Apr. 29th, 2011


Friday - The Zombie's Sister

Who: Asia and Sam
Where: Dax's party at the trailer
When: Evening

Sam was having a good time at Dax's party, but naturally; he hadn't expected to show up and not have a good time after all. He was quite drunk by now and had just fired off a stupid text message to Torin Spencer of all people to entice him to show up at Dax's party. There would be an orgy for sure and being bi, Torin had to appreciate orgies, right?

Sam was endlessly amused at the whole thing, he'd somewhat latched onto the idea a bit too much, like drunk people were wont to do, cracking a joke too many about it and somewhat started expecting it to happen for real at any moment.

But what about the sister? )

Apr. 7th, 2011


Thursday - New Memories

Who: Dax & Asia
When: Afternoon
Where: the Everhart residence
Warnings: Um nudity. But it's non-sexual so idk.

Dax had spent some time deciding on whether or not he wanted to bake cupcakes or buy them. And where exactly he was going to get mass amounts of booze from. His mom's not-so-secret stash had been inventoried already. He'd also convinced a neighbor to show up with a few six packs on the promise that there'd be plenty of attractive women at the party. Truthfully Dax had no idea what kind of turnout he'd get, but there were bound to be some young women there.

He had also decided to attempt to bake his own cupcakes so he could decorate them himself. It sounded fun, and if they came out tasting like shit he could just convince his mom to buy him some premade cupcakes from the grocery store.

He was looking out for her. Dax had always done that, but there were times during the year of 'New Dax' that she wasn't sure if she really mattered as much to him anymore. )