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June 12th, 2015

[info]cword in [info]the100

network post: alison hendrix

Hello, everyone! Now that the first week of rehearsals for MWCT is over, I feel like I can officially announce my candidacy for Council.

For those of you who haven't met me, my name is Alison Hendrix. Some of you may know me as the founder/director of Mount Weather Community Theatre, the one who's volunteering to make soap for everyone, and one of the people looking after your children during the day. I have family here, including my two children, Oscar and Gemma, and I strive every day to make sure that this place is a safe place for them to be.

I know I'm not a politician. I'm not a superhero. I'm not royalty in my own world, or anybody special at all. I'm just a woman who cares about her family, who cares about her community, and I like to think that I've shown that already when it comes to being here.

As a member of the Council, I endeavour to put community first, to find the best ways to improve the quality of life for the people now living here. I know we're under a lot of different and unusual threats that take up a lot of our time, but in the end we're all just people and we want simple things: stability, comfort, safety. Things like scented soap and handmade mittens, community activities and enrichment programs. What Mount Weather really needs is a mother hen, happy to look after all of her chicks.

Maybe that makes me sound soft. It probably does, and I'm not ashamed of that. However, a good mother fights for what she believes in, and will fight tooth and nail to protect her children. A good mother will tear her enemies to shreds before she sees her children harmed. As long as I am in a position looking out for your welfare, you can rest easy knowing that not only will you be comfortable, but I will destroy anyone who threatens us. Happily. This is our home now, no matter where we came from.

A vote for Alison Hendrix is a vote for community. Please show your support by picking up campaign flyers and posting them in your workplace, or by wearing a "Vote Alison Hendrix" button made by our very own Felix Dawkins, all of which can be found if you stop by and visit me in Room 205 during the day.

Thank you in advance for your support — I look forward to talking with all of you!

[info]daredevilmck in [info]the100

Backdated 2 days (I'm sorry)

End of the world party the 14th, don't miss it.

[Filtered to Peter Pettigrew & Kaylee Frye]

You lot are in charge of our drinking yeah?

We need drinks for a party coming up this weekend. The 14th. End of the world party, it will be brilliant but we need you both.

Are you up for the challenge?

[Peter Pettigrew]
We haven't chatted much.

But, it'd mean a good deal if you'd pitch in for this effort.

[info]featherington in [info]the100

Who: Penelope Featherington and Cullen Rutherford
When: Friday evening!
Where: the Library
What: They talk, "of shoes and ships, and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings".
Rating: Lowish, probably! Mentions of romance novels and their content! *ohh la la*

and that was how she found herself in the library, standing precariously on a chair to lift the box in which she'd found her book down )

[info]lukanthropos in [info]the100

network post: remus lupin (to felix)

I hear we're sworn enemies now.

[info]smartestwitch in [info]the100

I just wanted to thank everyone that has been taking the midwifery classes. This is not what any of us wanted, I know. But, circumstances are what they are.

[Filtered to Harry and Ginny]

I was going to take Rosie to the kids movies tonight. Do you want to come with me?

[info]asala in [info]the100

network; asala adaar (008)

Steve's made his statement, so it's my turn now. I intend to run for the Council, with Steve Rogers as my other seat. We've discussed it, and we decided that we would rather run together than against each other. I've seen the way that Steve interacts with all of you, I've heard stories of him from his own home, and I've seen him protect and serve without the expectation of gratitude. He's a good man, and one I'd be more than honored to work alongside.

The things we're doing here are unique. When we landed here in those pods, even though we didn't want to, we created a community of people who share a common experience. Trauma and change have a way of bonding people, of creating a new culture within those people. This is something I have intimate experience with.

Choosing a leader isn't just about the positives. Every single one of us will look after your interests and advocate for you with strength and pride on the Council, I have no doubt of that. The difference about Steve and me is that we understand the challenges of leadership. A good leader is measured not just by the effort they put into the defense of their people, but in the fairness and empathy they put into solving internal problems. We understand that being elected means you place implicit trust in us not only to define the laws that govern our unique community, but to have empathy and fairness in enforcing them. In my time with the Inquisition, I fought a war and ended others, and despite that I have not once executed a prisoner, not even when they attacked my people or tried to assassinate me personally. Once a person was in captivity and prevented from harming others, they were in my care. I don't harm the defenseless.

Under my leadership, the Inquisition was a haven. I maintained a fortress that housed pilgrims and gave still others purpose, and I couldn't have done it without my companions and advisers. If Steve and I are elected, I fully intend to solicit my competitors for their input when the time comes to communicate to the Council. We realize we're from a specific subset in this community -- we're both military -- and that could mean an unintentional bias. Like I did at home, I want to surround myself with people from each section of this community to be sure that my representation of you is truly representation of us all.

We are each other's people now, hell or high water, and I take care of my people.

[info]doctorfun in [info]the100

who ten & clara
what he's collecting hugs, really
where mess hall
when hours after he's seen lucy!
warnings cheekiness! it'll be v. tame, f'realsies

... )

[info]daughteroflove in [info]the100

If this is a different universe than my own, does this mean there are no Greek gods and goddesses her? Or am I like on something like Calypso's island where any of them can be like "yo sup, time to go"?
