Nov. 8th, 2009


Tuesday - Swimming in the rain

Who: Santiago and Rhiannon
Where: The beach. In the rain. On Eldritch Island.
When: Late afternoon, 5ish

Since Ashley wouldn't come out and play, Santiago had gone out on his own-- after dealing with some paperwork at the club, anyway, and a couple important phone calls. But now, at last, he was back out in the rain! And he was still in his white button-down and plaid schoolgirl skirt with leggings, too, and he was sure the rain made him look even sluttier, making the shirt see-through to the wifebeater undershirt he was wearing with it. At least he didn't have a bra on underneath; that would have been a bit much, for the rain. The boots worked well for splashing, though, which he had used to great effect on the way here.

But now he was perched on the rocks along the shore of the island, midway between town proper and the derelict lighthouse, elbows on his knees and chin on his hands, his hair and clothes slicked down, and his eyes shut as the rain fell on his face. It was nice. He'd probably wind up with a cold, but at the moment, he didn't really care.

Read more... )

Nov. 7th, 2009


Tuesday: The Club

Who: Ashley and Santiago
Where: Vapor
When: Early afternoon

Not even a downpour like the one that was occurring all over Darkwater could induce Ashley not to wear high heels. Of course, this afternoon said heels were her three-inch heeled black vinyls that just covered her knees paired with her slick, silver-studded black hooded raincoat. She lived close enough to Vapor to walk there, and she was clipping along as fast as she could go, thrilled that Santiago had called her to come and see what he'd done with the club. Sure, she enjoyed working at Java a lot, but the club was where her heart was. And it was about to reopen again! So exciting.

Ashley crossed the street and walked along the curved sidewalk, raising one hand to wave excitedly as she caught sight of Santiago standing beneath the front overhang waiting for her.

Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. )


Tuesday: Cheering Up

Who: Cian and Ava
Where: the Andersen house
When: late evening

Cian couldn't remember ever being so stoned before. It had been all he could do to drive the Fiat onto the ferry without running into a post or possibly another car. The ride back to Eldritch had been spent mostly in a daze as he tried not to think about how much this past day had sucked. The fight with Liam, the brooding-while-trying-to-deny-he-was-brooding about Ava, the fucking rain and running into Jess at Walgreen's... really, the only thing redemptive about the past twenty-four hours had been the vast quantities of pot he'd smoked with the guys. They'd smoked and eaten an entire chocolate cake that Darren's mom had made to go with the family dinner later, then watched some stupid movie and smoked some more. The entire afternoon and early evening had gone pretty much like that.

Sweaty butt fur. Man, she really had a way with words. )

Nov. 5th, 2009


Tuesday: Neanderthal vs. Lying Bitch

Who: Cian and Jessica
Where: the Walgreens in Darkwater
When: mid-day
Warnings: language and innuendo!

Cian was doing something he very rarely did for any reason: he'd gone completely off the digital map. He hadn't even powered up his computer since he'd gotten home the night before, and while he'd grudgingly turned his phone on once he'd dragged himself out of bed at about ten this morning, he'd put it on silent. Liam had completely rocked his universe with the things he'd said about himself and Ava and Cian and Ava, and Cian didn't know how to deal with it. So essentially he wasn't. He'd decided to go back into Darkwater to hang with a few of the guys from the basketball team, and once he'd reached the ferry landing, he'd used the phone there to let them know he was on his way. They'd asked him to stop at the Walgreens and pick up some candy and sodas, because they'd probably smoke some pot once he got there. Hell, that was fine with him.

nothing like a dose of snarky hate when you were feeling like shit )

Nov. 4th, 2009


Tuesday - Bad News Come To Town

Who: Sibyl
Where: The backyard of a rather non-descript home on Foggy Branch Road
When: Tuesday, The Witching Hour.

Once upon a time there was a war which had, at first, seemed so far away. Half way around the world strange dictators were moving their men across the borders, into the trenches and killing them. The bodies piled up and the blood ran like rivers, giving sustenance to fields upon fields of poppies.

One of these men, a doctor, was writing home to his wife. It was damn hard to prevent the blood on his hands from staining the paper and he hoped like hell that travel would obscure the stains a little. Maybe it would benefit from being held out in the rain a while, he wondered. He'd hated to leave her, his Daisy May. His dancing girl, his laughing wife. She'd been all of the light in the world as far as he was concerned. Even so, his calling...well, that took precedence over everything else. He'd had to leave his children and go and fight. He thought of his boys often, chasing each other under the big trees in their yard back on Foggy Branch Rd.

He was thinking of them then, pen hovering above the paper, when the bullet he never even felt blew his chest open. Blood spattered the page and he frowned, even as he was slowly, ever so slowly, tipping over onto his side.

Witnesses )


Tuesday - Satisfying Hungers

Who: Noah and Solana
Where: the marina, then a motel room
When: evening
Warning: NC-17

It had been pouring rain all day long, but that didn't bother Noah any. The sound of it was almost musical when he was down inside the living area of his boat, and when he'd gone for a run at midday, he hadn't minded it then, either. It was just another part of living in Darkwater: weather of all sorts, most of it very random. He wasn't hard to please as long as a tornado didn't come along and wipe them off the face of the earth. No hurricanes, at least, because the Pacific ocean was too cold for them to form. That was one small blessing.

After his run he'd showered and written some more, then gone to grab a quick dinner at the marina restaurant. It wasn't nearly as tasty as his meal the night before at Peterman's, but it had filled him up. Now he was in the bait and tackle shop-- which sold numerous other odds and ends-- picking up some sodas and snacks to take back to his boat for later. It was damned lucky for him that he had a good metabolism, seriously, he thought as he snagged a couple of King-Size Hershey bars to throw into the small shopping basket he had over one arm.

Some weather out there, huh? )

Nov. 2nd, 2009


Tuesday - Keeping an Appointment

Who: Lola and Kaz
When: afternoon
Where: The Teahouse Spa

It was raining. Though the wind felt nice, Kaz was of the opinion that Eldritch Island had enough water as it was, it didn't need to be coming from the sky as well. It was an old complaint, and one that he continued to do nothing about. He could very well move to the desert, but he was largely pleased with where he'd settled, and wasn't inclined to pay to move again just yet. So he just accepted that he was going to get wet, and drove the convertible with the top down out to The Teahouse. He'd purchased custom plastic liners for the car for just such occasions, and they seemed to keep everything secure. If they didn't, he could always just get another one, anyway. He kept the wind up higher around him as he drove, to keep at least some of the rain blowing out rather than in.

After parking in the covered area provided by the spa, Kaz got out and strolled inside. He had a bi-monthly appointment that he never missed, with the owner herself. It was one of the few things that he did on a regular schedule. He walked up to the receptionist and took his sunglasses off. He didn't even have to give his name anymore. The girl picked up the phone with a slight smile and spoke quietly into it.

Your accent is unusual. )

Oct. 20th, 2009


Time Update -- June 7 - June 10, 2009

Sunday, June 7th

  • The first day of the solstice cycle dawns clear and unseasonably warm. By 10 a.m., the sun is white-hot overhead and the temperature has already reached 80 degrees; by noon, a high of 84 will have been reached. It is also windy, as if a storm might be brewing, and on both the island and the mainland there are concerns about potential downed trees and powerlines by the time late afternoon arrives. After the sun goes down, the temperature will begin to decrease, reaching a low of 58 by midnight.

  • Tonight is the full moon beginning at approximately 6:12.

  • Beginning at 8:30 p.m., half of Darkwater loses power due to sustained damage from the high winds. The ferry station, the marina, the shopping and business district, Juicy Java and a large residential area are all affected. The electricity will not return until the wee hours.

Monday, June 8th

  • The skies are grey and ominous today, and the high temperature will only reach 65... a drastic change from yesterday. The wind has decreased, although there's brush and debris that need to be cleaned up in any areas that contain large trees. Cold Harbor Road and Foggy Branch Road are both partially blocked as they loop up into the hills. Rain is forecast, but none actually falls from the sky. The low for today will be 50 once darkness falls.

  • It's the first day of summer school at Darkwater Consolidated for those unfortunate souls who didn't pass the year or have to make up courses.

Tuesday, June 9th

  • The rain that everyone has been anticipating begins at about 5 a.m. It seems to be an isolated event; several miles up the coast, skies are partly cloudy and there is no precipitation at all. In the Darkwater/Eldritch Island area, however, it will pour steadily all day long with accompanying thunder and lightning. The high for today will reach 60 degrees, and the low will be 51.

  • A female driver in a gold Kia boards the Eldritch Island ferry for the trip to the mainland at 7 p.m. Nobody reports a disturbance, but once the ferry has reached the Darkwater station, the gold Kia is empty. Ferry employees check the restroom and anywhere else the woman could potentially be, but she is nowhere to be found. The vehicle is driven into the Darkwater ferry lot and parked, and the police are notified. The story of the strange disappearance will make the next morning's newspaper.

Wednesday, June 10th

  • The rain stops during the night, and Wednesday dawns partly cloudy with hints of sun that increase as the day wears on. Temperatures reach a high of 68 and it's moderately windy, though not nearly as much so as it was on Sunday. The sky is mostly clear by sunset, and the low temperature will be 57 degrees just before midnight.

  • The top story in the newspaper and on the local news stations is the disappearance of Claudia Ross, 28, of Eldritch Island from the ferry the previous day. There is much speculation about what might have happened to her, but there are no leads to be found as of yet. Another reported story is the grand reopening of Vapor, which was purchased by Santiago Asensio Baquero at the beginning of May and closed for remodeling three weeks ago. The club will open its doors once more on Saturday night at 6 p.m.

  • Tonight there will be an open-air party at Sandpiper Marina in Darkwater. The local band Jezebel will perform in the open space between the marina's pub and restaurant, and vendors will offer burgers, hot dogs and ice cream for a fixed price of five dollars. The party is all-ages; however, as usual no one under 21 is allowed to enter the pub.