessarily healthy

You chose me, over him. You left him, to follow me, and you barely knew me. )

[info]thegoodblood in [info]the100

[ Filtered Private ]

What world is that, and how have my plans come so undone? Vilebloods pretend that they are people, and those who call themselves Slayers do not slay, and beasts walk about speaking logic when all I have ever known indicates that their mind is forfeit at the point of transformation. It is strange to be so surrounded by people, and yet still feel apart from them. In Yharnam we may have hung each others guts from the High Cathedral but we understood the rules. Here, I am at a loss.

By my research there appears to be over a dozen creatures that masquerade about in human faces. Some may be yet sane, if not human - I would not rise to judge those that could linger among mercy and compassion. This is not my word, these are not my people. But all the same I am not of the stock to forgive a Vileblood for its wicked existence, for the putrefaction of its human host, for preying on the mercies of the loved ones who desperately desire to recognise some glimmer of the person they had once known. Scum-laden perversions of immortality. All this talk of abstaining from quenching their unholy thirst, of redemption. What is redemption but another day with ones blade left unsatisfied? Revolting, filthy aberrations. I will not let this stand; I will be careful and patient and I will find a way to prove that they are a danger. The Wheel must have its fill of their hearts blood and I will rend them unrecognizable to the gods and man. Let them spend their immortality in PIECES for that wh--

Martyr Logarius, I have failed you, but as little as it matters I will not allow this-- baseness to overcome me. Although I may not be at the stone feet of your watchful effigy, I will continue to dedicate myself to your wise words and practices: acts of goodness are not always wise, and acts of evil are not always foolish. Nevertheless, we must strive to be good. Grant me peace and patience and clarity of thought, O Great Ones. Stay the hand of your final judgment so that I may be of use to these people however they may grant me, and grant me the courage and Insight to understand when it is my final walk into the gloam.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti ]

You had indicated that you were interested in running tests on my person? I am quite settled and would be grateful to be of use. While I doubt there to be any recourse for the Yharnam madness I would be hopeful that some goodness may come out of your work.

[ /Filter ]

[info]featherington in [info]the100

Snowstorms aren't unusual to me; they were common during the winter, where and when I'm from. I've discovered, though, in the course of my reading and attempt to catch myself up fully with history, scientific discoveries, and other miscellanea that is kept in the library, that what was normal for me wasn't so in the centuries after my own. I read that I was born in the midst of what was referred to as a Little Ice Age, and that because of the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent warming of the entire world, it ended. That saddens me, as I can't recall a more pleasant time of year than Yuletide and the traditions kept.

It would seem, however, that with the nuclear holocaust this world was subject to a century ago, that the return of snowy winters is upon us. It's early yet, I realize, but perhaps now is the time when those of us who are so inclined to begin planning decorations for Christmas and New Year's Celebrations. Particularly New Year's since only a small number of us would be celebrating Christmas.

[info]oswaldftw in [info]the100

WHO: Clara Oswald, The Doctor (10)
WHEN: After this 8th November
WHERE: Clara and the Doctor's room.
WHAT: Clara tries to comfort the Doctor after everyone finds out.

He hated every bit of what he’d put his friends through. )

[info]zeroeightfour in [info]the100

I know that some of you guys are adorably not well-versed in the ways of the internet or how we got to know each other online like, 200 years ago. There were quizzes but one of my favourite things (HELLO HARRY POTTER PEOPLE) was called the "Veritaserum Meme" ... I know, sounds CRAZY right? Well, it's definitely something like crazy. It's like a "Truth or Dare" game without the dare.

Because I don't know you guys yet, but apparently you used to be pals with an old version of me, I figured we could start off all shiny and brand new. I get to find out more about you, you get to find out more about me. So we are going to play the VERITASERUM MEME.

And Mount Weather, you're going to be totally cool about it. We're blizzard buddies. We're going to learn things about each other. No secrets among friends!!
OH NO. You have been given a dose of Veritaserum (basically, this is a thing that makes you tell the truth no matter what). Comment below with your name so that people can ask you questions which you must answer honestly. Feel free to take advantage of other people in a similarly dosed state, too.
