Jan. 31st, 2011


Sunday: Star-Crossed Strangers

Who: Jesse and Solana
Where: the beach
When: evening

Jesse had thought about it extensively and had come up with a possible solution for the problem of needing to launder his clothes but having no access to money. He'd collect cans and bottles and take them to the small recycling center that was located near the Shoppes, and he'd use the small amount of money he'd glean from that to feed the washer and dryer at the laundromat. With that goal in mind, he'd been wandering around for a couple of hours with a plastic bag he'd found in the bottom of one of the long, narrow lockers in his room, and he had the bag about half full. He could perform a public service and meet a need he had at the same time. He was humming under his breath as he made his way down the beach about a quarter of a mile from the lighthouse, seeing what he could find.

If only Solana had the foresight to be so industrious. Alas, her focus was always on much more immediate needs, and it was very rare for her clothes to be laundered. Not that she stunk them up as much as humans did, but still. Laying around in the sand and water got your stuff dirty. Which was what she was doing, half-in and half-out of the surf, spread-eagle and looking up at the endless sky. She liked the sky, and sometimes was irrationally envious of things that could fly. For all intents and purposes, she looked dead -- really dead -- as if someone had just dumped her there with her skirt hiked up around her thighs and her unblinking eyes open. She was utterly oblivious to anyone else that might be around, lost in her own disconnected thoughts.

...or maybe not. )

Sep. 13th, 2010


Tuesday - Forbidden, But Still Cool

Who: Shoel and Solana
Where: The park in Darkwater
When: Shortly after sunset

Work was unusually slow today, at the hospital, at least for little candy-striper volunteers like Shoel. She picked up what gossip she could, just out of bored interest, and cleaned things. It left her restless at the end of the day, and she left the hospital to wander the town, rather than go home. Her aunt got a text so she wouldn't worry, and she promised she'd be home by nine or so, so hopefully that would be good enough. If she got in trouble when she got home... well, she just hoped she wouldn't. Sofia would understand the need to just walk, right? Hopefully?

After stopping in a cafe for a drink and a snack, Shoel wandered around looking in shop windows for a while before she drifted off to the park, finding herself a park bench to sit and look for fireflies. Not that there were ever fireflies in Oregon-- they were more of a midwest thing-- but she could pretend. Pretending was one of the things Shoel did best.

Monkeybars and loneliness. )

Aug. 4th, 2010


Monday - Mutual Benefit

Who: Sam and Solana
When: Nighttime
Where: Streets, then Sam's house
Warning: NSFW

After Sam's shift at the gas station, he clocked out, went outside and lit up a cigarette before starting the walk home. He'd deliberately left his car at home this time, since he was sort of hoping to run into Solana at some point. Sure, the island wasn't huge, but it wasn't overly tiny either that he could hope to walk down one street and see her, but hey, one never knew, right? If not for his conversation with Shoel, Sam might not have given Solana - Ana - another thought, but knowing she was a vampire now, one who survived off of fluids, had him intrigued and curious as to why she was on Eldritch and not somewhere more populated.

Taking a slow drag off his cigarette, Sam kept his eyes focused on his surroundings. Sure, he was looking for one person in particular, but at the same time, he didn't want to be caught off guard by someone, or something, unexpected.

Because you're beautiful. )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Saturday - Weathering the Storm?

Who: Shoel and Solana, later Sofia
Where: The streets, then Shoel's house
When: Night, after the power goes out

The storm had started pretty much right as Shoel got to the graveyard, but she hadn't left immediately. There were trees all around, and the weathervane and steeple on the church, to catch lightning should it come to earth anywhere nearby, and it wasn't really pouring or anything, so she just settled herself down under some tombstones to watch the lightning.

She still had a curfew, however, so she couldn't stay there long. After about an hour of laying in the grass, listening to rolling thunder and shrieking wind, seeing streetlights wink out all over the neighborhood, she finally picked herself up, grabbed her little party-purse that she'd brought along, and started back towards her house. With everything else that'd happened that evening, the last thing she wanted was Sofia being mad at her.

With a disappointing end. )

Mar. 21st, 2010


Friday - A Little Detour

Who: Sam and Solana
Where: Streets on Eldritch
When: Late evening
Warning: NSFW

Sam's shift at the gas station ended up being a lot longer than he'd anticipated. One of the other clerks had called off sick, and since Sam didn't really have any other major plans, he'd volunteered to stick around until the third shift employee showed up. It was close to midnight before he clocked out, and once he stepped foot outdoors, he lit up a cigarette and started off toward home. He hadn't driven to work that day, since his house was only a few miles away and the weather had been somewhat decent.

Now he was sort of regretting not taking his car. Not because he was scared, or anything, but he was tired and just wanted to collapse into bed and sleep until well into the next afternoon if he could. That was certainly delayed by adding at least a twenty minute walk onto his evening. One hand was tucked loosely into his jean pocket, the other holding his cigarette. He kept his eyes ahead of him, occasionally glancing around his surroundings. He wasn't really freaked or anything, but after talking to Hannah about the solstice, he was wondering if something was going to go down. Plus, you know, escaped insane inmates was probably a good reason to be aware of the people around you, if there were any. Damn, he should have just driven his car.

Solana had spent the day locked up in her motel room, hiding as much as she could from the sun and the heat. It had made her a little miserable and shaky. But then the bastardous day-star had gone away, and it was time to go out. The night with the odd and mysterious non-human Santiago had been satisfying, so she didn't really need to feed, but ... the wind was calling her outside. Solana donned a long flowing patchwork skirt that had tiny, randomly-placed bells on it, a pair of sandals, and a white t-shirt that was rather too small for her chest. She donned many necklaces and bracelets. She felt pretty today, for some reason, and she wanted to look it. She took the ferry over to the island, wanting to maybe walk around the lighthouse again, or the church. Just to see.

It's so lovely out, don't you think? )

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Thursday: A Feeding

Who: Santiago and Solana
Where: Vapor
When: Night

Wednesday had been slow-- the storm kept people at home, tossed the ships at the private dock and the marina around like toys, but thankfully caused little damage. Today, though, the numbers were back up. The fog swirling around outside served to make the club seem mysterious and exotic all over again, and there were plenty of people there. The music was loud, the dance floor was packed, the lights were swirling, the drinks were flowing.

And yet Santiago was restless. He'd danced, he'd drank, he'd flirted. And none of it was satisfying tonight.

No pretending. )

Jan. 28th, 2010


Monday: Sharing the Crazy

Who: Christian and Solana
Where: The lighthouse on the island
When: Evening

It had been a long day at work today, working his own shift and half of someone else's as they waited for a partner to get home from work to look after the kid. Christian was exhausted, and jumpy. He'd skipped taking his drugs that morning, feeling the need to be alert and aware of his surroundings rather more than usual, and while nothing untoward had happened yet, he was on the lookout for odd things that shouldn't actually be there. It would probably take a couple days before he actually started seeing things but, well... it never hurt to be careful, did it?

It also never hurt to keep an eye on things you suspected of evil-doing. And while Christian did not suspect the lighthouse itself of evil-doing, exactly... well, it had figured quite prominently in the hallucination-vision, and he just plain didn't trust it. So after he got off work (finally!) he rode his bike over and stopped just short of the gravel, staring up at it with suspicious eyes and all but waiting for something to happen. Daring it to.

Having you would be difficult, because slavery is not only abhorrent, it is illegal. )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Friday - The Punishment for Being Nice

Who: Turlough and Solana
When: night
Where: along the marina

She'd left her bag somewhere. Where the fuck was her bag? Where in the bloody fucking hell had she left her bag? Solana stalked over the wooden boards, thin arms wrapped around her body, looking from side to side, examining every foot of marina. She had been here, she remembered it. She remembered it, but she couldn't remember where the fuck her fucking piss ass goddamn bag was. With a soft sound of frustration, she buried her fingers in her wild hair and tugged. She looked a hot mess, though she was unaware of it. There was the lopsided knee-length skirt with a tank top that didn't match at all, and the ballet flats that had almost been completely worn through. She had dozens of bracelets on both skinny wrists and her makeup was uneven and smeared.

It was a very unclear day, very unclear. She'd woken up as the sun went down -- though she couldn't remember now where she'd started -- and the drain had been talking to her. It had been impossible to take a shower, and she was so shaky ... She was starving. Starving and hungry and famished and hambriento and where was everybody. Someone shouted something over her left shoulder and she whirled, looking frightened and more than a little lost.

Stingy hijo! )

Nov. 4th, 2009


Tuesday - Satisfying Hungers

Who: Noah and Solana
Where: the marina, then a motel room
When: evening
Warning: NC-17

It had been pouring rain all day long, but that didn't bother Noah any. The sound of it was almost musical when he was down inside the living area of his boat, and when he'd gone for a run at midday, he hadn't minded it then, either. It was just another part of living in Darkwater: weather of all sorts, most of it very random. He wasn't hard to please as long as a tornado didn't come along and wipe them off the face of the earth. No hurricanes, at least, because the Pacific ocean was too cold for them to form. That was one small blessing.

After his run he'd showered and written some more, then gone to grab a quick dinner at the marina restaurant. It wasn't nearly as tasty as his meal the night before at Peterman's, but it had filled him up. Now he was in the bait and tackle shop-- which sold numerous other odds and ends-- picking up some sodas and snacks to take back to his boat for later. It was damned lucky for him that he had a good metabolism, seriously, he thought as he snagged a couple of King-Size Hershey bars to throw into the small shopping basket he had over one arm.

Some weather out there, huh? )