Feb. 2nd, 2011


Monday: Difficult

Who: Ashley and Santiago
Where: Vapor
When: evening

Ashley was now arriving a full forty-five minutes to an hour before she was supposed to be on shift at the club. Being Santiago's assistant was demanding in a different way than bartending and DJing were, and she felt that she needed every advantage she could get. The job had gone relatively well thus far, despite a few hitches, and she only hoped that experience would help her smooth things out. She strode through the foyer, dressed in a gold catsuit that made her skin glow and high-heeled boots, her hair and makeup suitably dramatic. Her new position required her to be noticeable, to command attention, and really she didn't dress much differently from the way she had to DJ. Maybe a touch more polished. She headed for the office area, where she generally stowed her flashy, oversized shoulder bag while she worked.

You know, Marilyn Monroe once said that if a person couldn't handle her at her worst, they didn't deserve her best. That's a lot like you, I think. )

Nov. 21st, 2010


Friday: What's News?

Who: Ashley and Cordelia
When: Early evening
Where: Juicy Java

Since Cordelia was getting off work prior to Ashley having to go to work, the two decided to meet up at Juicy Java for a coffee before Ashley disappeared into techno beats and flashing lights of Vapor. Cordelia was exhausted after a day filled with family portraits, screaming kids and overbearing mothers, but it was Friday night and she was determined to enjoy herself, seeing as how she would be booked for the rest of the weekend, both with Corwin and a scheduled wedding. Sunday would be her lounging around in pajamas day, if she got lucky enough.

Walking into Juicy Java, she glanced around for Ashley, wanting to make sure her friend was there before she actually went to the counter to order. The place looked sparse enough, but Cordelia had been living in Darkwater long enough to know that the teenage crowd would descend upon it once evening hit.

someday, when I'm older but still hot, my prince'll come along! )

Nov. 10th, 2010


Thursday: Unflappable

Who: Ashley and Santiago
Where: Vapor
When: evening

Ashley wasn't late, but she was closer to it than she liked to be. Tonight she was on bartending first, then DJing up into the wee hours. Just how she liked it. Being in the DJ booth, becoming one with the music, was both more fun and more intense the later it got. She hurried through the foyer at Vapor, her sky-high heels clicking along-- she had such a love of stilettos that she seemed to have developed an innate knack for balancing on them over the years-- intent on putting her purse and her jacket away so she could begin her shift. She had about fifteen minutes before she had to be behind the main bar downstairs, and she liked to allow at least a half-hour in case Miss Amanda or Santiago needed to give her any news or information about the night ahead.

For the past two nights, there hadn't been much contact with either the owner of the club or the woman in charge of running it. It still ran, of course, since there were still plenty of people who could pick up the slack, but it was a little unusual. After all, Miss Amanda never took a night off, or so rumor had it, and Mr. Baquero only took a night off when he felt like he'd had enough attention fawned on him.

there may be a quiz )

Apr. 9th, 2010


Saturday: Mage Interview

Who: Hannah and Ashley
Where: Ashley's house
When: Midday

Hannah's superiors hadn't really come through with any other names beyond the few she'd gotten the night before, so she made her harrowing trip back across the channel between the mainland and the island to deal with the last couple of them. One name apparently lived in a cute little brick duplex with flowers out front.

Odd surrounds for an umbrancer, but then, Hannah probably wasn't what you thought of when you thought phoenix, either.

She climbed up the walk to the half of the house that supposedly belonged to one Ashley Adedayo, tucked her notebook under one arm, and knocked.

asking questions... and not asking questions )

Mar. 5th, 2010


Thursday: Talk of... Muscles

Who: Ashley and Cordelia
Where: Super Smooth, top floor
When: after work

The smoothie shop was fairly crowded after the work day was over, but Ashley had managed to hold a seat for Cordy at the long bar upstairs that overlooked the ocean. She'd accomplished that feat by putting her purse and jacket on the seat and hooking her heels into the rungs of it. Anyone wanting to sit there was put off with a bright smile and an explanation that her friend would be there any second. Quite a few seconds had passed, but thus far she'd managed to keep holding onto it. Maybe Cordy had gotten held up at work? she wondered. Hopefully she was downstairs getting her own drink and would be up here right away.

Cordelia had gotten held up at work, dealing with a pinch-faced woman who insisted on a discount off of her daughter's wedding package because she had been dissatisfied with the engagement photos taken. It seemed that in small towns, some people believed businesses were hard up for customers, and while Cordelia certainly didn't mind fudging the numbers a bit to help out, she didn't like people who more or less demanded special treatment. Especially after being told you were previously unsatisfactory, which had Cordelia wondering why the woman would want to use them again if she had been so unhappy with them the first go around. It was all about saving money, in the end. And since Cordelia could argue until her face turned blue - which she very nearly did - it had taken her a bit longer to get out of the studio and over to Super Smooth to meet Ashley.

catching up. and lots of girl talk! )

Jan. 24th, 2010


Tuesday: A Random Shopping Encounter

Who: Ashley and Art
When: late morning
Where: the grocery store

Ashley was mostly recovered from her weird ghost-banishing thing the day before. Mostly. She'd dozed at Liam's for a while, made her fumbling way home, zoned out in front of the TV for a while, tried to eat something and then fallen into her bed for a deep, full night's sleep. She still felt fuzzy-headed and sensitive to light, which would explain why she had a huge, stylish pair of Oakleys over her eyes in the grocery store. She'd realized that her cupboards were nearly bare, and thus she was pushing a cart around, shivering in the artificially air-conditioned chill, her medium-high heels clicking on the tile floor. Did she really have to have food? She was tempted to abandon her half-full cart and flee for somewhere dark and quiet, but she tried to persevere.

oranges are good )

Jan. 13th, 2010


Monday: Banishing

Who: Ashley and Liam
Where: Juicy Java
When: late afternoon

"Y'all wanna scram?" Ashley mumbled, hoping nobody passing on the street would overhear her. Nobody actually alive, that was. Ever since about twelve-thirty or so, she'd been pursued by four ghosts. She'd begun to feel very peculiar at about noon, when she'd left her house to go shopping, and before she knew it, she had the spirits clinging to her like lost puppies. "Please?" she begged them. Had she summoned them without realizing it? At first she'd thought she was getting sick, maybe, but as the ghosts attached themselves to her, she'd started to think it was something to do with her umbrancy.

The three men and one woman of varying ages seemed to ignore her request, and they were making her nervous the way they wouldn't leave her alone. She hurried on toward her destination, which was Juicy Java, where she thought Liam was probably working. Maybe the spirits would detach once she went inside. She pushed through the door when she reached it and glanced around, probably looking a bit wild-eyed.

right then, she was thinking that her crazy stuff was a lot more crazy than Liam's )

Dec. 19th, 2009


Saturday: Spelling It Out

Who: Liam and Ashley
When: evening
Where: Vapor

Ashley'd been having an incredible time so far, just as she'd expected. It was such a rush to be in the DJ booth running the sound, choosing every nuance of what was played, dancing and completely immersing herself in the lights and the music and the buzz of the crowd. She actually hadn't wanted to leave the booth when it was time for her to take a break and then switch to bartending, but she'd forced herself. She knew Cordy was going to be here, and Liam, and she wanted to find them both at some point. She moved through the crowd, smiling charmingly at a guy who stopped her to compliment her spinning (read: wanted to hit on her) and saying a few words and then moving on.

After a quick restroom break, she re-emerged and began to head for the bar when she saw what looked like a familiar blond up ahead. "Liam!" she called out, moving closer to him, her long, sparkly earrings swinging.

try to keep up )

Dec. 11th, 2009


Saturday: Ready, Set, Go

Who: Ashley and Santiago
When: shortly before six
Where: Vapor

Ashley had been psyched for the opening anyway-- as anyone who knew her even slightly could have attested to-- and Santiago's pre-opening pep talk had only made her more so. She slipped through the crowd of other employees once he'd started to walk off, teetering a bit on her five-inch platform heels. She was fully dressed and made up for the grand re-opening, her hair wild and her lips vivid red. She'd selected skintight pants and a shimmery tank top in a metallic blend of silvers and golds and long earrings that picked up points of light every time she moved her head. "You look hot!" she exclaimed, hooking her arm through his once she'd caught up to him.

"I could say the same about you," Santiago answered with a heavy-lidded smile. Most of his smiles were going to be that way tonight, in large part because it showed off his dramatic eye-shadow to do so. He had long since learned the best expressions for particular looks. "I love the shoes." Given he was in knee-high leather boots with a rather large heel, themselves, making the tall cross-dresser even taller, it was easy to see why.

here's to )

Dec. 4th, 2009


Friday: Girl Time

Who: Cordelia and Ashley
When: Evening
Where: Ashley's!

Because she hadn't seen her since their shoe shopping excursion, Cordelia made it a point to text Ashley to let her know she was coming over to hang out, so any male company would have to get their butts dressed and on the road. She had pictures she wanted to show off from the past couple of days, and some girl time was way overdue. And since she was such a good friend, Cordelia stopped by the convenience mart on the way and picked up two pints of ice cream and a bag of gummy bears. Cordy ate pretty healthily all week, so this was her day to splurge.

Grabbing the plastic bag of goodies with one hand and her camera bag with the other, she used her heel to shut her car door before heading up to Ashley's door. Tomorrow was the re-opening of Vapor, so Ashley would probably be busy most of the day and night and Cordelia had way too much to share to have to wait until Sunday.

You're not a slut like me )

Dec. 3rd, 2009


Friday: Too Old

Who: Ashley and Shoel
When: afternoon
Where: Super Smooth, near the beach

Ashley had been in an extremely chipper mood ever since she'd awakened that morning. Tomorrow, Vapor was finally, finally opening again! In honor of that occasion, she'd had her hair done and had gotten a mani/pedi at a nail salon near the waterfront. She was currently wandering along the shopping and entertainment strip not far from Johnson's Beach, trying to decide if she wanted to run over to Java and flirt with Liam, call Cordy at work and see if she wanted to get together later or simply stop into the smoothie shop just ahead for a fruit smoothie. Immediate gratification won, and she turned into the shop, which had an upstairs room where people could sit and look out at the ocean.

"Strawberry-kiwi, please," she asked the counter clerk with a brilliant smile.

necromancer meets umbrancer )

Nov. 9th, 2009


Wednesday: Out of the Dark

Who: Ashley and Liam
Where: the marina, then Ashley's place
When: 7:30 p.m.
Warnings: NSFW

So far the party at Sandpiper Marina was excellent. Ashley and Liam had been there since the band had started playing at 6:30, and she'd been forcing the boy to dance with her. She'd been pleased when he'd agreed to come along with her to the party when she'd asked him the other day, and she had full intentions of dragging him to her apartment after; she figured he might be ready to go once it started getting dark out. Not that she was going to make a point of mentioning that or even acting like she remembered, but... yes.

She reached for his hand and reeled him in as they were moving to the music, getting him close enough so he could hear her. "Am I tirin' you out yet, cher?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

remind me why we didn't do this sooner? )

Nov. 7th, 2009


Tuesday: The Club

Who: Ashley and Santiago
Where: Vapor
When: Early afternoon

Not even a downpour like the one that was occurring all over Darkwater could induce Ashley not to wear high heels. Of course, this afternoon said heels were her three-inch heeled black vinyls that just covered her knees paired with her slick, silver-studded black hooded raincoat. She lived close enough to Vapor to walk there, and she was clipping along as fast as she could go, thrilled that Santiago had called her to come and see what he'd done with the club. Sure, she enjoyed working at Java a lot, but the club was where her heart was. And it was about to reopen again! So exciting.

Ashley crossed the street and walked along the curved sidewalk, raising one hand to wave excitedly as she caught sight of Santiago standing beneath the front overhang waiting for her.

Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. )

Nov. 4th, 2009


Monday: A Perfect Afternoon

Who: Cordelia and Ashley
When: 2pm!
Where: shopping for shoes!

After lunch with Corwin, Cordelia dropped him back off at his computer repair shop before driving to Ashley's for their planned shoe-shopping date. Cordelia was trying to psych herself up for it. She did need a pair of new shoes, but her footwear admiration didn't really meet Ashley's fetish status. But that was okay. That was what Cordelia loved about Ashley. She always put 110% into everything she enjoyed. Passionate, was what most people would call it. Or crazy.

Pulling up in front of Ashley's place, Cordelia laid on the horn twice for her friend to hear.

of hot guys and high heels )

Oct. 24th, 2009


Sunday: Adventures in the Dark

Who: Ashley and Liam
Where: Juicy Java, then Liam's house
When: 8:20 p.m.

Ashley had been behind the counter mixing juices for a large group of teenagers who'd come in wanting their drinks to go. Really, she reflected, it wasn't much different from bartending. Except there was no alcohol and, well, the tips were smaller. If they existed at all. It was okay, though. Vapor was reopening this weekend, finally. Ashley lived to dance, and she did a lot of that when she DJed. She absolutely couldn't wait. She started out from behind the counter and then stopped when she noticed a kid who was sitting in the far back corner with his laptop, very intent on it. And hey, look! One hand seemed to be in his lap.

She rolled her eyes and sidled over to Liam. "You see that kid over there?" she asked, very discreetly nodding her head in his direction. "What do you wanna bet he's watching the Victoria's Secret runway show on YouTube?" Or possibly something worse, who knew? The wireless system's filters were supposed to block serious porn, but they didn't always work correctly.

guess we'll have to figure out other ways of amusing ourselves )

Oct. 23rd, 2009


Sunday: Shoooooooes!

Who: Ashley and Cordelia
When: late afternoon
Where: textland