
September 11th, 2013




Who: Cass, Jubilee and Raven, also Fang
What: Jubilee drags Cass to a lesbian bar. Hijinks and seduction ensue
When: 8/24
Where: Eve
Status: Complete
Rating: Pg-13

Sometimes you need to simply...let yourself lose control. )




Who: Thor and Darcy
what: Hanging out
Where: A cafe
When: A couple of days ago. Before the plot started.
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Let's go flying. )




Who: Evil!Samandriel, Abigail & Hannibal Lecter, Lucifer, Dean & Castiel Winchester
What: Putting a stop to the insanity [kryptonite plot]
When: Wednesday 9/11 [concurrent with this thread
Where: Lecter Homestead
Rating: High. Black!Kryptonite character death (so not actual character death, but PCs don’t know that), violence. All the violence. TW everything.
Status: Complete

I’ll see you in Hell. )




Who: Clarice and Illyana and Kitty
What: Clarice and Illyana lose their powers, and come to a conclusion
When: Monday
Where: Prydehouse
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for adorbs

Why do I have the feeling you guys are having something important happen? )


Who: Velma & Logan
What: An interesting and slightly painful discovery
When: 9/10
Where: Their new house in Anaheim
Rating/Warning: PG
Status: Complete

If you wind up flying across the room again, I am really sorry )




Who: Jane and The Warden
When: During Kryptonite plot
Where: Random meet up while walking to uni
What: Catching up and getting ill
Rating/Warning: PG / mild sickness,
Status: Complete

I don't go giving that out to everyone )




Who: Justin Taylor and Billy Kaplan
What: A dinner date
When: Backdated: Thursday, August 15th. Evening
Where: A sushi place in Orange County
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Justin had suggested sushi and had picked Billy up at his new apartment )