Oct. 16th, 2010


Thursday: Bitey Bitey

Who: Dessicant and Lux
Where: Alleyway behind the homeless shelter in Darkwater
When: Early evening

One of the nice things about being a heartless old snake was you didn't feel guilty when you left things for other people to do. Dessicant was damn tired of paperwork, and he was cold, and he wanted to go home-- so he did. He left a note for his night-watch girl to handle the last few purchase requisitions and prep the reports for the city overnight, since it wasn't like she had a lot to do anyway on her shifts, and he locked up the office. Eying the front exit and the last remnants of the line for the kitchen that extended into it, he slipped out towards the back door. He didn't want to deal with any more people tonight. All he wanted was a warm blanket, a hot mug of tea, and some music.

Of course, he got stopped twice on the way back, first by the cook with a complaint which he told to submit in writing, and second by one of the homeless tenants of the building with some wild story about one of the girls putting spiders in his pillows that Dessicant listened to, nodded politely at, and then slipped away from. Paranoid, meddling bastard. Too bad that one in particular didn't have a drop of supernatural blood in him, or he'd have eaten him weeks ago.

I should be eating YOU, infant. )

Aug. 4th, 2010


Monday: New Old Clothes

Who: Jessalyn and Dessicant
Where: Thrift store
When: Afternoon

Since Jessalyn didn't have to work until later that evening, she decided to stop by the thrift shop in town and see if they had any new cute skirts in. She enjoyed making her own clothes, and sometimes she could find a used piece of material and make it into something of her own. She rode her bike that afternoon, singing softly under her breath as the wind blew her hair about her face and shoulders. By the time she got to the shop and climbed off her bike, her hair was a bit of a mess, though she didn't make any attempt to fix it. She was a bit oblivious to things like that, and after setting her bike up against the building, she breezed into the shop with a bright smile on her face. Her eyes darted behind the sunglasses she wore that were too big for her face, searching for one of the shop's employees so she could ask about any new pieces.

Do you mind helping me out? )