Mar. 28th, 2011


Wednesday: An Audience with an Immortal

Who: Santiago and Senturion
Where: Vapor
When: Late Evening

Senturion was not a woman who liked being in the dark about things. Arturion had told her a little about the magnetic man called Santiago but she had never seen him and this was unacceptable to her. She wasn't generally a very outgoing golem but tonight she made an exception, walking to Vapor shortly after ten PM and stepping inside. She was wary of being there, with her weight being her biggest concern, but Arturion had said it was a very sturdy place, made for crowds of people. Crowds of people tended not to put all the focal point on one small spot however so she wasn't entirely calmed by this theory. She'd stick to the ground floor and close to the exit and hope the floor held.

At the bar she ordered 'something sweet' and looked around at the people. There weren't too many there but still, a decent amount for a worknight. "I'm looking for Santiago," she told the bartender when he handed her a neon green drink with multiple straws and a slice of orange in it. It looked weird, but tasted delicious. He wasn't quite so willing to tell her where his boss was, but offered to let him know he was being looked for. It was better than nothing and Sen stood by the bar while the man darted off. She didn't want to break the fancy looking chairs by sitting on them, who knew just how many hundreds of pounds they were really designed to hold.

With all the expected questions therein. )

Jun. 14th, 2010


Sunday: Post-Magpie Cool-Down

Who: Corwin, Art, Sen
Where: Corwin's house
When: Late afternoon

After opening all the windows and turning on all the fans to help clear out the smoke from a failed spell attempt, Corwin decided it was time for a break. They'd made some progress in getting things organized, identified, and cataloged-- though some items defied identifying, and Corwin's spells didn't always work, as evidenced by the smoke currently filling the workroom in his basement-- and Art was making noises like he wanted them to come eat already.

So he shooed Sen upstairs, following hot on her heels and still coughing, with the threat, "I'll choke if I stay down here another minute, and Art will start hitting us with his ladel, anyway. It's time to eat."

Smoke and spells. )

May. 7th, 2010


Sunday: Beach-Combers

Who: Corwin, Art, and Sen
When: Right around midday, when the rain stops!
Where: The beach

Corwin parked the van in the parking lot of one of the various beachfront shops and killed the engine. "Here we are!" he told the golems cheerfully, one in the passenger seat and one in the middle seat, on the driver's side, to keep everything balanced. "Everybody out."

Geordi, in the furthest back seat, barked excitedly, ready to get outside and inspect the new smells of the storm-littered beach.

Of course Corwin was going to bring his dog on an outing like this, looking for "buried treasure", like seashells or broken bottles or old bits of shipwrecks, after a storm. It would be silly to suggest otherwise.

And magpies. )

Mar. 30th, 2010


Saturday - Life is full of change...

Who: Art and Sen
Where: Home
When: Afternoon before the Big Date

Apparently Arturion had a date that night and Sen was having a hard time wrapping her head around it. Why would he want to date? To Sen, golems had no need for such a thing and it was all just very strange to her. Perhaps he was just curious, a lust for knowing more about life and people but then he would have been more forthcoming with this, would he not? She wondered if it was possible that he actually felt things like attraction and lust, emotions she had no need for. At the same time, he was her little Art and she wondered if he was somehow changing. That idea made her a little sad and she put down the components she was working on and headed out to the living room to find him.

But what if she wants to do all sorts of things you don't think are fun? )

Mar. 20th, 2010


Friday: My Friends Are Your Friends?

Who: Corwin, Sen, Art, Maria (NPC)
Where: Peterman's Seafood
When: Early evening

Corwin pulled the van up to the take-out parking spots, shutting off the engine and sitting back in the driver's seat. "You two wanna come in with me?" he offered. He'd already called in their order, so it'd just be picking it up and chatting briefly with whoever was at the take-out counter-- or, well, with Maria, once he'd asked after her.

"I've got a friend working in here now," Corwin added, whether as incentive or just reason for offering, "and I can introduce you all around...." Or, well, sort of a friend. He'd only met Maria once, but he'd liked her well enough, and she seemed so lonely. Art and Sen did such a great job keeping him from being lonely, he wanted to at least make the effort with poor Maria.

There he is... your heart's dream. )

Mar. 14th, 2010


Friday - Fast-Food Lunch

Who: Corwin and Sen
Where: The local Jack in the Box
When: Midday

Since Art didn't need to eat, Corwin left him in charge for the hour it took for him and Sen to go out to grab some food and to chat a while. He hadn't really talked to her since Monday and the explosion with Jake, and since he'd had time to chat with Art, he felt like he needed to keep up with her, too. He loved them both dearly, but he did try very hard to keep the time he spent with each equal, when they weren't all three together. He never, ever wanted one to wind up feeling left out, or jealous of the other.

Besides, well, Art didn't have to eat, and he and Sen were both starving by lunchtime. They walked, since it wasn't far, and Corwin tried to spare the van golem-weight when he could.

Srs discussions ensue )

Jan. 9th, 2010


Monday - Closed Shop

Who: Corwin and Senturion
Where: The phone
When: Late evening

Finally, after dealing with the firemen, being hit with his own magical exhaustion, and trying to get Jake home despite Jake's horrible, horrible paranoia that kept her from letting him take her all the way home, Corwin tottered into the house, got startled looks from his animals, and collapsed onto the couch. Damn, was he tired.

And still wet. He started stripping off wet clothes right there-- the windows were closed, it was "safe", and there was a robe draped on the armchair anyhow. Then, half-naked but at least not soaking into the couch, he reached for the nearest phone. He might even need a new cell phone, after it being in his pocket during all this excitement.

But he had the landline, and that worked for his purposes. He punched the golem's speed dial and slumped back onto the couch, letting Geordi put his head on his knee and Victoria slide over onto his lap while he waited for one of them to pick up.

How to make your golem unhappy - a guide )

Dec. 20th, 2009


Saturday - A Happy Household

Who: Art, Corwin & Sen
Where: Corwin's place
When: Evening

It was necessary to eat and quite enjoyable too, Sen thought. It had always puzzled her how her fathers could forget to do such a vital thing. It was necessary energy for the body and often times it tasted great as an added bonus. In fact it always tasted great in the case of Art's cooking. She had a theory, a logical one, that Corwin pretended to forget so that Arturion would always cook for him. It was a logical theory about illogical human thinking; Art would always cook for Corwin if Corwin only asked.

Eat, drink and be merry )