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Mar. 31st, 2011


Wednesday: Catching Up

Who: Cian and M
Where: Johnson's Beach
When: evening

Cian and Ava had parted ways to go to the restroom, and once he'd come out, he'd run into some of the guys from the team. A few minutes of bullshitting later, he separated from them and began looking around for his girlfriend. He didn't see her, but he figured that maybe she'd run into somebody she wanted to talk to, as well. It was cool. They'd catch up to each other eventually, he knew. He stopped at the snack bar and bought himself a Coke, then wandered through the crowd. The fireworks would start in about half an hour.

He caught sight of a familiar-looking, shaggy head of hair and headed in that direction; talking to M was always welcome. He'd figured he'd see his friend sometime this evening. He got close enough to see that it was indeed Emmanuel and bumped his shoulder with his own. "'Sup?" he wanted to know.

Maybe if we keep hangin' out, some of my awesome sexual magnetism'll rub off on you. )

Mar. 19th, 2011


Wednesday: Illusions Don't Hurt Trees.

Who: Emmanuel and Jordan
Where: Jordan's yard
When: Late morning

While he was glad for the extra twenty dollars a week that another yard got him, Emmanuel was of mixed feelings about working Jordan and Jessica's parents' yard. Jordan was his friend, and he'd defended her... but he was also pretty sure she'd torched his best friend's car, and was still pretty hateful about Ava, who was also a friend. And Jessica was just plain bratty. So he was here to work, but he did kind of hope Jordan didn't come out to chat... it would mean having to deal with things he didn't know quite how to deal with yet. If he ever would know.

Stupid Boy )

Feb. 26th, 2011


Tuesday: Video Game Time!

Who: Emmanuel and Cian
Where: Emmanuel's house
When: Afternoon

Emmanuel pulled the car up to the house and peered out at the slowly dwindling rain. "Got here just in time," he commented to Cian, in the passenger seat, a little sarcastically. It'd been a harrowing ride back here, from the ferry, in the torrential downpour, and Emmanuel hadn't been looking forward to the drive back, but hey, at least now it wouldn't be mad dash as they hurried inside. Which would've been more okay than worrying about hydroplaning and crashing his poor little Geo Metro.

Though maybe that meant the rain was stopping, altogether... as much as he loved rain, he couldn't really work in it, dammit.

And little sister interruptions. )

Feb. 18th, 2011


Monday: I'm Your Boss

Who: Ava and M
When: Afternoon
Where: Ava's house

The day was stifling and overbearingly hot, but somehow Ava and M managed to get her garden cleaned up and watered. Ava was wishing the whole time that she was at Cian's, swimming in his pool. Occasionally she would douse her flip flop laden feet with the hose water to cool herself down, but it didn't help at that much. She was sweaty and thirsty by the time she and M took a break, heading into her house to drink some of the sweet tea her mom had made before going shopping with a few of her friends. Ava had heard about the ferry breaking down from the radio, but it didn't sound like both ferries were having trouble, so M probably wouldn't have any problem getting back to the mainland later.

How do you define neanderthal, exactly? )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Monday: Taking A Break

Who: Torin and Emmanuel
Where: the Spencers'
When: midday

How much hotter could it possibly get? Torin wondered as he stepped out on the front porch. The air felt like a wet blanket pressing down on his lungs, and he had not one but two inhalers in the pockets of his baggy cargo shorts. He should probably just stay inside, but he was bored and he'd spied M out working in the flower bed beneath the massive picture window that looked out onto the yard from the formal dining room. His mother had hired M the previous week to do yardwork, which Torin didn't understand because they already had landscapers. Maybe they were going to do the heavier tasks. He didn't know and didn't care, since it didn't really concern him. As he crossed the front walkway, he could already feel the sun beating down on his bare arms; he wore a tank top and flip-flops with his shorts and he felt overdressed. The weather was extra crazy this summer.

"Having fun yet?" he asked once he got close enough for M to hear him.

elementals=the best )

Jan. 29th, 2011


Sunday - Beach Day!

Who: M and Mac
When: early afternoon
Where: the beach!

Mac looked adorable, if she did say so herself. Her mocha-colored legs emerged smoothly from well-worn cut-off jean shorts -- a little shorter than her parents liked, but oh well -- and ended in sandals that showed off her bright teal toenails. She had a black-and-purple bikini top underneath her tanktop and a pair of giant retro-style sunglasses were perched on her nose. She had pulled her afro into two cute puffs, and had a wide fabric purple headband over the rest of it. None of it was an accident; one had to look cute when one was going to the beach with her boyfriend. It was just how things were.

She was currently slurping on the Icee they'd picked up on the way, and gazing out of M's car window. He'd been kind enough to pick her up, and she was nearly bouncing with excitement. While trying not to look bouncy. She looked over at his lovely profile and beamed. "This is great, it's gonna be so hot today."

Commence frolicking! )

Dec. 26th, 2010


Friday: Shared Fast Food

Who: Emmanuel and Anna Lauren
Where: The local Jack In The Box
When: Midday

Emmanuel couldn't quite bring himself to eat at McDonalds-- their burgers were just a little gross-- so he was eating just a step up from McDonalds: Jack In The Box. They were still cheap, though not as cheap, and they were a little more appetizing. Plus, they had double ultimate burgers, which were just about perfect, in his opinion, if you couldn't get sit-down restaurant burgers.

Not to mention their strawberry milkshakes weren't bad.

Catching up. )

Oct. 25th, 2010


Thursday: I Don't Have to Talk

Who: Ava and M
When: Afternoon
Where: Ava's house

If there was one thing Ava disliked more than anything that week, it was being home alone. She knew it was stupid to be afraid, when she was in her own house with locks and an alarm, but lately it felt like every little noise had her jumping and checking to see if someone was trying to break in the house. Who would actually do that, she didn't know. All Ava knew was that the two guys who'd robbed the Qwik Stop hadn't been caught yet, and she still woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares about what had happened. It didn't matter that she lived on Eldritch, or that the two psychos probably hadn't given her another thought. But occasionally she remembered they'd taken her wallet, with her license in it, and while she knew they'd likely taken her cash and credit card - which she'd canceled already - and thrown the wallet away, Ava felt it had still been a scary enough experience that she hadn't been able to brush it off her shoulders like other things that bothered her.

I'm just hearing things in my head... )

Sep. 10th, 2010


Tuesday: Replanting and Complaining

Who: Cian and M
Where: the Andersens' back yard
When: early afternoon

"If the thing with the car didn't happen," Cian said, pausing and sitting back on his heels, dirt coating his fingers from the digging and planting they'd been doing, "they wouldn't've known about the party. That's what gets me." He'd been fairly quiet since Emmanuel had arrived, sticking to the task at hand, which had been getting the massive amount of ivy out of his dad's office and into the yard so they could plant it, but it was clear that he was upset. It had been a horrendous day from the second his parents had pulled into the neighborhood and seen the burned-out hulk of his Fiat parked across the street from their house. He'd thought his dad was going to yell himself into a coronary thrombosis, and honestly he was pissed enough that he might not have minded if he had. It didn't help, of course, that his parents were both horribly jet-lagged and, thus, less inclined to be reasonable in any form or fashion. "I mean, I spent hours cleanin' that house, nobody broke anything... it's cleaner than when they left. But because some fucking psycho set fire to my car, everything is all my fault."

eh, they'll get over it eventually )

Jul. 26th, 2010


Monday - It's Alive!

Who: Emmanuel and Mac
Where: Mac's house
When: Late morning

Emmanuel had slept late-- so had his father-- but when he did finally wake up, he felt wonderful. Or, well, he felt so much better than he had the night before that there was no comparison! No longer did he feel like he wanted to drop off and sleep on his feet, no longer did it make him feel dizzy to exercise the tiniest bit of his connection to the earth, no longer was he fretting about the train of thought he and West had been following the night before. So it sure felt like feeling wonderful.

He flew through a couple chores that had to be done first thing that morning, wolfed down breakfast, and then hopped into his car. He had someone to tell how much better he was feeling, after all.

And he had a rose to plant.

Never make out, that's when the monster gets you. )

Jun. 14th, 2010


Sunday: Comparing Elemental Notes

Who: Emmanuel and West
Where: West's house
When: Evening

If it were anyone else, it would've been a phone call. Emmanuel was still tired, despite having spent all afternoon since he'd half-heard Mac slip out and head home, and a good chunk of time before, fast asleep at home. When he got up, he found his father had come home from the fields early, too, and was sitting zoned out in front of the television with Emily snoozing on his lap and their mother hovering in the kitchen anxiously. So it apparently wasn't just him, and he'd wanted to find out who else was having the problem.

But phone calls didn't work when you took forever to put together a full sentence, so he piled into the car and drove into town, heading for his cousin's house first. He climbed out sluggishly and plodded up to the front door to knock, smoothing his hair down with a hand. It had been a little wild when he got up, and he hadn't done a lot to try and tame it in his attempt to get out the door. Oh, well.

Speculation. )

May. 7th, 2010


Round Two: Dizziness

Who: M and Mac
When: afternoon
Where: M's place

As soon as they'd been able to, everyone had left Cian's to head back home, glad the storms were over and they could get away from each other. There was something about being crowded into a house full of peers that grated on one's nerves, even if one had been spending most of the time with a wonderful boyfriend who was awesome to cuddle with. Mac just wanted a shower. She'd ridden the ferry back over with M, then headed home to recall her harrowing tale to her parents, and get in under some hot water.

However, once she was clean and feeling human again -- and had revived her hair, thank God -- she was quickly bored. She wanted to see M again, after a couple of hours, and so she decided to do just that. Her parents didn't mind too much, knowing that she would go back out if she wanted to anyway, and to placate them, she promised to be home for dinner. Then it was back out and on her way to the Winters' place. She could girlfriend-stalk, right? She was allowed. She just ... wouldn't stay long if he wasn't happy to see her. Yes.

Did you fall down? )

Apr. 28th, 2010


Sunday - Rainy Sunday

Who: Emmanuel and Mac
Where: Cian's house
When: Morning

It had been a long and generally unhappy night. Being one of Cian's best friends, they did manage to score a guest bedroom, but the lights were out, there were people all over the house, and it was thundering and lightning-ing all night, with wind rattling the windows and howling around the roof, and eventually the rain was pounding, too.

Of course, only the lightning and Emmanuel's own restlessness would be disturbing Mac. No thunder or rain or wind would disturb her rest, since she couldn't hear them. Emmanuel tried not to move around too much, lest he wake her up more than he had to, but between the storm, the unfamiliar place, the unfamiliar sensation of sleeping next to someone-- his previous escapades with opposite sex involved very little actual sleep; not that there had been sex tonight, but still-- and finally the knowledge that he was fairly high above the ground on the second floor made it an uncomfortable night, for him.

Though he did manage to doze off somewhere around dawn, at least, for longer than a couple minutes, one arm underneath the pillow and the other around Mac. At the very least, she was comfortably warm....

Good morning. )

Apr. 7th, 2010


Saturday: Passion Interrupted

Who: Mac and Emmanuel
When: During Cian's party, right around blackout time
Where: Cian's house, dur

After a very ... interesting talk with Misty, Mac was ready to find her semi-sorta-boyfriend-guy again. She was feeling kinda tired and drained, and more headachey than buzzy, and she thought she had kind of an idea why, but it was just so off the wall that she was trying not to assume. She'd never seen an aura behave in that manner before, and even though it was fascinating, it had done something to her. She was ready for the comforting circle of M's arms again. And maybe a shirt, because she was feeling kind of cold in just her bathing suit and a towel. After weaving through the crowd for a bit, she spotted Emmanuel and made her way over to him, laying a hand on his arm once she was close enough and smiling faintly.

The touch to his arm made Emmanuel turn away from where he'd been watching people coming in from the pool-- it looked like it was getting stormy, so people were, wisely, coming inside-- and he smiled at the face he saw. "Hey. Having fun?" She looked... a little drawn and tired, which was weird and trouble-some. He wanted to put an arm around her, but he wanted her to be able to see his lips, too. He really needed to work on that sign language thing.... Instead, he just put his hand on her shoulder and asked, "Everything okay?"

A sudden lack of lighting. )

Apr. 6th, 2010


Saturday: Checking In

Who: Cian and M
Where: Cian's party
When: evening

So far, so good, Cian thought as he headed back downstairs. He'd gone to change from his sopping swim trunks to a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, figuring he'd stay dry for a while. He had to make sure shit was running smoothly and all. So far, nobody had drowned or puked or broken anything that he knew of, so he was optimistic about his chances that his parents might not even find out he'd had a party if everything continued as it was. That'd be awesome. He just hoped they wouldn't call tonight while it was going on, because he'd never hear the phone above the steady bass of the sound system.

He jumped the last four steps down to the main foyer and staggered, nearly running into M. "Sorry," he said with a cheesy grin. "Didn't see you there."

show her... what? )

Apr. 1st, 2010


Saturday: Party Chat

Who: Ava and M
Where: Cian's party!
When: Early-ish in the evening

After Ava left Shoel to wander back upstairs, she decided to detour on her way to find Cian and get a beer. She wasn't a huge fan of the stuff, but it was something to sip on for awhile, and since she didn't really like the taste, she wouldn't chug it to the point of getting completely wasted. To her, that was completely logical, so she made her way to where the kegs were, trying her best to keep the voices out of her head. She wasn't succeeding all that well, but then, she hadn't really expected to. Already she knew that Carly Jamison was pissed off at Marie Honeywell for flirting with Jason Kind... someone was totally bored and wanted to get high... someone else wanted to find Scott Sprader and make out with him, and someone near her, since their voice was the loudest, was singing Lady Gaga in their head.

Pushing her way to the keg, she grabbed a red plastic cup and looked over to see M there. Smiling, she nudged him to get his attention. "Having fun?" Where's Mac? she wanted to ask, but refrained for the moment. She'd seen them together earlier after all.

It's nice to get totally sappy every now and then. )

Mar. 18th, 2010


Saturday - Don't Get Boring

Who: Emmanuel and Jordan
Where: Juicy Java
When: Midday

When Jordan called the house after Emmanuel had finished up his chores, he was perfectly happy to drive out to meet her at Juicy Java. He was, really, just glad she was still talking to him. He did like her, after all, even if he thought she was a little psycho when it came to Cian and her sister.

So he pulled the Geo into a parking spot and climbed out, looking around for Jordan's car, first and foremost, to see if she'd beaten him here.

Auras, lattes and awesome hair )

Mar. 14th, 2010


Friday - A Great Start

Who: Emmanuel and Mac
Where: On a date =D
When: Seven and onwards

When Emmanuel pulled up in front of Mac's house, dressed in the "finery" Jordan had bought for him, he was trying not to be nervous. Mac liked him, he liked her, and they already had hung out a lot over the past couple months, so he knew things wouldn't change now just because they'd kissed. He knew it. But he was still a bit nervous, especially since now he was second-guessing the potted roses he'd bought. It seemed like overkill, but he didn't like giving girls flowers that would die in a few days... it just seemed wrong.

He took a steadying breath and climbed out of the car, bringing the plant with him, and headed up the walk to knock. He just hoped her mother didn't open the door again, this time. It'd be hard to explain the roses in a pot rather than wrapped in plastic or a ribbon, or something.

Mac had been bouncy all evening as she got ready. She'd had dates before, of course, but she didn't think she'd had one in a long time she was so excited about. She'd spent forever getting ready, like girls did, and had even sat on the floor for an hour or two under her mother's skilled fingers. In lieu of one of the scarves she was fond of wearing, she now had rows of braids on the top of her head, reaching about two inches back before her afro took over again. She'd put on a flowy skirt and a cute top, just the right amount of jewelry and perfume, and just a touch of lip gloss. She assessed herself in the mirror just before her mom came to her bedroom door, and called it good.

One less hand on the wheel wouldn't kill them. )

Mar. 3rd, 2010


Thursday: Exchanging Girl Stories

Who: Emmanuel and Cian
Where: Cian's house
When: Evening

The thought of keeping Mac a secret from Cian was the furthest thing from Emmanuel's mind that night when he showed up at his friend's house for sleepover-number-two. In fact, he fully intended to brag as best as his limited verbal skills would let him. It'd been a couple months since he'd had a date, especially not with a girl as understanding and interesting-- and pretty, definitely not as pretty-- as Mac.

So he came up the walk with his backpack on one shoulder, wearing a rather self-satisfied expression. For his usual minimal expressions, it was like walking around with a sign on his forehead that read: I got a girlfriend. Either that or I got laid, but he hadn't gotten to that point yet.

He knocked on the door and settled back to wait for his friend to let him in.

my taste in women is getting better )

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Thursday: Text sent to Mac, 3:31PM

Sent from the Winters family cell phone

Mac, can I take you out tomorrow night? :) - M

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