May. 8th, 2010


Sunday: Coffee Talk

Who: Will and Taryn
When: after the ferries are running again
Where: the docks

The weather in Oregon seemed to be pretty tumultuous for the middle of summer, or it was so far as Will was concerned. Nonetheless he'd been going a bit stir crazy lounging around his brother's flat for a few days. He'd headed out once the weather had calmed down, ready to explore the town and get a bead on where the businesses were that might be hiring. Of course he'd still have to apply for a work visa or hope someone would pay him under the table, but he felt it was worth keeping his eyes open since it meant his wandering wasn't too aimless.

He'd made his way down to the shore and the neighboring docks. So far as he knew the only Catholic church in the area wasn't actually in Darkwater proper, but over on the neighboring island. Will had been considering making the crossing since it was Sunday and all, though it wouldn't really be the same as going to church back home. He'd gone to the same one since before he was born. Hopefully the one here wouldn't be too different so as to not be a comfort. Not for the first time since his arrival he felt a small pang of guilt for being so far from his late wife and child's graves. He'd have to ask Morgan to place some flowers for him soon.

Why? If I had a scrape, would you kiss it and make it better? )

Jan. 24th, 2010


Tuesday: So Much to Say

Who: Sean and Will
When: late morning
Where: Portland airport, then the drive to Darkwater

Will couldn't remember a thirteen hour stretch in his life that had seemed longer than what he'd just experienced. He'd never flown before and at first the experience had been interesting, but by the second hour he'd become restless and wished he'd had an aisle seat instead of one next to the window.

It was strange being grounded again, but a welcome feeling as he shouldered his carry on bag and headed on through the many ridiculous screenings. It took another half an hour before Will was finally through customs and ready to get his luggage and see his brother. He scanned the small crowd of people waiting near the large luggage carousels for family and friends from his flight and others.

Read more... )

Jan. 5th, 2010


Sunday: Closing Doors

Who: Will
When: late afternoon
Where: Ireland

Will stopped short of the front door, the last box of his things in his arms. Most of the household items had been put in storage the week before, but his things had remained. The house had felt less empty that way. But now he was afraid to turn around and have his last impression of the house lack all the little things of his parents' and Laoise's that really made the house a home.

parting is such sweet sorrow )

Dec. 18th, 2009


Saturday: Everything's Changing

Who: Sean and Will
When: Buttcrack of dawn in Ireland
Where The phone

Once Sean left the pub - bar - he pulled out his cell phone and started a brisk walk back to the tiny building that housed his apartment. He thumbed his way through the short list of his electronic address book until he came upon William's name. It would increase his cell phone bill by quite a substantial amount, but this wasn't something he could just email, besides, Sean didn't own a computer yet. Well aware that it would be early overseas in Ireland, Sean also knew that his brother would probably be awake. That's what happened when you owned a farm. The sunrise was more or less your alarm clock, if you weren't awake by then anyway.

Punching the number, Sean held the phone up to his ear, waiting for the delayed ringing to begin. His heart was still racing, and he just hoped to God he knew how to get through this conversation without cracking.

I thought if I called you, you'd tell me what to do. )