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Feb. 20th, 2011


Monday - Playing Hooky

Who: Shoel and Sofia
Where: The college nearest Darkwater
When: Mid-afternoon

Shoel was excited. Finally, they were getting out of Darkwater and Eldritch, and getting to the college to find someone to look at her map and the letter that went with it. They were even ditching work and her volunteering position at the hospital, to do it, for the second half of the day. After all, trying to snare a professor in his or her office-- his and her offices, in this case; Shoel had looked up the language professors and the anthropology professors, too, and decided which ones would be the best to talk to if they could-- at night would probably be a pain. They'd have class. Or would be at home.

They were almost there, now. Shoel had a map of the campus on her lap, that she'd printed out at home, and now peered ahead for a familiar cross-street they could turn on. "Thank you again for driving me out," she told her aunt who was, of course, being her chauffeur for the day. She really needed to get her own car, sometime. And license, for that matter.

In the name of science! )

Jan. 5th, 2011


Saturday: A Matter of Great Emergency

Who: Sam and Shoel
Where: Shoel's house
When: Noon

He still hadn't told his friends about the bodies, about Torin. It was all just a little too surreal and so the facts on who found the bodies was still a mystery to most. If they'd had school it might have been different, rumors had an uncanny way of spreading through high school, hell, maybe they already had. Someone had seen them at the police station or had a psychic epiphany. Sam didn't particularly care, but he hadn't talked about it to his friends. Hell, he'd been kind of withdrawn and weird all week since it happened, going through the motions, seeing more of Torin Spencer than anyone else in his age group which was just -weird-.

He was up early, or more accurately late, on Saturday morning, yet again sleeping at some ridiculous hours only to be awake at ten in the morning with nothing to do; some people might think this was a healthy time to be awake but considering the way his hours went in circle it was weird. He took his bike out after breakfast and tried to get something done with his camera. It didn't go very well, like his creativity had been zapped out of him and by noon he ended up at Shoel's house. Maybe she'd invite him in for lunch.

So what kind of snacks do you want? Very unhealthy, mildly unhealthy, or generally okay? )

Nov. 11th, 2010


Thursday: Post-Vacation Catching Up

Who: Shoel and Anna Lauren
Where: Shoel's house
When: Afternoon

After switching with a fellow candy-striper-- even though they didn't wear stripes, everyone still called them that-- to cover for them Wednesday, Shoel had her Thursday off. It had been such a boring shift on Wednesday, it was a wonder anyone had needed to be there, at all. Thursday was shaping up to be not a whole lot more interesting. Too bad there was no strange undead to help turn it around. Not until after dark, anyway, at least.

Shoel sat on her bed, contemplating the map, as she was usually wont to do in her spare time. Dracula sat on her lap, purring contentedly, and there were a few books on mage-craft sitting beside her, untouched. The only magic she wanted to be reading about was about death, not life, and she didn't have any new books on death. So sad.

Zombies aren't 'ew'.... )

Sep. 13th, 2010


Tuesday - Forbidden, But Still Cool

Who: Shoel and Solana
Where: The park in Darkwater
When: Shortly after sunset

Work was unusually slow today, at the hospital, at least for little candy-striper volunteers like Shoel. She picked up what gossip she could, just out of bored interest, and cleaned things. It left her restless at the end of the day, and she left the hospital to wander the town, rather than go home. Her aunt got a text so she wouldn't worry, and she promised she'd be home by nine or so, so hopefully that would be good enough. If she got in trouble when she got home... well, she just hoped she wouldn't. Sofia would understand the need to just walk, right? Hopefully?

After stopping in a cafe for a drink and a snack, Shoel wandered around looking in shop windows for a while before she drifted off to the park, finding herself a park bench to sit and look for fireflies. Not that there were ever fireflies in Oregon-- they were more of a midwest thing-- but she could pretend. Pretending was one of the things Shoel did best.

Monkeybars and loneliness. )

Sep. 10th, 2010


Monday: Jealous Nieces

Who: Sofia and Shoel
When: early evening
Where: their house

Sofia felt as though she were walking on clouds. Or sunshine. Hadn't that been a song at some point? She was sure it had. No matter. The point was, she was in a fantastic mood, and it was almost solely attributable to her session with Mr. Shore earlier in the day. A fine specimen of a man with a delicious accent and a broad back, who wanted to take her out. For dinner and who knew what else. It had been ages since Sofia'd had a real date, and just the prospect was delightful. Even if he turned out to be insufferable -- which, given their long conversation the first time they'd met, she doubted -- it would be very nice to get dressed up and go somewhere.

She'd hummed all through cooking dinner and setting the table. It was a lasagna and salad, something easy but delicious, perfect for a work night. And garlic bread, of course. She stuck her curly head out of the kitchen entryway. "Shoel!" she called in a sing-song sort of way. "Dinner!"

And different views of the world. )

Jun. 15th, 2010


Sunday: Apologies

Who: Sam and Shoel
When: Late afternoon
Where: Shoel's house

Sam had been feeling like a dick ever since his argument with Shoel at Cian's party, so once the storm was over, and the weather seemed to calm down a bit, Sam drove over to her house, intent on apologizing. He didn't feel like it was all his fault, since he still felt she kind of flipped out for no reason, but he didn't like fighting with the few friends he had, so... apology.

He parked in front of her house and walked up to the front door to knock. He hadn't texted or called beforehand, so he wasn't even sure if she was home or not. Or if she'd even want to see him.

and treasure hunting )

May. 7th, 2010


Sunday - Beach Combing

Who: Allie and Shoel
When: Early Sunday afternoon, after the storm passes.
Where: On the beach near Allie's house

By Sunday, Allie's bruises were practically invisible. They weren't even tender anymore. A tiny dab of cover up hid the last little tint of yellow on her face. The concussion was long gone as well and she'd been back at work that weekend. The storm the night before had been wild and Allie was glad she hadn't had to get up at dawn and bike in the rain to the hospital.

She puttered, dusted, did some laundry while the power was on, read a book while it wasn't. By the end of it, she just really wanted to get out of the house. So she pulled on a cardigan and a pair of flats that she didn't mind getting all muddy and sandy. After locking up and dropping her sunglasses down onto the bridge of her nose, Allie headed down the boardwalk toward the beach. There were other people out walking today too, which made her feel simultaneously better and nervous. What if she ran into Noah? She hadn't been able to respond to his apologetic message but now, a week later and with the bruises fading, she was having a little bit of self doubt. He'd seemed genuine. He hadn't hurt her, either. She'd taken care of that all on her own. Maybe...she' him...sometime. Maybe.

She was mulling this possibility over, a frown creasing her brows, as she stepped down onto the sand and headed for the grey surf.

What Did You Find? )

Apr. 28th, 2010


Sunday: Not A Lecture

Who: Shoel and Sofia
When: morning
Where: their house

Sofia had slept fitfully through the storm, and only for a couple of hours. She'd left her door wide open, and continually woke up to listen as best she could, trying to detect any sneaking around her niece might be doing. She didn't think Shoel actually would leave the house again, but she worried. It was her job to worry. She'd 'gotten up' early, and cooked some breakfast, looking out the kitchen window often. It was the Solstice, and she had a bad feeling. But there was something to hopefully patch up first. Bearing a plate with eggs and some toast and fruit on it, she walked upstairs to Shoel's closed door and lightly tapped on it with her knuckles. Nothing like a good dose of teenage hatred in the morning. She was glad she'd had some coffee.

Just a talk. )

Apr. 12th, 2010


Saturday - Weathering the Storm?

Who: Shoel and Solana, later Sofia
Where: The streets, then Shoel's house
When: Night, after the power goes out

The storm had started pretty much right as Shoel got to the graveyard, but she hadn't left immediately. There were trees all around, and the weathervane and steeple on the church, to catch lightning should it come to earth anywhere nearby, and it wasn't really pouring or anything, so she just settled herself down under some tombstones to watch the lightning.

She still had a curfew, however, so she couldn't stay there long. After about an hour of laying in the grass, listening to rolling thunder and shrieking wind, seeing streetlights wink out all over the neighborhood, she finally picked herself up, grabbed her little party-purse that she'd brought along, and started back towards her house. With everything else that'd happened that evening, the last thing she wanted was Sofia being mad at her.

With a disappointing end. )

Apr. 6th, 2010


Saturday: A Train Wreck

Who: Sam and Shoel
When: Evening
Where: Cian's party

Sam arrived late, as he had planned to, and the party was pretty crowded and in full swing by the time he got his feet inside the door. He could smell beer and cigarette smoking wafting in from the pool area, but it didn't bother him. In fact, it wasn't long before someone had shoved a plastic cup in his hand with a hearty slap on the back and sent him on his way. He was stopped a few times, chatted with a few people, but kept his eyes open for Shoel. He knew she was here somewhere, but she was quiet and often times kept to herself, so it was up to him to track her down. Sipping his beer, he started off through the house, moving toward the back where the pool was. He knew she wouldn't be swimming, but that didn't mean she wouldn't be out there, observing. Just in case though, he pulled out his cell and texted her quickly.

here. where r u?

got things 2 tell u. )

Apr. 5th, 2010


Saturday: Pool Challenges

Who: Shoel, Sam, and Dax
Where: Cian's party
When: Night, before blackout

After being soundly defeated by Ava in air hockey, Shoel had gone back to what worked for her: pool. Not the pool, since she still wasn't all that interested in getting soaked while still in her clothes, but pool, the game. She'd already given Ava a good game there-- though Ava had done much better than she'd claimed she would do, too-- and wanted more.

Leaning on her pool cue after a rousing round with one of the drunk jocks who thought they could show the little weird girl what-for at the typically male game, and winning twenty bucks in the bargain, she called out to the rest of the downstairs game room, "Who else wants to try their luck?"

For all I know, you wield special powers over pool tables and these little balls obey your every whim! )

Mar. 26th, 2010


Saturday: The Other Kind of Pool

Who: Ava and Shoel
When: Evening (prior to the blackout!)
Where: Cian's house

Cian's party was in full swing by the time Ava made her way inside to get some water. She knew it would be busy, and people would show up, especially on a Saturday night on the island, when there wasn't a whole lot else for teenagers to do. She had been having fun so far, sort of trying to keep herself from smiling too brightly, or something equally as annoying. She had a boyfriend. Who was Cian. It was hard not to cling to him all night, but heck if she was going to be one of those girls. Yeah, right.

Once inside, Ava went for the fridge and grabbed a water bottle from inside. She glanced around the room, noting the faces of people she went to school with. After pushing her way out of the kitchen, she spotted Shoel. Lifting a hand, Ava waved at her quickly, trying to get her attention.

I may have to make you play air hockey with me just to boost my ego again! )

Mar. 11th, 2010


Thursday - A New World

Who: Allie and Shoel
Where: The clinic at the hospital
When: Bright and early, Thursday morning

With All New People In It )

Feb. 2nd, 2010


Thursday - Lunch Reset

Who: Shoel and Sofia
When: dinnertime!
Where: the car, a restaurant

Running the spa was work, but Sofia had expected that. It was good to be busy all day, it made time go quickly, but she definitely appreciated how hard Lola worked. Catering to the rich was sometimes taxing. Especially with how the week had been so far. But Sofia did her best and kept everyone calm and orderly, and that was the most important thing, wasn't it? After she had closed the register, she'd put in a call to her niece, who was working at the hospital that night. She wanted to take the girl out to dinner, to treat them both after their ordeal with the corpse. Sofia had locked up the shop and rode the ferry over to Darkwater, then drove to pick Shoel up with the windows down. It was rather foggy out, but still a nice temperature. She parked in the usual area she waited for the girl and sat back with a weary sigh. A good hot meal with her niece sounded like just what she needed.

Somehow, Shoel didn't know how, their disaster with the corpse had been overlooked or not noticed or forgiven. She hadn't even gotten a funny look from anyone. She was, safe to say, extremely relieved. And after a long day of pushing patients' wheelchairs, watering flowers, organizing linens, and cleaning a couple bedpans, she was also extremely tired and hungry. The ordeal with the corpse had left her rather easier to tire out than normal, it felt like.

So when her aunt called and said she was coming to pick her up, and they'd go out to eat, she was ecstatic. She didn't have to walk home! She could drive home! Or, well, be driven home. So when five came around and she could sign out of the volunteer roster, she went outside gratefully and waved vigorously at the car on her way over. When she climbed in, she all but fell into her seat with a tired sigh. "Thaaaaank you for coming to pick me up... the idea of walking makes me tired." She was, today, dressed in Felix the Cat scrubs, which were pink with the black cat heads on them. She thought they were cute.

Long day? )

Jan. 29th, 2010


Wednesday: Rain, Rain, Go Away!

Who: Shoel and Sam
Where: The phone lines, then Shoel's house
When: Afternoon

When Shoel had woken up to storming Wednesday morning, she'd been perfectly happy to roll over and go back to sleep. It was her day off, and after going out in the lightning and thunder-- but no rain, at the time!-- the night before to return the re-dead corpse to the hospital, she was perfectly happy to be lazy. It had been tiring, after all.

Now that afternoon had rolled around, though, she was feeling decidedly cooped up, and while she knew better than to go out in that weather, she was really rather bored and restless. Movies weren't cutting it, she definitely didn't want to study any more, reading a book seemed boring, nothing was going on online, and Dracula swatted at her every time she tried to get his attention.

So she did the only thing left. She started calling people. And since she hadn't talked to Samuel-the-second in a while, she figured she might as well give him a call. She took the portable up to her room, and punched in his number, then flopped onto the desk chair to look disconsolately out the window as she waited for him to pick up.

Unless it means company! )

Jan. 11th, 2010


Monday: Accidental Zombies

Who: Sam and Shoel and later, Sofia
Where: Hospital
When: Noon'ish

Sam almost always took a nap after his paper route since he generally liked being awake late at night rather than early morning. Early morning was just boring as hell since anyone who was actually awake was working. Sometimes he stayed up all night and only went to bed after delivering the papers but this was not one of those mornings. He woke up all refreshed and cheerful before noon and after whining and pleading with his mom, got to borrow the family car.

He headed for the hospital, texting (while driving, yes, it was a bad habit). After typing up a somewhat legible text he sent it to Shoel.

bord. u workn. It was at least as legible as drive-texting could get and he couldn't be bothered looking up the question mark on the damn thing.

Creepy slimy things and the women who treated them like puppies. )

Dec. 28th, 2009


Sunday: What. Ever.

Who: Torin and Shoel
Where: Darkwater, not far from the ferry landing
When: evening

Torin couldn't believe he was still dragging himself around with the massive case of jet lag he had, but he was. After he'd left Chrissy's, he'd grabbed something to eat at the cafe in the shopping strip, run by the library to find it closed-- Sunday had shorter hours, of course-- and gotten a super-duper, heavy duty coffee drink at Super Smooth to hopefully keep him awake until he could get home. He'd just tried to call both Jordan and Jessica and hadn't been able to get hold of either of them, so he guessed he'd have to see them tomorrow. Bitches. They were supposed to be around when he wanted to see them. Never mind that he hadn't given them any idea when he was coming home.

He sipped from his styrofoam cup as he ambled along toward where he'd left his car, then pulled the straw away from his mouth to yawn. So tired. He brushed at his t-shirt, which probably looked like he'd recently picked it up off the floor. Which hey, he had. He smirked, not minding that he looked less well-put together than Torin Spencer liked to appear in public. Hell, he'd just gotten home from Italy earlier in the day; he deserved a break.

more than skin deep )


Sunday - Morning Routine

Who: Shoel and Sofia
Where: The Palatnik-Reyes residence
When: Late morning

Okay, so Shoel had been a little late home from Vapor the night before. She'd been a little later because she and Dax hung around outside on the porch giggling about the people who'd been there and playing with her cat. But she had been home, even if she hadn't been inside, so she didn't think that counted.

Of course, that also meant that by the time she got up, checked her email and websites, fed her cat, and took a shower, it was much later than it usually was. She came downstairs hoping maybe her aunt had gone out for the day, and she could sneak into the kitchen without getting any pointed questions or anything.

Dracula followed obediently after her, meowing for his morning milk. "Traitor," she muttered at him.

So did you have fun last night? )

Dec. 20th, 2009


Saturday: Condescending

Who: Shoel and Chrissy
Where: Vapor
When: Night

After her conversation with West, Shoel had been on the prowl. So to speak. She was hanging around places where people were sitting or getting drinks or chatting, rather than dancing. Right then, it was upstairs on the starlight-ceiling room with the open balcony. It was such a lovely night, after all, why not enjoy the air? She was going to try this flirting thing-- and if it failed and spiraled into disaster, well, it wasn't as if she cared what people thought of her, right?

So she held her drink, tried to look happy and cool and collected, and looked for somebody pretty to talk to and maybe compliment. Or however one did the flirting thing.

We can both do it. )

Dec. 19th, 2009


Saturday: On How One Flirts

Who: Shoel and West
Where: Vapor
When: Evening

It was still fairly early in the night, and of course Shoel and Dax had gotten separated. It had pretty much been inevitable. But since they were hardly dating, Shoel expected she didn't need to spend the whole night with him, anyhow. So she took herself around, wandering through the large crowd of people with her virgin margarita and her twin pigtails, striped stockings, and cheerful red skirt. Oddly enough, she didn't even look that out of place, though she probably would've really stood out at school.

Pausing to take a sip from her drink, she looked up at the ribbons on the ceiling-- she was on the second story now, where all the big, metal "trees" were-- and wondered if they were supposed to look like clouds, leaves, or vines for swinging from. The fact that she was standing stock still in the middle of a dancefloor as she thought this didn't really occur to her.

And how avoid scary men in dresses. )

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