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May 8th, 2015

[info]holesinthesky in [info]the100

log: steve+carol

WHO: Carol Danvers + Steve Rogers
WHEN: Backdated to Friday, May 1, because we forgot to post it!
WHERE: A secluded spot in the tunnels that is probably the same secluded spot in the tunnels where Felix and Remus made out, and I hereby declare it Makeout Point or Lovers' Lane, and people are going to have to start posting a sign-in sheet for private time XD
WHAT: Carol and Steve go for a walk after going to movie night together, and they decide that this dating thing could work out nicely, as long as Carol's okay with a confession Steve has to make.
STATUS: Complete!

I'm not really ready to go back to my room. )

[info]harpie in [info]the100

Has anyone seen my friend Luna? Short, blonde, a little out of it? She wanders off sometimes but it's not like her to just disappear without saying anything. And people have been

[info]jekyll_hyde in [info]the100

Hello. I'm Dr Henry Jekyll and I am told it is traditional to introduce oneself on this machine. I am a doctor and a scientist and have been recently living in Paris, though I am originally from London. I am very pleased to meet you all.

[info]asala in [info]the100

network; asala adaar (005)

DEMON PATROL (i.e. anyone who's helping Asala&Co. look for the demon; you can be in this filter even if you didn't drop a comment in her post asking for help):
A lot of people will go to the movie, so we should put most of our focus around the mess hall tonight. The demon may be attracted to them. I'll be with that group.

I also want a couple of people watching the hospital. At least one person the demon's attacked is still there, and it may come back for seconds.

Everyone else, I need you in the halls and tunnels as you've been.

Are you feeling better now?

[info]guide_your_soul in [info]the100

Filter to Annabeth, Reyna, and Jason
Here goes nothing So, there's a demon running around. Usual stuff for us. We're working on a plan to draw it out and all the fighting power we can get is good. Ranged fighting seems to work the best with the demon and I'm sure Sam can make flamethrowers for the rest of you too if we ask him.

Also, Jason, there's a lady who can do energy blasts here, but she needs to absorb some energy first for it. Would you be able to 'zap' her?

[info]thewaywardson in [info]the100

log; dean winchester & castiel

WHO: Dean & Castiel
WHEN: Probably very early in the morning on May 7th
WHERE: The hospital
WHAT: Cas was attacked by the despair demon on the 6th and is immediately hospitalized. Dean refuses to leave and is there when Cas wakes up. They talk about guilt and family bonds and then their faces get really close together.

I don't have friends anymore. )

[info]sisterskeeper in [info]the100

network post: simon tam

Between the [...] werewolf and the demon, all I ask is that people are careful out there. I can sew you up, I can pack your insides back in, I can reattach your limbs, but trust me when I say that recovery's not pretty.

I'm probably screaming at a brick wall, here but: please, think things through.

I'll be here at the ready.

So, we haven't really

Are you free tonight?

[info]bloodlost in [info]the100

None of the spells I've tried to cast with the Staff of One since I got here have worked properly. Usually my success rate is like at least 50%. Is anyone else having trouble with their magic or powers besides me and Elsa?

[info]westen in [info]the100

[Filtered to Elsa]

How do you feel about babysitting?

[info]ibecomedeath in [info]the100

The guards haven't been able to find any large animals living in the vicinity of the Grounder village or Mount Weather, so the werewolf theory is gaining credibility. If that's what it was I think we have to consider the possibility that it could have been someone who's living in the facility right now.

On a related note I think we should ask all these people to come forward and officially state any powers or abilities they have. Not publicly, just so we have a record. I doubt everyone would do it, but at least we could hold them accountable if they lied.
You wanted to talk?

[info]secondspectre in [info]the100

network post: kaidan alenko

I feel like I'm living in an ant farm.

Is there some kind of werewolf squad now? I can't tell whether I'm the asshole or not.

So I've been thinking.
