
October 17th, 2016




Who: Lara Croft
What: Raiding a Tomb to get Classified
Where: Classified
When: Monday morning
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for blood and violence

Lets see what is so important as to merit such traps.... )




Who: Hades (a narrative)
What: Dreaming of Zeus stopping his heart and essentially ~banishing~ him, which has bleedover consequences
When: Today!
Where: His office suite, on the sofa
Rating/Warnings: A coma?
Status: Complete

He probably should have asked what other people did to stay awake. )




Who: (Tinker)Belle and Frank Hardy
When: After these tags
Where: Tink’s place
What: A surprise
Rating/Warnings: Low/Frank accidentally walks in on a shirtless Tink, adorable awkwardness ensues!
Status: Complete

Now Captain America’s shield felt a lot more like a bullseye, trying to draw his gaze back down. )




Who: Tinkerbell and Lowell Tracey
When: Talk like a Pirate Day!
Where: The Fix-It Shop
What: Passing along a pirate costume
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete!

In her mind, it was an actual holiday, with candy and presents and surprises and costumes. One of the better holidays, indeed. Though she liked them all. )




Who: Caroline Forbes, Derek Sousa, and Tyler Lockwood
What: Caroline needs to meet Tyler's new roommate
When: Early October
Where: Tyler and Derek's apartment
Rating/Warning: Low/none. Some bloodbags and things.
Status: Complete

Caroline was a little pissed that Tyler had actually moved in with someone without her approval. )




Who: Tasslehoff and Caleb
What: Random encounter at the arcade
When: Recently
Where: The arcade
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Tas didn't think he’d ever actually spoken to the man on the Network, but he had a great memory for faces and he recognized him nearly immediately. )