
May 15th, 2013




Who: Victor and Nina.
What: A (much more) civilized chat.
When: Wednesday afternoon.
Where: Outside the hospital.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete.

Are you fine with being a nurse? )

I win.

Who: Iroh and Sarah Kerrigan
Where: Sarah's place
What: snuggling, mostly
When: yesterday evening
Warnings/Rating: Vague mentions of sex and violence
Status complete

Yes you do. I have grown to be a grandfather because I acknowledge when I have been defeated. )


Who: Tom and Margaery
Where: Garage where Tom works
What: Car advice
When: Early in the week
Warnings/Rating: None
Status: Complete

Read more... )



From what I’ve heard you’re the lifesaver.

Who: Billy and Nina
Where: the hospital
What: Billy recuperates, and gets a visit from a good nurse
When: 04/13, during the day
Warnings/Rating: PG-13, talks of the battle and the events therein
Status complete

Wrex did most of the saving. I just helped some. )


WHO: Eowyn & The Witch King
WHAT: The End.
WHEN: Wednesday late night.
WHERE: The Battle of Pelennor Fields Some Vineyard.
WARNINGS: Character Almost-Death, Violence.

She had known there was no other way for it to end. )


Who: Arthur Fell-Crowley
Where: His bookshop
What: Open for business
When: Whenever you'd like
Warnings/Rating: None/low
Status: Open!



Thank you, again, Faiza.

Who: Nate, Faiza and Clarice
What: heals!
When: Before the Pelannor!
Where: Hospital
Status: complete
Rating: PG-13 for flirting

Any time, duck. )



You’re concentrated evil.

Who: Illyana and Clarice, also Kitty
What: Deliveries
When: Around the time Clarice got the present from Nate
Where: Kitty’s house
Rating: NSFW
Status: complete!

Yes, dear. And all yours. )



Promise. When you’re done, you’ll come home and you’ll marry me. Swear to me, Alma.

Who: Alma, Beth, Faiza and Elise
What: Alma receives a phone call, loses her shit, and then takes extreme measures
Where: Urdnot Ranch
When: 5/15
Status: complete
Rating: R for violence and memory wiping

You’re all I have, Alma. )




Who: Elaine Mallory and Jon Snow
When: 15 May 2013
Where: Evergrace Massage studio
Rating: PG13ish? (clinical nudity, brief references to alcohol & Jon's sex-life)
Status: in progress

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Who: Magius and Molly
What: having lunch
Where: hospital cafeteria
When: After the battle sometime.
Rating: G
Status: Complete

What's a zweihander? )


Who: Billy Batson and Jessica Drew
What: Having lunch together
Where: A park near her work
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: G
Status: Complete

There's a kit for that? )




Who: Romana and Leela
What: The president and bodyguard meet for the first time in person
Where: Out and about.. places.
When: Wednesday evening
Rating: G probably
Status: Incomplete

Never finding the time. )
Tags: ,



After all, the best way to fight superstition and prejudice is with knowledge...right?

Who: Nate and Mavis
Where: Her place
What: Nate visits
When: before Pellenor fields battle/wedding
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status complete

Education is the best weapon. As long as it is guarded with a right hook. )




Who: Nate and Melanie
Where: Nates house
What: Visiting the injured
When: 10th May, during the day
Warnings/Rating: PG
Status: Complete

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WHO: Stefan & Rebekah (and Nat)
WHAT: Going out for a family walk in the park.
WHERE: The park
WHEN: Afternoon of the 15th
STATUS: In progress

rainbows & unicorns )




WHO: Martha Jones and Mickey Smith
WHAT: Mickey has had a bit of an accident and finds himself at the hospital
WHEN: Wednesday, May 15th. Late Night
WHERE: Exam Area at St. Josephs
RATING: Talk of medical stuff
STATUS: Complete

Martha downed the remaining coffee in her paper cup and tossed it )




Who: Hank McCoy and Darcy Lewis
When: Backdated: Monday, April 29th. Early Evening
Where: Their House
What: Roomies Hanging Out
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Building Cerebro was going to be difficult )




Who: Lo and Steve.
What: A business meeting.
When: Friday afternoon, 4/10.
Where: Lo’s office.
Rating: PG!
Status: Complete!

A beneficial partnership. )