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Jun. 3rd, 2011


Saturday: No Longer Obtuse

Who: Torin and Sam
Where: Johnson's Beach, then Torin's poolhouse
When: evening
Warnings: NSFW ; incomplete

Torin was mostly disconnected from the wild revel already in progress. He'd been hanging out with Chrissy and a couple of her vapid, ding-a-ling friends for a while, then he'd moved along to a handful of elementals he knew slightly. Now he was by himself, about one beer away from having a buzz on, earbuds in his ears that were connected to the iPod Nano he had clipped to his jeans pocket. He was dressed down by his standards in jeans and a black tank top, but he hadn't been in the mood to hunt for a better ensemble, so here he was. His wild hair was tossed around by the breeze as he wandered along, completely distracted by his own thoughts.

Sam wasn't far away, talking to a couple of girls two years his junior after having convinced them to do a short interview each for his new project. He was taking it easy tonight, not as drunk or hyper as he had been the night before and the chit chat was nice. It was still early, after all. He got up from where he'd knelt with the girls, ready to move on and find a new subject when he spotted Torin. Perfect! Waving at the other boy, Sam made his way over, his small camcorder turned off and dangling from his hand.

So, all Torin had to do to get Boesch to stop making snappy remarks was to get him turned on. Good to know. )

Mar. 29th, 2011


Wednesday: Itch to Scratch

Who: Torin and Jordan
Where: the Delaneys
When: afternoon
Warnings: NSFW

Torin had been lying on his bed with his laptop, doing some mindless internet surfing for lack of anything better to do, when Jordan had called him. What she had to say had him hanging up and flying through a quick change of clothes, brushing his teeth and combing his hair. Evidently the twins' grounding didn't mean that they couldn't have people over, and the news that Jordan Delaney was both bored and horny and wanted him to come by got him moving in a hurry. He was bored too, and he was a guy, which meant he was generally always horny, so it seemed like a win-win situation to him.

You just want a metal mold of me )

Mar. 19th, 2011


Tuesday: One Thing at a Time

Who: Trevor and Torin
When: evening
Where: Spencer residence

Trevor had spent most of the day agonizing over what he should do about his problem with Taryn before he ran out of time instead of writing. It felt like he should finally man up and take his own advice. And it felt as if he didn't do so quickly, he'd miss any opportunity he might have. It didn't help any that he was now convinced Taryn was determined to sleep with that Noah character. A man who wasn't even an elemental. It was abhorrent at best, even from a purely brotherly perspective.

But what could be done? Surely blurting out his feelings wasn't the best way to handle things. It would be the same as ripping a band-aid off as quickly as possible, just to get the sting over with. He'd thought of asking their parents if they'd consider the match, but he couldn't do so without first knowing how Taryn felt on the matter. He wouldn't condemn her to a life of unhappiness just to satisfy his own ultimately selfish wishes for her life. That would make him no better than their parents in regards to match-making.

Have you ever been in love? )

Mar. 5th, 2011


Tuesday: Welcome Back

Who: Torin and Cooper
Where: a clothing store in Darkwater
When: early afternoon

Torin had had enough of the fucking rain already. It had been blisteringly hot Sunday and yesterday, and now it was evidently monsoon season. His asthma was killing him; he'd already had to take a couple of blasts from his inhaler, which left him feeling twitchy and a little bit like he was on some kind of uppers. To distract himself, he'd decided to go poke around some of the shops in town. Boredom was a good excuse to see if he could find some new pants, shirts, or whatever. Normally he might've tried to get somebody to come with him, but he wasn't quite in the mood for Chrissy today and the twins were both grounded, so he was on his own. There was a covered parking garage behind one section of shops, and he left his car there and used the awnings to keep himself dry as he walked around to the first shop.

He was dressed down today, although down didn't mean raggedy or cheap, it meant well-aged designer jeans and a short-sleeved red polo shirt. He raked a hand through his wild mop of hair as he started looking through a rack of button-up shirts. It was never that Torin needed new clothes but that he liked to keep up on the most current looks. No fashion victim status for him, ever.

I'm more for simplistic than overly complicated )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Monday: Taking A Break

Who: Torin and Emmanuel
Where: the Spencers'
When: midday

How much hotter could it possibly get? Torin wondered as he stepped out on the front porch. The air felt like a wet blanket pressing down on his lungs, and he had not one but two inhalers in the pockets of his baggy cargo shorts. He should probably just stay inside, but he was bored and he'd spied M out working in the flower bed beneath the massive picture window that looked out onto the yard from the formal dining room. His mother had hired M the previous week to do yardwork, which Torin didn't understand because they already had landscapers. Maybe they were going to do the heavier tasks. He didn't know and didn't care, since it didn't really concern him. As he crossed the front walkway, he could already feel the sun beating down on his bare arms; he wore a tank top and flip-flops with his shorts and he felt overdressed. The weather was extra crazy this summer.

"Having fun yet?" he asked once he got close enough for M to hear him.

elementals=the best )

Feb. 4th, 2011


Sunday: Making Up

Who: Torin and Taryn
When: after midnight
Where: Taryn's room
Warnings: R for frank conversation

Torin was in a bit of a funk after he got home from hanging out with Sam. Strange how he always ended up feeling that way even though they had fun when they were together. The house was quiet, and he was just as glad not to have to explain his appearance: sticky despite the wash-up in the public bathroom at the beach and covered with sand, not to mention the dark stains on his clothes from chocolate syrup and such. Nobody would ever believe him if he tried to tell them about that incident. The clothes were probably ruined, and that added to his overall sucky mood right now.

I'll work on telling more if you pry less )

Jan. 7th, 2011


Saturday: Not Proper

Who: Torin and Sam
Where: Darkwater, then the next town up the coast!
When: evening

There were times when Torin's friends bored him, although he'd never, ever let that be known. A bunch of them had eaten at one of the cafes on the strip, spending ages sitting there so everyone that walked by their outdoor table would be able to see how totally fucking cool they were. It was amazing to him how sometimes he could pretend to be hanging on everybody's every word and mostly tune out; tonight he'd done so while Chrissy Delaney sat on his lap. The meal had seemed to last forever, and afterward everyone had wanted to go up to Java and update Facebook and Twitter from somebody's netbook about how totally fucking cool they were. Fun, right?

Torin's head wasn't in the game tonight, and he wasn't sure if it was because of his fight with his sister earlier or some other reason. He managed to extricate himself from Chrissy's clutches and made some excuse of some mysterious thing he had to do, then got into his convertible and drove in the opposite direction from where they were going. He wound up at the far end of the boardwalk section of the strip, parking the car at the curb as he tried to decide if he wanted to go walk around or find somewhere to just sit and listen to the water. Water was fine at a distance, was his firm belief. He pulled off his light blazer and tossed it into the back seat and unbuttoned the top two buttons of the sky-blue button up shirt he had on as he tried to decide.

messy hair doesn't make you die )

Dec. 13th, 2010


Saturday: Liar, Liar

Who: Taryn and Torin
When: Afternoon
Where: Home, by the pool

After a morning of shopping with some friends, Taryn hurried home, eager to see if her brother was back yet, and to find out just what he'd been up to Thursday night that deemed him incapable of actually coming home. Taryn had been too busy Friday to find him and talk to him properly, so today was the first time since he texted her that she had nothing else planned for awhile - which meant it was definitely time to nag her brother. She was pleased to see his car in the driveway, and after dumping her things off in her bedroom, Taryn made her way through the house in search of Torin. For a moment, she thought maybe he was hiding from her, but after a quick glance outside, she spotted Torin by the pool, lounging in the sun with his sunglasses on.

Smiling, Taryn stepped outside and made her way over to where her brother was relaxing. "Okay," she began, "spill. Where were you Thursday night?"

He was Torin Spencer. He didn't have to explain himself. )

Oct. 29th, 2010


Thursday: A Spencer in a Boesch Bed

Who: Sam and Torin
Where: Sam’s home
When: Thursday afternoon-ish

Sam Boesch slept like the dead as it turned out, save for only a handful of instances where he flopped over to his back or his side almost moodily. He didn’t stir at all until late afternoon and in the dark of the room it was hard to tell what time it was. Sam was so used to sleeping at odd hours that he’d long since had the wits about him to get proper curtains and the only problem with that was that it was impossible to tell if it was day or evening when he did eventually stir. With a smothered groan he reached for his phone and found it wasn’t where he usually left it so he nudged the curtain out of the way, quick to return it when daylight crept inside. So not ready for that. The food and water had helped some, his brain was currently not trying to explode out of his skull and his stomach wasn’t churning, but it was making quiet little noises telling him, ‘Eat more! Eat now!

Good Morning Sunshine~ )

Sep. 27th, 2010


Thursday: Text to Taryn

Sent 12:03am

if mom & dad ask, tell them I'm stayin @ zack's. too drnk to drive home.

Sep. 14th, 2010


Wednesday: Drunk Bonding?

Who: Torin and Sam
Where: Johnson's Beach
When: 9 p.m.
Warnings: verbal naughtiness, language

The parking lots around Johnson's Beach were crammed with cars and the beach itself was jammed with people, which made getting anywhere a logistical nightmare, but none of the attendees really cared. It was a party, something Darkwater didn't have nearly enough of. The ambience was dim; the lights that shone on the beach area were spaced fairly far apart, and the bonfire, while large and continuously being fed wood and paper by rowdy partygoers, wasn't large enough to cast much light out of its immediate range. There was music being pumped from loudspeakers, food, drinks... and some booze, although it took a bit more manipulation to get hold of that.

Torin had met Chrissy and a few more kids from school down here at around eight, about the time the party had started, and he was having a decent time. There was a good mix of just about everyone here, both college students and kids from Darkwater Consolidated. He'd had a couple of beers already, and he had another in hand as he wandered off from the immediate area of the fire. Chrissy had gone chasing after one of the jocks, and his other companions had gone to get food, and Torin headed down the beach, unrecognizable from a distance since he'd pulled the hood of his hoodie up over his distinctive hair. He looked like any guy in a hoodie, knee-length khaki shorts and flip flops, and right then, that was fine with him. He paused to look out in the direction of the marina, which was less than a fourth mile from here, and he lifted his beer to his lips once more.

Who is the real Sam Boesch? What's behind the man behind the camera? How many tattoos does he have, and where exactly are they? )

Sep. 9th, 2010


Monday: Nosy and Determined

Who: Taryn and Torin
When: evening
Where: the patio

Torin was truly in a downer of a mood tonight. He still felt twitchy and jittery from the potent asthma medicine in his inhaler-- he'd required another shot of it before talking to the police at the station-- and he couldn't get the thought of those horrible, bloated things that used to be human beings out of his head. He was also brooding over Sam Boesch and why he had to be into the guy. It was even worse now that they'd actually spent some time in the same vicinity, regardless of what had happened at the end of it. He was just an idiot, evidently. He was Torin Spencer. He could find someone more appropriate to yearn for, and while he knew that intellectually? The rest of him wasn't listening.

He was hiding out on the covered patio, curled up in one corner of the couch; the only light was the faint glow of the chimania that someone had lit earlier. He'd told his family the briefest details on what had happened and why he'd been at the police station, mainly because his car was fairly high-profile, and anyone could have seen it there. Hopefully, running across a couple of dead bodies would be sufficient to explain why he was in a bad mood, if anyone asked. Luckily, his parents hadn't thought to ask him what the hell he'd been doing back in the middle of nowhere. He could only hope they didn't decide to, because he didn't want to tell them.

He's a random kid I ran into the other day, and we went to the caves. The end. )

Aug. 4th, 2010


Monday: Creepy Cave Adventure

Who: Torin and Sam
When: 2 p.m.
Where: the high school parking lot, then Stonehenge and the caves

At least Torin's elemental gifts had come back. He'd expected a miserable day indeed if they hadn't. Despite the fact that there was nothing on regular TV except the local news stations reporting on the high school, the Baptist church and the Mayor's home all burning the night before, and the Quik-Stop being held up-- hell, those reporters were practically jizzing in their pants over it all-- at least there were a ton of satellite stations, and he hadn't spent that much time checking out the news reports. He had the basic facts, and that was all he cared about. He wondered if Sam Boesch would show for their 2 p.m. arranged meeting. Well, he'd set it for the high school parking lot, and if nothing else, he could see the damage for himself up close.

He set off for the school at a quarter til, sunglasses on and his uncontrollable hair blowing in the breeze, determined to stay chill about this. He was going to show Sam the fucked-up stuff that was in the caves near Stonehenge, to prove he hadn't been pulling bullshit out of his ass when they'd talked the other day, and that was it. And Sam had better hold to his agreement not to shove that fucking camera in his face, too. He made the short drive in record time and pulled into the far parking lot, turning off the engine and getting out to lean against his car and stare at the heavily damaged brick building. It looked as if the gym and the Science Wing had taken the heaviest hits, he thought as he waited.

Also? I know the truth about Candy Mountain. You're not getting my kidney. )

Jul. 20th, 2010


Monday: Sibling Discussions and Annoyances

Who: Trevor, Torin and Taryn
When: just after midnight
Where: Trevor's room

Since they were feeling better, Taryn and Torin both decided to find Trevor and make sure it hadn't been just them. Taryn wasn't surprised to find her older brother's bedroom door shut, and she was guessing that he was probably asleep. Not that it mattered to her. She'd just pound on the door if it was locked, and if it wasn't, she'd go inside and wake him up herself. There was plenty to keep her occupied around the house on a daily basis, but annoying her brothers when she could was one of her favorite past times. Coming upon his door, Taryn flashed Torin a grin before she tested out the door knob. It turned easily, which meant Trevor hadn't locked the door. "Let me wake him up," she whispered to Torin before she twisted the knob all the way and carefully pushed the door open.

I don't understand why they can't trust us to fall in love with worthy people on our own )

Jun. 15th, 2010


Late Night Complaining

Who: Taryn and Torin
When: Evening
Where: Their house
Warnings: a bit of language

Taryn had been feeling like complete and utter crap. She had felt okay for some of the day, enjoying her random, yet productive encounters with both Will and Noah, but once she was out shopping again, it felt as thought a wrecking ball had hit her square in the stomach... and face, and legs and... just everywhere. It was more than a little unnerving, and her first thought was she was coming down with something. So she had driven to the convenience store, bought some flu medicine, juice and a chocolate bar to make herself feel better, and eventually made her way home.

She knew she could have tracked down one of her brothers and pouted at them until they took care of her, but she was feeling icky enough that she didn't want to deal with either of them at the moment. They would likely annoy her in her mopey mood, so instead she locked herself in the bathroom, took a long, hot bath and did her best not to fall asleep in the water. Once the water started to cool, she got out, wrapped herself in her red, fluffy robe and tied her hair up before retreating to her bedroom. She might have been feeling poorly, but it was nothing her chocolate bar and a couple episodes of Gossip Girl couldn't fix, right?

Neither of these guys were ready for their AARP memberships yet, were they? )

Jun. 5th, 2010


Sunday: Speculation

Who: Torin and Trevor
Where: at home
When: late afternoon

All was not right in the world according to Torin Spencer. Of course, that was frequently the case considering that Torin was harder to please than average. He'd been mildly out of sorts all day, anyway, and his mood was not helped along when he began to feel unwell during the afternoon. Slight dizziness and headache with no cause that he could figure out. He'd decided to lie down for a short while, although he'd wanted to talk to Taryn about Cian the bonehead's party and any gossip thereof. He'd vaguely heard his sister come home and then leave again a little later on, and he figured he'd have to talk to her either that night or the next day, depending on when he could catch her.

Once he'd gotten up again, he didn't feel much better. Something was wrong, and he couldn't figure out what. It was as he paused in front of his dresser to check how ridiculous his hair looked that he realized it: the handful of coins that he'd dumped on the dresser top hadn't moved. Anytime coins were that close to his skin, they slid over and glommed onto him. Torin passed his hand directly over the top of them, and nothing. "What the hell?" he grumbled to himself. Grabbing the entire handful and closing them in his fist, he headed out of his room and headed down the hall to his brother's room, staggering just a little as he went. "Trev?" he called, leaning against the doorframe and tapping on the door with his free hand.

What're we gonna do if it doesn't stop? )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Saturday: Text to Torin

Sent 11:00pm

Ferry is shut down because of storm. have to stay on the island tonight :( got lots to fill you in on tho

Mar. 25th, 2010


Saturday: Helpful? Not Really

Who: Torin and West
When: afternoon
Where: the music store

West had spent most of the day debating over whether or not he should go to Cian's party. Everyone he knew was going to be there, except for Jessica and Jordan, obviously, so that was really the only thing keeping him from making a definite decision. He didn't want to piss Jessica off by going to a party thrown by her ex, but on the other hand, if he didn't go, he'd probably have nothing to do that night, since everyone would be over on the island. He thought maybe he could call or text her and see if she wanted to hang out, but he'd been doing that a lot lately since she and Cian broke up, and he didn't want to come across as too eager - or desperate.

So he was out now, in the small music shop, trying to find something new to buy, or potentially buy for Jessica. He'd have to steer clear of emo music, or anything that could be construed as mushy, in case she got the wrong idea. Then again, maybe he wanted her to get the wrong idea, because the wrong idea was more or less the right idea. West scanned the row of newly released music, shaking his head at his own stupidity. His mom was starting to get annoyed with West's crush on Jessica as it was, given they were earth and she was fire, and it just didn't make sense. But he didn't care, at least not at the moment.

you scared me )

Mar. 18th, 2010


Saturday - Breach of Social Rules

Who: Torin and Sam
Where: the side of Foggy Branch Road, near the asylum
When: mid-day

It was an incredible day, which in Torin's experience meant that the weather was going to turn to shit in a matter of hours. That, of course, made no difference to him. He could easily find something to do indoors, and maybe all the nimrods who were going to Eldritch for Cian Andersen's party would drown. He'd be okay with that for most of them, although Taryn was going, and he wouldn't wish such a fate on her, of course. As soon as he'd gotten up at around ten and seen how gorgeous it was outside, he'd taken a quick shower and dressed in a casual-- for him-- outfit of a black tanktop and jeans. Oakley sunglasses over his eyes and a grab for his car keys later, he was ready to get out and just drive.

What brings Torin Spencer to the asylum at this hour? )

Mar. 12th, 2010


Friday: Family Dinner Night

Who: Santiago, Torin, Taryn and Antony and Jerrilyn Spencer (NPCs)
Where: the Spencer home
When: early evening

The occasion of Santiago Ascencio Baquero's visit was the first time the Spencers had used their elegant dining room since Christmas Eve, when Jerrilyn and Antony traditionally invited all of their extended family to the house for a holiday party that always lasted well into the night. They'd been out of the country, of course, and had only been back a few days, but ordinarily, the room would not have been used again until Thanksgiving. This, however, was an event, and the five of them (Trevor had gone out of town with some friends of his, so he was not present) had dined in the midst of candles, fresh flowers and soft music-- Spanish guitar instrumentals, mostly-- in the background.

Once they became aware of exactly who Santiago was, Jerri Spencer was pleased that she'd spared no expense and trouble for this dinner. She'd even hired uniformed waitstaff to serve them, and of course the food and wine were top-notch. It was a meal full of gentil conversation and much shared history, and while ordinarily young adults might have been bored with such a gathering, in this case Taryn and Torin were not. How often did one get to spend time with the father of their race? None of them could possibly be blase about that.

Dessert was served on the roofed patio, lit by twinkling lights wound around the posts and a chimania at the edge of the grouping of cushioned outdoor furniture, and the conversation had continued unabated until Antony received a call that he needed to take, and he excused himself as gracefully as possible. It was a successful evening without doubt, and Jerri was pleased and relieved by that. "I'll be back in a few," she said, rising from her seat with a smile. "I think we could all use some more wine." They'd all been drinking it, even Taryn who at nineteen wasn't quite old enough. The Spencers tended to have more European sensibilities about that sort of thing, though. Jerri vanished into the house, and the three were left alone in the pleasant evening air.

did I manage to surprise you? )

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