
October 16th, 2016



Those who want to rule are often the ones that shouldn’t.

Who: Ahsoka and Li
What: Waking up with a disembodied head
When: recently
Rating: PG-13, nothing gory
status: complete
They want power, they crave it and it doesn’t matter who or what gets in their way. They leave suffering in their wake. )




Who: Dorian Gray and Vanessa Ives
When: Backdated: Early October
Where: Their Home
What: Discussing plans for a masquerade party
Rating/Warnings: Mostly Family Friendly.
Status: Complete

Dorian stood in the entryway to the ballroom unable to remember the last time it had actually been used )




Who: Celaena and Rey
What: Movie marathon
Where: Celaena’s place
When: Early Oct
Rating: Low?
Status: Complete when posted

Read more... )



Wanna go get bruised?

Who: callisto and yang
What: Yang finds Callisto roughing up some people and decides to help
when: recent
Where: a bar
status: complete
Rating: PG-13

I’m always up for getting bruised )



we could always rob a junkyard. Find some old beetle to use like a golf ball.

Who: Shepard & Carolina
When: Recently
Where: An undisclosed location
What: Testing out future weapons! or combining biotics with advanced dream weapondry
Rating/Warnings: Low/None/TBD
Status: Complete on posting!

That gives an entirely new meaning to the game ‘slug bug’. )




Who: Constance and Ronnie
When: October
Where: Hotel Versailles
What: Catching up
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~*~*~*~*~*~ )




Who: Anna and Arendelle and James
When: After this conversation
Where: James’s place
What: Meeting a Pokemon
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Does he know a lot of tricks? What kinds of games does he like? Do you guys cuddle at night together? )




Who: Clary Fray and Simon Lewis
What: Hanging Out
Where: Simon’s place
When: Early October
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Clary settled down on Simon’s couch while she waited for the popcorn she’d put in the microwave to finish )