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Mar. 19th, 2010


Thursday - In Need Of More Church

Who: Jake and Joel
Where: The Keyboard Cowboy Internet Cafe
When: Late evening

Jake waved as Mariah Monk shouldered her way out the door and sighed. This was her favourite part of the day. She leaned over and turned off the classic rock station and plugged her stereo laptop into the store's system. Today, she felt like some really atmospheric and chill electro. With the downtempo beats pumping through the space, she grabbed a rag and made her rounds to all the rigs and the tables up near the front windows. No one had spilled any joe on the keyboards, that was a plus. They were still disgustingly filthy though, so she cleaned all the rings off the tables and collected empty cups and sopping wet napkins.

Sighing, she loaded the mugs into the dishwasher and set it to clean. She loaded up the muffins and cookies that were offered under domes of glass for a dollar a piece. She never really sold much over night but she liked them to look full and enviting. Jake even helped herself to a mocha brownie before getting out the mop and cleaning the floors.

The Prettiest Blue Eyes To Ever Walk In Off The Street )

Mar. 15th, 2010


Thursday - Perks of Divinity

Who: Sibyl and Kaz
When: night
Where: the new house
Rating: NSFW

It had been a simple thing to secure a moving company. There was more furniture coming, of course, but Kaz wanted his love to have her own things in their new abode. He'd assured her that he would personally oversee the move, and he would make sure that none of them went near her sleeping quarters. She'd packed her belongings in the old-fashioned steamer trunks and boxes, and he made sure the men were as quiet as possible. Then it was off to his own home on Eldritch to get some essentials. He foresaw himself spending far more time on the Darkwater side, but keeping plenty of comforts on the island.

Once it was all done and the workers were paid, Kaz drove back to the shabby cabin Sibyl was currently residing in. The sun was on it's way down, but he was sure she wasn't awake yet. He took a bit of time to prep the shack for her departure, scattering white rose petals all over the dirty floor. He left a prepaid cellular phone on the countertop where she would see it and a card which gave instructions to call him when she was ready to go to their new home.

He had to give the lady her ample time after waking, after all.

Things Might Last After All )

Mar. 11th, 2010


Thursday - A New World

Who: Allie and Shoel
Where: The clinic at the hospital
When: Bright and early, Thursday morning

With All New People In It )

Mar. 10th, 2010


Thursday: FIVE New Machines??

Who: Corwin and Art
Where: The shop
When: Late afternoon

It was later than he'd have liked when Corwin got in at the shop, but he knew what he wanted to do, so hopefully it wouldn't take him long when he got started. He pulled the van up to the back of the shop and hopped out, Jade trotting along amiably at his heels, still. He unlocked the back door and headed in.

"Art?" he called into the shop as he crossed the back room, looking around for the golem who was supposedly cleaning things and probably would be cleaning things up until the last minute before the store opened in the morning. "You still here, Art?"

Jade just bounded on ahead without bothering to announce himself.

And a date? )

Mar. 8th, 2010


Thursday: Boredom

Who: Torin and Taryn
When: Evening
Where: Juicy Java

It was evening by the time Taryn finally dropped her friends off at their various houses and drove over to Juicy Java. They had spent the day shopping and then lounging at the beach, but she could admit that after a few hours, the constant chatter and giggling had started getting on her nerves. It made her miss Italy, and how quiet and peaceful it had been - for the most part. Maybe it was more that she missed the sun and the Italian men. The guys she'd seen at the beach had paled in comparison. Sad. Still, she wanted a drink and a part of her knew that Torin would probably be there with his laptop so being able to bug her older brother was a double bonus.

Parking, Taryn slipped her sunglasses off the top of her head and put them into her bag before she walked inside. At first she glanced around for the familiar mop of curly hair, and she grinned when she saw him sitting at one of the tables. Prancing over, she pulled out the empty chair across from him and slung herself into it. "You're all alone. Where's your harem?" She didn't mind the Delaneys at all, the way some girls did. They were pretty, popular and seemed to like her brother enough.

Why is everybody so into slumming? )

Mar. 5th, 2010


Thursday: Talk of... Muscles

Who: Ashley and Cordelia
Where: Super Smooth, top floor
When: after work

The smoothie shop was fairly crowded after the work day was over, but Ashley had managed to hold a seat for Cordy at the long bar upstairs that overlooked the ocean. She'd accomplished that feat by putting her purse and jacket on the seat and hooking her heels into the rungs of it. Anyone wanting to sit there was put off with a bright smile and an explanation that her friend would be there any second. Quite a few seconds had passed, but thus far she'd managed to keep holding onto it. Maybe Cordy had gotten held up at work? she wondered. Hopefully she was downstairs getting her own drink and would be up here right away.

Cordelia had gotten held up at work, dealing with a pinch-faced woman who insisted on a discount off of her daughter's wedding package because she had been dissatisfied with the engagement photos taken. It seemed that in small towns, some people believed businesses were hard up for customers, and while Cordelia certainly didn't mind fudging the numbers a bit to help out, she didn't like people who more or less demanded special treatment. Especially after being told you were previously unsatisfactory, which had Cordelia wondering why the woman would want to use them again if she had been so unhappy with them the first go around. It was all about saving money, in the end. And since Cordelia could argue until her face turned blue - which she very nearly did - it had taken her a bit longer to get out of the studio and over to Super Smooth to meet Ashley.

catching up. and lots of girl talk! )

Mar. 4th, 2010


Thursday: Trying to Understand

Who: Christian and Gwen
Where: Gwen's car, and on the road
When: Midday and onwards

By the time Gwen met him at his house, Christian was more than just impatient-- he was positively bursting. He needed to tell her about Sorcha, he needed to tell her about Sorcha having the same vision. It made him eager to try and find someplace he'd seen, in the more "normal" visions, rather than apprehensive. It was like one little thing-- knowing he wasn't alone-- had tipped him from uncertainty to excitement.

Some of it had to be real, right?

So he sat on his front porch, Thyme snoozing restlessly in his shirt pocket, his journals in his lap and his toes tapping with less rhythm and more spasmodic energy.

it felt as if I should be alert. Myself. Even if myself is still a little wrong.... )


Thursday: Coffee between Brothers

Who: Sean and Joel
When: early afternoon
Where: coffee shop

Joel had taken a day to sleep. He'd turned his phone on silent, left it int he dingy kitchen, and spent the majority of Wednesday in bed, deep in exhaustion. It had been largely dreamless, thankfully, and every time he'd woken up to piss or change positions, he'd made the conscious decision to fall back into sleep. It was what he needed, to reset and absorb everything that had happened over the first part of the week.

You realize that eventually, there's gonna be a place for th' whole story. )

Mar. 3rd, 2010


Thursday: Exchanging Girl Stories

Who: Emmanuel and Cian
Where: Cian's house
When: Evening

The thought of keeping Mac a secret from Cian was the furthest thing from Emmanuel's mind that night when he showed up at his friend's house for sleepover-number-two. In fact, he fully intended to brag as best as his limited verbal skills would let him. It'd been a couple months since he'd had a date, especially not with a girl as understanding and interesting-- and pretty, definitely not as pretty-- as Mac.

So he came up the walk with his backpack on one shoulder, wearing a rather self-satisfied expression. For his usual minimal expressions, it was like walking around with a sign on his forehead that read: I got a girlfriend. Either that or I got laid, but he hadn't gotten to that point yet.

He knocked on the door and settled back to wait for his friend to let him in.

my taste in women is getting better )

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Thursday: Text sent to Mac, 3:31PM

Sent from the Winters family cell phone

Mac, can I take you out tomorrow night? :) - M

Feb. 28th, 2010


Thursday - Fixing itself

Who: Emmanuel, Emmaline, their parents and sister (NPC), Corwin
Where: Emmanuel and Emmaline's house
When: Morning, shortly before eight

Earth elementals usually got an early start to the day. Despite the clinging fog and the harrowing night, the night before, today was no exception. It wasn't very heartening that when they did get up, Emmaline and their mother were still stuck in animal forms, but since his father's mage friend was supposed to be coming by once the storm let up-- or in the morning, if the storm let up in the middle of the night, which it had-- at least everyone had something to look forward to as Daniel and Emmanuel made breakfast and waited for the mage to show up.

what if it happens again? )

Feb. 25th, 2010


Thursday: Dog People and Cat People

Who: Corwin and Olivia
When: Afternoon
Where: Bar & Grill

Olivia had gotten her grocery shopping finished and back home to be put away by lunch time. Oddly, she hadn't felt like actually making herself lunch by then and opted to head out to the bar and grill where she worked. Generally Olivia wouldn't be caught dead going to her place of employment on her day off, but she got a discount on her meal, and she was craving some chicken fingers and fries. At least chicken fingers that weren't from her freezer.

After finishing off her cigarette, Olivia wandered into the bar and grill and ordered her lunch before sitting at the bar. She was given an iced tea, and sipped it thoughtfully, thankful to be able to eat lunch there without rushing back to work right after.

They can get along! )

Feb. 23rd, 2010


Thursday: A Little Weird

Who: Noah and Christian
When: 11:30 a.m.
Where: Booklovers

It had certainly been an interesting morning, and Noah was hoping for slightly less drama as he rode the ferry over to Eldritch to visit the bookstore. After he'd parted ways with Jessalyn, he'd gone back to the boat to shower and dress in fresh clothes, resisted the urge to sit down and write right then and, after taking care of making the couple of phone calls he needed to, he'd left again to walk over to the landing. He hoped that he wouldn't randomly shift again like he had the night before, but he wasn't overly worried about it. Not much he could do but deal with it if he did, anyway.

He walked his bicycle off the ferry and then got on, taking off in the direction of the shopping center where the bookstore was located. It was still a little chilly, but the fog had burned off, at least, and he enjoyed the ride over. Once he arrived there, he parked his bike and made his way into the store, glancing around curiously once inside.

clerk dude was a stealth bomber )

Feb. 22nd, 2010


Thursday - Jake Makes Amends

Who: Jake Mullgrove & Art Stone
Where: Darkwater Computers
When: Thursday afternoon

Being no stranger to a hangover, or having taken it a little bit too far, Jake was still in shock. She wasn't sure if she'd woken up at all on Tuesday after Monday's near miss. She wasn't sure what had done her in worse, forcing a mental download in her sleep or straining to hold her split consciousness together while communicating with Corwin to get herself back. Regardless, both of them were big works of magic and it took its toll. She was down for the count until early Wednesday morning. Her bosses, used to this occasionally happening to Jake, hadn't harassed her while she recovered. So when she'd woken up to the infinite blue bowl of a sky and the smell of the wee hours, she'd taken some time to pamper herself back to full functionality.

After a good breakfast and a bubble bath, Jake entered her workroom and sighed. She knew she'd toasted five good computers in Corwin's shop, all of various skill levels and with different capabilities. Her workroom was stocked with parts from the obsolete to the cutting edge. It wasn't that she liked to undercut Corwin's business, it was just that she found building computers extremely cathartic. That, and she was always fiddling with her personal rig. After flicking on the lights, Jake set down her second tall mug of coffee and dragged over a stool. The least she could do was to piece together a few computers, make them look neat and tidy, and drive them over to Corwin.

By late afternoon, she had loaded five monitors and keyboards and mice into the back of her care as well as boxed computer towers and all of their cables. Driving carefully because she didn't have full visibility, Jake eased her car out of the garage and onto the road to town. She pulled up in front of the shop and could tell from outside that a lot of work had been done and was perhaps still in progress inside. She slid out and walked over to knock on the door's window. There had to be someone around, right?

I hadn't thought about my brain requiring assistance with communication, but then I don't know much about 'hemispheres' and the like... )


Thursday - Catching up

Who: Cian and Liam
Where: Juicy Java
When: afternoon

As Cian pulled the Fiat into the lot at Juicy Java, he was thinking about what Camilla had told him. She was right in that Liam couldn't know if he didn't like something if Cian didn't tell him, like the way he'd been pushing him about Ava. It was so easy to keep a clear head about a situation when he wasn't in it, when he was sitting back and talking about it from a distance. Maybe it was normal for some things that a friend did to drive you crazy. He figured his own temper and stubbornness drove Liam nuts too. Anyway, he knew it was way past time to see where they stood. With a sigh, he got out of the car and pocketed his keys, then trudged across the sidewalk and pulled open the door to walk inside. It wasn't too crowded; there were a couple of people set up at tables with their laptops and a couple more sitting at one end of the bar. Maybe it'd be a decent time to talk.

read more )

Feb. 20th, 2010


Thursday: Random Meeting From Hell!

Who: Ava and Torin
When: Early afternoon
Where: The Shoppes at Eldritch

Since the weather was sunny and brisk, Ava decided to take advantage of it and wander toward the shoppes of Eldritch after she had gotten home from Cian's house and found both of her parents at work. She supposed she could have called Rhiannon or someone to hang out with for awhile, but it was kind of nice having some time to herself so she could think. Or at least try to think. Since the weather was beautiful, it seemed like a lot of people had the same idea Ava had, and the shoppes were pretty crowded, which meant a lot of getting bumped into, depending on the store she was in, and a lot of confusion on her part, since she couldn't really tell what comments around her were spoken verbally, and which weren't.

Eventually she got tired of browsing through the stores, and Ava ended up buying an iced tea and a cookie at one of the cafes before sitting down on the edge of one of the stone walls surrounding the trees. She could occasionally separate the tangled web of thoughts around her and focus on one or two people, but when there were this many bodies moving this way and that way, it was hard to stay focused. And an unfocused telepathic ability generally meant a migraine, which was what she was really trying hard to avoid. So Ava bit into her peanut butter cookie, zoning herself out as her mind began to replay everything that had happened at Cian's house the night before. It was definitely a pleasant distraction, to say the least.

I guess you've got to find someone in town who worries about what their hair looks like as much as you do )

Feb. 19th, 2010


Thursday: I got stuck being a squirrel!

Who: Jessalyn and Tayne
When: Late afternoon
Where: The refectory

After Jessalyn left Noah and was finally home, she headed straight for the shower. Jessalyn didn't mind getting dirty every once in awhile, she lived for being outside, but spending the night as a squirrel, being chased up trees and through town from time to time hadn't been fun, and she was eager to get some of that grimy feeling off of her. Afterward, she dressed in a white peasant top, and blue skirt that reached her ankles. Her wet hair was tied up unceremoniously, and once her sandals were on her feet, she headed out toward the church to see Tayne.

Do you think I should say some Hail Marys or something? )

Feb. 18th, 2010


Thursday: Trying to Touch Base

text sent to Liam @ 14:07:01 PM )

Feb. 17th, 2010


Thursday: Not Spilling Secrets

Who: Cian and Mac
Where: Darkwater, the main strip
When: early afternoon

Cian had gone for a run after Ava had left, but that hadn't helped him much with his case of the fidgets. He was hyper and restless and he had things he needed to get for the party anyway, so he showered and got cleaned up and then drove his car onto the ferry to go to Darkwater. It seemed like an interminable ride, so he ended up turning off the engine and getting out to stand at the rail, enjoying the sight of the churning water all around him and the breeze that blew his hair back. There was a faint smile on his lips as he daydreamed, finding that he was still pretty damn psyched about last night. Man, how did that happen? It was crazy, but good-crazy.

Once he was in town he parked his car at the curb and made a quick run into the grocery store for sodas, chips and other party-type food. He had to figure some shit out, he thought, including booze. Luckily, he had alternate plans in case Liam fell through-- which he had no clue about after what had happened at Vapor the previous weekend. He hadn't seen or spoken to the guy since then. Once he got the car loaded up again, he decided to wander down past the shops and see if there was anyone he knew around. He took his phone out as he walked, sent a random text to Ava, answered a couple of texts from other people... and then ran smack into someone. Shit.

Cian figured he'd wait and get the scoop from M before he went around gossiping like a girl )


Thursday: All Apologies

voicemail left for Allie @ 10:32:43 AM )

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