Jan. 25th, 2012


Wednesday: Restful

Who: Tayne and Jesse (duh <3 )
Where: The church
When: Late evening

After dropping his things off at the house, and stopping long enough to grab a bite to eat to hopefully quell his uneasy stomach from the boat ride back, Tayne made his weary way to the church to make sure nothing had been disturbed in his absence. He'd had one of the local parishioners locking and unlocking the sanctuary during the day, and checking to make sure everything was as it should be, but he wanted to make sure for himself.

Besides, maybe he could find some measure of peace in there, at least enough to let him sleep tonight. His sleep the night before, though exhausted, had been restless, and what he remembered of his dreams had been unpleasant. Jesse had been there, too, and that only made him feel worse.

So he headed through the familiar double doors, pushing one open, and flicked on the lights, so the room was illuminated by more than candles and reflected streetlights through the windows.

The sanctuary and the company. )