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November 5th, 2015

[info]loveishope in [info]the100

It's here!!!

From the pod! It's here!

[info]withoutgrace in [info]the100

network post: castiel (to lirael)

I don't [...] know how to thank you.

I don't have any money, or know what you would want. You don't know us, but you saved Dean anyway. You did something I thought was impossible here. I owe you a debt.

[info]teddyaltman in [info]the100

Kate's birthday. Saturday.

What are we doing?

[info]littlelunacy in [info]the100

Is there music at this bonfire? Will assassins be there? Basically I'm asking if anyone will try to pour gasoline on me again and try to kill me if I go tonight.

Thank you in advance.

[info]oswaldftw in [info]the100

WHO: Doctor (10), Clara Oswald
WHEN: Bonfire Night! (Obviously posted a little early)
WHERE: Outside by the bonfire, of course.
WHAT: One thing leads to another, and there's smooching. Feel free to have anyone witness this. It's right in the middle of the bonfire.
WARNINGS: Talk about previous character death and moving on.

''Figured we could do what we're best at: playing things by ear.'' )

[info]foggy_nelson in [info]the100

You know what's fun, getting your desktop. What's even better is setting it up in your office and going through everything and out of all the games that are installed on your machine, you fall into the black hole of Civilization 5. Can't stop, won't stop.

[info]sportsmetaphors in [info]the100

Swing by when you get a second.

[info]stormin in [info]the100


You going to that bonfire right? (Say yes)

[info]drinkwithme in [info]the100

Oh fée verte how I have missed the sweet nectar of your embrace. The flavour of sweet anise upon my lips. Forgive me for abandoning you, mon amour. But, the fates had plans other than my dionysian pursuits.

This supposed "Pod God" has deemed to gift me with something from home, and who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth? I might be willing to share a bottle with the right persons however.

Apollo, I have found something which may belong to you. The red was wrapped around my green. As if protecting it from the ravages of it's fall from the heavens with it's embrace.

[Filtered to Beth]

Are you still wishing to learn how to dance, ma chérie?

[info]skaikru in [info]the100

Indra won't talk to me or Lincoln.

[info]strictandclever in [info]the100

Network Post: Minerva McGonagall

If you are coming for Bonfire Night, do be sure and wear layers. It's quite chilly on the way over, but you'll want to shed some outergarments as you warm up.

The "fireworks" show will be quieter than Muggle ones out of sensitivity to those who might be startled by loud bangs. The lights themselves shall be taking inspiration from a certain pair of my House who recently produced a splendid show of their own-- minus the rude words, of course.

[info]guide_your_soul in [info]the100

[Filter to Billy and Teddy]
So, I got a bunch of comics from this recent pod gift giver thing. Captain America comics to be specific. If anyone is interested in taking a look.

And I have some I want to ask Ugh I hate this so much
