Feb. 28th, 2010


Thursday - Fixing itself

Who: Emmanuel, Emmaline, their parents and sister (NPC), Corwin
Where: Emmanuel and Emmaline's house
When: Morning, shortly before eight

Earth elementals usually got an early start to the day. Despite the clinging fog and the harrowing night, the night before, today was no exception. It wasn't very heartening that when they did get up, Emmaline and their mother were still stuck in animal forms, but since his father's mage friend was supposed to be coming by once the storm let up-- or in the morning, if the storm let up in the middle of the night, which it had-- at least everyone had something to look forward to as Daniel and Emmanuel made breakfast and waited for the mage to show up.

what if it happens again? )

Jan. 29th, 2010


Wednesday: Shifter-Wonk

Who: Emmanuel and Emmaline (possible cameos by other family members)
Where: The Winters house
When: Evening, a little before 8

Emmanuel had spent most of the day-- the rainy, blustery, storming day-- out of the house. Various other members of the family had called every time he got back home again, in desperate need of someone to come help them protect their plants from the storm. He'd been out so many times he had just given up, by afternoon, and not bothered to come home, just driven from house to house to see who needed him.

Now he was finally home, finally done with a hot shower, finally in dry clothes, and finally fed. And now he could actually come talk to his sister, like he'd been meaning to all day. After all, he did have something rather important to tell her-- and, of course, he hadn't really talked to her all day!

So he waved to his mother in the living room with Emily and their father, then headed down the hall to Emmaline's room, knocking lightly on the door. He was pretty damn sure she was in there; where else would she be?

I can't shift back! )

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Sunday: Brotherly Love

Who: M and Emmaline
When: Morning
Where: Their home


Emmaline, though she loved to help out her family, loathed chores. Today though wasn't so bad because she and M got to split weeding the garden. It was so much easier when she could spend the chore time talking to her brother. This way was especially helpful because her parents were inside and she didn't have to worry about Emily listening in or her parents eavesdropping either for that matter. After the night before at Vapor, she wanted to know what M had done on his date. She was especially curious why he'd forgotten to mention that he was going on a date to Cian. All of that would come in due time though. Getting a pair of old cut off jeans and a t-shirt on, she tied her unruly hair back and put a bandanna over the mess of waves and curls and headed outside to find her brother.

A road, or a deer? )

Dec. 19th, 2009


Saturday - Hiding from your Harem?

Who: Cian and Emmaline
When: evening
Where: Vapor

As soon as Cian left M in the earth room, he was going to find Ava right away. He was! He wasn't going to get distracted, wasn't going to dance with anyone else... but he just so happened to catch sight of Darren through the doorway that led to the water room, and he thought he'd say hi for just a few seconds. Had to stay on the good side of the local dealer, right? Once he'd turned around to walk out of the room, he happened to see Emmaline nearby, kind of standing and not talking to anyone right then, so he paused to say, "Hey, how's it goin'? You having fun?"

I'll be sure to tell them I caught you alone. )

Dec. 16th, 2009


Friday: Cemetery Chat

Who: Dax & Emmaline
When: Night
Where: Shady Rest Cemetery

Dax whistled the tune of a Static X song he had stuck in his head. It always amused him how clearly he could hear a singer's voice belting it out in his mind. It was almost as if Wayne Static himself was giving Dax a private performance. But the mental music wasn't enough to drown out the sound of his combat boots on the sidewalk as he made his way to the cemetery, messenger bag slung over his shoulder and hands in his jacket pockets.

If Dax was particularly lucky, the groundskeepers at the cemetery wouldn't have fixed the gap he made in the fence the week before. The pried open wrought iron bars were partially hidden behind a large tree, but that didn't mean anything. It was actually kind of funny thinking about the groundskeepers wondering how the bars got pried apart in the first place.

Emmaline wasn't sure she liked not being in charge of her own destiny, but she sort of already figured that she wasn't. )

Dec. 2nd, 2009


Friday: You're Being Too Nice!

Who: Emmaline and Christian
When: One P.M.
Where: Booklovers

Emmaline, free from babysitting since her parents were home, decided that she needed a new book. Or maybe a few new books depending on how she felt once she browsed through Booklovers for a while. She liked the quiet that she got there as apposed to the house where there was always something going on. Between her parents yapping about something or Emmanuel who actually wasn't so bad and then Emily who was always wanting to play, Emmaline liked a little quiet once in a while. Entering the book store, she made her way towards the shelves, determined to spend a while just browsing and enjoying the silence that seemed to engulf her when she stepped in. The smell of nothing but pages of those glorious books. It was such a lovely smell.

Christian was in less of a cheerful mood. Here only an hour so far, and already he'd had one customer yell at him, another laugh at him, and yet another's brat knock over a whole display of books. All that needed to go wrong now was for the loud thoughts to start intruding on him or some vision to descend upon him, both of which he was fervently hoping would not happen.

When Emmaline arrived, he was working on the last customer's handiwork, putting the display near the science fiction section back in order and bemoaning the bent pages of one of the books. "Look at this," he muttered. "Who will buy this copy now? Certainly can't put it in the front...."

He could benefit from a better editor, a better plot, more sympathetic characters, and another ten years of experience. )


Thursday - A little bit of Mini-Golf

Who: West and Emmaline
When: Late afternoon
Where: Emmaline's house/Mini Golfing

West had spent the rest of the afternoon playing basketball at the court with a few guys from school, in a pretty fine mood at that, given he had a date with Jessica. A sorta date anyway, since he was pretty sure she just wanted someone to take her to Vapor, rather than it being anything romantic. He tried not to let his brain get too occupied with thoughts of her, since that was pretty damn pathetic, and around four, West returned home sweaty and grimy, and headed straight for the shower with the intent to make a huge fucking sandwich to scarf down once he was washed up and dressed in clean clothes.

bonding )

Nov. 11th, 2009


Thursday - Pretty Please?

Who: Emmanuel and Emmaline
Where: The house
When: Midday

When Emmanuel walked in from finishing weeding the vegetable garden-- and pruning his precious flowerbed-- and saw his mom and dad being all cuddly in the kitchen with a picnic basket on the counter, he knew he was in trouble. He needed his afternoon free, dammit! Jordan would kill him if he didn't call. Or burn down his house. Or both.

When, after his playful "ew" noises, they said if he was so disturbed by his own parents kissing he could stay home and watch Emily, he really knew he was in trouble.

you so owe me )